A brief guide to using vagrant-aws

CCHits was recently asked to move it’s media to another host, and while we were doing that we noticed that many of the Monthly shows were broken in one way or another…

Cue a massive rebuild attempt!

We already have a “ShowRunner” script, which we use with a simple Vagrant machine, and I knew you can use other hypervisor “providers”, and I used to use AWS to build the shows, so why not wrap the two parts together?

Firstly, I installed the vagrant-aws plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Next I amended my Vagrantfile with the vagrant-aws values mentioned in the plugin readme:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
    config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    config.vm.box = "ShowMaker"
    aws.tags = { 'Name' => 'ShowMaker' }
    config.vm.box_url = "https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box"
    # AWS Credentials:
    aws.access_key_id = "DECAFBADDECAFBADDECAF"
    aws.secret_access_key = "DeadBeef1234567890+AbcdeFghijKlmnopqrstu"
    aws.keypair_name = "TheNameOfYourSSHKeyInTheEC2ManagementPortal"
    # AWS Location:
    aws.region = "us-east-1"
    aws.region_config "us-east-1", :ami => "ami-c29e1cb8" # If you pick another region, use the relevant AMI for that region
    aws.instance_type = "t2.micro" # Scale accordingly
    aws.security_groups = [ "sg-1234567" ] # Note this *MUST* be an SG ID not the name
    aws.subnet_id = "subnet-decafbad" # Pick one subnet from https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home
    # AWS Storage:
    aws.block_device_mapping = [{
      'DeviceName' => "/dev/sda1",
      'Ebs.VolumeSize' => 8, # Size in GB
      'Ebs.DeleteOnTermination' => true,
      'Ebs.VolumeType' => "GP2", # General performance - you might want something faster
    # SSH:
    override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
    override.ssh.private_key_path = "/home/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa" # or the SSH key you've generated
    # /vagrant directory - thanks to https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/issues/5401
    override.nfs.functional = false # It tries to use NFS - use RSYNC instead
  config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "./run_setup.sh"
  config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", path: "./run_showmaker.sh"

Of course, if you try to put this into your Github repo, it’s going to get pillaged and you’ll be spending lots of money on monero mining very quickly… so instead, I spotted this which you can do to separate out your credentials:

At the top of the Vagrantfile, add these two lines:

require_relative 'settings_aws.rb'
include SettingsAws

Then, replace the lines where you specify a “secret”, like this:

    aws.access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    aws.secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_KEY

Lastly, create a file “settings_aws.rb” in the same path as your Vagrantfile, that looks like this:

module SettingsAws
    AWS_SECRET_KEY = "DeadBeef1234567890+AbcdeFghijKlmnopqrstu"

This file then can be omitted from your git repository using a .gitignore file.

Running Streisand to provide VPN services on my home server

A few months ago I was a guest on The Ubuntu Podcast, where I mentioned that I use Streisand to terminate my VPN connections. I waffled and blathered a bit about how I set it up, but in the end it comes down to this:

  1. Install Virtualbox on my Ubuntu server. Include the “Ext Pack”.
  2. Install Vagrant on my Ubuntu server.
  3. Clone the Streisand Github repository to my Ubuntu server.
  4. Enter that cloned repository, and edit the Vagrantfile as follows:
    1. Add the line “config.vm.boot_timeout = 65535” after the one starting “config.vm.box”.
    2. Change the streisand.vm.hostname line to be an appropriate hostname for my network, and add on the following line (replace “eth0” with the attached interface on your network and “” with an unallocated static IP address from your network):
      streisand.vm.network "public_network", bridge: "eth0", ip: "", :use_dhcp_assigned_default_route => false
    3. Add a “routing” line, as follows (replace with your router IP address):
      streisand.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "ip route add via ; ip route add via"
    4. Comment out the line “streisand_client_test => true”
    5. Amend the line “streisand_ipv4_address” to reflect the IP address you’ve put above in 4.2.
    6. Remove the block starting “config.vm.define streisand-client do |client|”
  5. Run “vagrant up” in that directory to start the virtual machine. Once it’s finished starting, there will be a folder called “Generated Docs” – open the .html file to see what credentials you must use to access the server. Follow it’s instructions.
  6. Once it’s completed, you should open ports on your router to the IP address you’ve specified. Typically, at least, UDP/500 and UDP/4500 for the IPsec service, UDP/636 for the OpenVPN service and TCP/4443 for the OpenConnect service.

Running Google MusicManager for two profiles

I’ve previously made mention of my addiction to Google Play Music… but I was called out recently, and asked about the script I used at the time. I’m sorry to say that I have had some issues with it, and instead, have resorted to using X forwarding. Here’s how I do it.

I create a user account for that other person (note, GMM will only let you upload to 3 accounts using this method. For any more, you’ll need a virtual machine!).

I then create an SSH public/private key with no passphrase.

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -N “” -C “$(whoami)@localhost” -f ~/.ssh/gmm.id_rsa

I write the public key into that new user’s .ssh/authorized_keys, by running:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/gmm.id_rsa bloggsf@localhost

I will be prompted for the password of that account.

Finally, I create this script:

This is then added to the startup tasks of my headless-but-running-a-desktop machine.

Use your Debian System with as an iBeacon for Home Automation

I have been using the Home-Assistant application at home to experiment with Home Automation.

One thing I’ve found is that the Raspberry Pi is perfect for a few of the monitoring things that I wanted it to do (see also https://github.com/JonTheNiceGuy/home-assistant-configs for more details of what I’m doing there!).

I’m using the OwnTracks application to talk to an MQTT server, but I could also do with it knowing where I am in the house, so I looked around for some details on iBeacons.

iBeacon is an Apple standard, but it’s very easy to configure on Linux systems. I took some pointers from this article and wrote up a script to turn on the iBeacon on my Raspbian Raspberry Pi 3.

Configuring the Script

When you first run it as root, it will pre-populate a config file in /etc/iBeacon.conf. Edit it and run the script again.

Running the script

This script needs to be run as root, so to test it, or to reconfigure the beacon, run sudo /root/iBeacon.sh (or wherever you put it!)

Making it persistent

To be honest, at this point, I’d probably just stick this into my root Crontab file by adding this line:

@reboot /root/iBeacon.sh | logger

Again, replace /root/iBeacon.sh with wherever you put it!

Please visit this link to see the script and make suggestions on improvements.