A brief guide to using vagrant-aws

CCHits was recently asked to move it’s media to another host, and while we were doing that we noticed that many of the Monthly shows were broken in one way or another…

Cue a massive rebuild attempt!

We already have a “ShowRunner” script, which we use with a simple Vagrant machine, and I knew you can use other hypervisor “providers”, and I used to use AWS to build the shows, so why not wrap the two parts together?

Firstly, I installed the vagrant-aws plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Next I amended my Vagrantfile with the vagrant-aws values mentioned in the plugin readme:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
    config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    config.vm.box = "ShowMaker"
    aws.tags = { 'Name' => 'ShowMaker' }
    config.vm.box_url = "https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box"
    # AWS Credentials:
    aws.access_key_id = "DECAFBADDECAFBADDECAF"
    aws.secret_access_key = "DeadBeef1234567890+AbcdeFghijKlmnopqrstu"
    aws.keypair_name = "TheNameOfYourSSHKeyInTheEC2ManagementPortal"
    # AWS Location:
    aws.region = "us-east-1"
    aws.region_config "us-east-1", :ami => "ami-c29e1cb8" # If you pick another region, use the relevant AMI for that region
    aws.instance_type = "t2.micro" # Scale accordingly
    aws.security_groups = [ "sg-1234567" ] # Note this *MUST* be an SG ID not the name
    aws.subnet_id = "subnet-decafbad" # Pick one subnet from https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home
    # AWS Storage:
    aws.block_device_mapping = [{
      'DeviceName' => "/dev/sda1",
      'Ebs.VolumeSize' => 8, # Size in GB
      'Ebs.DeleteOnTermination' => true,
      'Ebs.VolumeType' => "GP2", # General performance - you might want something faster
    # SSH:
    override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
    override.ssh.private_key_path = "/home/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa" # or the SSH key you've generated
    # /vagrant directory - thanks to https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/issues/5401
    override.nfs.functional = false # It tries to use NFS - use RSYNC instead
  config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "./run_setup.sh"
  config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", path: "./run_showmaker.sh"

Of course, if you try to put this into your Github repo, it’s going to get pillaged and you’ll be spending lots of money on monero mining very quickly… so instead, I spotted this which you can do to separate out your credentials:

At the top of the Vagrantfile, add these two lines:

require_relative 'settings_aws.rb'
include SettingsAws

Then, replace the lines where you specify a “secret”, like this:

    aws.access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    aws.secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_KEY

Lastly, create a file “settings_aws.rb” in the same path as your Vagrantfile, that looks like this:

module SettingsAws
    AWS_SECRET_KEY = "DeadBeef1234567890+AbcdeFghijKlmnopqrstu"

This file then can be omitted from your git repository using a .gitignore file.

The Apathy of the Lone Coder

I think I might be having a bit of a mid-life crisis. It’ll be my 35th birthday this year, and I’ve started to realise that I don’t really want to do much more of the Open Source’y stuff that I’ve been a part of for the past 10 or so years.

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t me saying I want to hang up my linux user hat, put away the android phone, wipe the PHP manuals from my kindle or return an HTTP 410 code for everything I’ve ever published… but it’s getting close.

The rot has been setting in for some time.

November 2011 was the “first birthday” of CCHits.net – I’d planned to have my site-wide re-write of the whole code base ready for the birthday, but frankly, I’d massively underestimated the amount of work involved, so it wasn’t ready for November. As it was, a critical failure on my web host prompted me to “make” the rewrite work in April – nearly half a year after it was supposed to be in by. I’m not at all happy with the site layout, the way the tracks are build, the lack of adoption of the service by any other podcasters than the three who currently submit to the site (no criticisms there for anyone else, just a frustration really) and, well, the fact it never really achieved the vision I had for it.

In April, I helped to organise UCubed – a one day unconference about Linux and Open Source [1], held at MadLab, Manchester. We put less effort into organising it than we had the last few times, I pretty much wimped out on the day, taking my son to his swimming lesson (which meant leaving two hours after the event started, and returning an hour before it finished), and after the event, I felt like all I’d done was go to get the refreshments.

In July and August, I pulled a lot of 2 and 3AM finishes to get CampFireManager ready for OggCamp. I had some solid support from a guy called Jack who committed a load of great code to the project, plus loads of encouragement from the organisation team for OggCamp, the big day came, and, well, let’s just say there were issues. Quite a lot of issues really. I missed all of both mornings of talks because I was fire fighting those issues, and on the second day, I was held up as an example of “why not to code something instead of just doing it”. I had a top notch PHP engineer [2] sitting next to me while I was looking through issues, and even though I’ve gone through the theory of how the site works with her before, she couldn’t get her head around it. OK, I was skimming through the code pretty fast and I know most of it like the back of my hand so I knew roughly where code had gone and was going to next but still… code is code, right? Not if it’s crap code with unusual structure, insufficient testing, incomprehensible logic and, well, it’s just crap…

Before OggCamp, I inadvertently became the project lead for something I still don’t fully understand (although I’m a lot closer on it, to be fair): MOTP-AS. An implementation of the Mobile One Time PIN algorithm, written in PHP, tied up to a FreeRadius Server with a pretty web UI to give something a bit like RSA SecurID Authentication Manager server. Essentially, I made some suggestions on how to improve the code, and was told “Well, actually, we were pretty much going to kill off the project after the next release – do you want to take it over?” and I, in hindsight, stupidly said “Oh, OK”. I said that from October, I’d have “loads” of time, and was going to re-write the code base using Object Oriented principals, was going to roll in Unit Testing, PHPDocumentor and, theoretically, move to using a sensible framework to render the whole thing.

The hindsight thing I mentioned there? On the 28th August, my father passed away. I’ve not really talked about it much on Social Media. It’s a pretty hard thing to do, as it may mean airing an awful lot of dirty laundry as a result, but I guess the outcome of that was that I’ve been spending a lot more time away from my home, staying instead at my fathers home where I have been clearing it to sell it, and when I’ve not been away from home, I’ve wanted to spend more time with Jules and Daniel.

The first couple of trips down to my Dad’s house were on the train. I tried to break open a text editor and start turning out reusable PHP which I could form into something in MOTP-AS, but let’s be serious about this, it was like trying to read a book in the same circumstances – you just keep reading the same page over and over again, but nothing “right” comes out the other side. I’ve not had the enthusiasm to even start to look at that project since then.

Everyone I was working with – CCHits, CampFireManager, MOTP-AS – all knew I was offline, and would be “for some time”, but the funk that set in on that train hasn’t shifted yet, and I still can’t work out if it’s something to do with my Dad, or just the fact that I’m not really feeling the code right now.

At a recent PHPNW session, Lorna said (although I am paraphrasing) that most of my bad practices come from a lack of exposure to other PHP developers, and that working as part of a team towards something would help. My day job has nothing to do with coding (and there’s no scope to bring it into my role, and the few times I’ve tried to bring it in, it’s caused me more issues with my work than if I hadn’t) and 5% to do with open source software (the 5% is due to the OS that many of the devices we support are RedHat, BSD or Solaris based). I don’t want to, and can’t afford to make a career change now (aside from anything else, I still love my job, especially what I’m doing at the moment) to get that experience, and I’m getting closer and closer to burning out on the projects I’m involved in – just because there’s no one else who understands it like I do… which is sad.

When I do start to code in the evenings, what I tend to do is think of something I’d like to write (yep, starting a new project will fix *everything* Jon!), open my IDE, try and work out what I want to learn to use this time, and start reading the documentation for it… and not actually start working on the project. And then 2 hours have passed, I’ve done nothing, and frankly I could do with going to bed.

So, how do I beat this apathy folks. Is there anyone out there who can help?

I think if I’ve not sorted something out by June, I’ll close down CCHits.net. It’s been a great blast, but I’m so nervous of something going wrong with the system and it collapsing like a pack of cards… which is a real shame as HPR [3] have just said they’ll be running the daily shows in their Icecast server when “real” feeds aren’t being streamed, that and I love discovering, or re-discovering the music which is played through the system.

Likewise, I think I’ll probably try and find someone to hand CFM over to during OggCamp this year, and if I can’t find someone to hand it over to, I’ll shut it down. Again, it’s been fun, but I don’t need 2 months of sleepless nights and 2 days of sheer panic for something which ultimately could be replaced by a sheet of paper and some post-it notes.

Of all of the projects I’ve mentioned, the MOTP-AS part is most likely to be something of use to me in my day job (which was, in fact, how I came across it… for our lab network), so I might make more of an effort with that, but again, I really can’t see me being happy with it at the end of it all.

[1] It used to be about more than that, but frankly, it’s what it turned into.
[2] Plug for that top notch PHP engineer who, fortunately for me, was happy (or if not actually happy, appeared to be happy enough) to be an observer, a person to bounce ideas off, a muse and cheerleader (sort-of) for those two days of hell – http://LornaJane.net
[3] HackerPublicRadio.net – a podcast network made up from individual posts by the community.

Creative Commons made it easy to start CCHits.net

“It’s always hard to talk about a project you’ve started. The inspiration for projects can come from a hundred different places and none of those are the key to why the project happened. CCHits.net is no different, but this post is here to talk about why CCHits.net (henceforth referred to as “CCHits”) came about and why Creative Commons plays so much of a part in how it all got started.”

To read more – see my guest blog entry on the Creative Commons UK Blog.

Submitting tracks and shows to CCHits.net

I’ve been on a few podcasts to talk about CCHits.net, and people always ask how to submit tracks to CCHits.net. It used to be pretty complicated. Well, ok, not *that* complicated, but enough that it put some people off.

One of the major things I wanted to do with the re-write was to make it so anyone can submit a track to CCHits.net. Of course, it still has this reputation for being a bit difficult to get tracks in there, so I thought I’d document just how simple it actually is!

So, first things first. Go to http://cchits.net/admin and register yourself. CCHits.net uses OpenID for authentication, and I’ve picked three of the major OpenID providers as simple one-click buttons to register and later login with. Basically, OpenID asks the referring site to confirm you are a user on their system, and to return a unique value for you as a user on their service. CCHits.net requests only two details from that provider – your e-mail address (if you have it stored with that provider, and you permit the site to have it – although not all providers will provide that restriction), and a “secret key” which only CCHits.net and that provider know, so the next time you login with OpenID to CCHits.net – it’ll know it’s you coming back.

So, click on a button to login, assuming you have an account on one of the three main services, but if not, you may find this page from OpenID.net to be useful! To ensure the quality of tracks submitted is relatively good, CCHits.net verifies each submitter. This is done by sending an e-mail to show@cchits.net, quoting your UserID (as shown below)

I’ll then probably ask you a few questions, and mark your account to get access to the admin areas. Let’s assume that I’ve let you in!

For the purposes of this post, I’m submitting tracks to the site based on plays from a fantastic new show “Listener Feedback”. These tracks were played on a recent show where they reviewed the album “Doctor X” by “Fresh Body Shop”. They played 3 tracks, and here I’ll walk you through submitting the first of these tracks, and what that gives you.

After you log back in, you’ll get to the “Admin” page. From here you’ll initially want to use the “Retrieve or Upload a track” button, and complete the Track URL, but if you’ve been supplied an MP3, OGG (OGG Vorbis aka OGG Audio or OGA) or MP4 Audio track, you can browse to that file and submit it too. Bear in mind that CCHits.net makes every track it has available to it, available to anyone to download, so if you’ve been given a pre-release track, or the file should only be downloaded from the artist’s website – it shouldn’t be submitted to CCHits.net. We do encourage visitors to download from the originating site, but in cases where the site is not available, or the user just can’t be bothered, they can get the file from the site.

In the above box, you’d put the URL to get to the track and hit “Retrieve”. Just under the “Retrieve” button is a list of sites that CCHits.net currently understands how to retrieve data from – if the url isn’t on that list, you’ll have to upload the file yourself. The tracks at ListenerFeedback.net, while they refer to the MySpace URL for the artist, are actually available from Jamendo.com – so let’s find the first track from the show. The below screen shot shows the artist, album and tracks – the first track is called “Can’t get enough”

Let’s look for it on Jamendo.

Found it! We need the URL from the top there. Copy & paste it into CCHits.net, then hit Retrieve.

In this case, Fresh Body Shop have been played before, so CCHits.net compares a few different things, and asks whether this is the same artist that has been played before. Click “Select this artist” to put the artist into the site.

It’s a bit hard to make out all the details in the below screenshot, but notice there are a few interesting things.

  • Track and Artist names and URLs have three columns to use – “Set Default”, “Add new value” and “Delete value”. To enable track and artist matching, you can specify several alternative names and URLs for artists and tracks – for example, if the artist’s name is “An Artist” and the track is listed as “An Artist’s Debut Track – A Track!”, you should probably add the track name “A Track!”, and make that the default. Don’t remove it, otherwise the next time the track is added (if it is!), it might not be picked up by the de-duplicator. Likewise, if you’ve found a few different places to download a track from, add them all to the Track URLs, but pick one URL as the default – preferably one which the band tends to favour, or which would encourage the fans to donate money to them.
  • There’s a “Track Name Sounds” and “Artist Name Sounds” – these are because the system uses a text-to-speech engine to render the daily, weekly and monthly shows. It can’t just assume that the pronunciation is as-per the title or name, especially if there are abbreviations like “feat” or if this is a remix or version – for example “A Track (2012 Remix)” should be listed as “The 2012 remix of A Track”, or “A Track (feat. Joe Bloggs)” should be listed as “A Track, featuring Joe Bloggs”.
  • Lastly, there’s a “Not Safe For Work” flag. I am a father of a young child, and I want to be sure that any track I play for him is either work/family safe, or I at least know it’s a little raw before he hears it. This means that I’d like you to flag anything which contains swearing, makes reference to drugs or firearms, or strongly suggests sexual activity (including moans and grunts!). This doesn’t mean the tracks won’t be played – far from it, but it does mean that before these tracks are played, a little notice is played to say that it may not be considered work or family safe – it just gives people a chance to skip on for now!

Next to each of these fields is a “Go” button – click on that for each edit you make. If you’re just submitting tracks to CCHits.net – your work here is done! Excellent work, thanks for your help. You can see towards the end of this post what these tracks look like when they’re done. If you’re a podcaster or radio presenter, and want to show you played this track on one of your shows, you should click the button next to “Associate this track with a show”.

We’ll get some details to populate the show details on the site. Here is the Listener Feedback page we want to link to. As a minimum we need the URL for the show, but usually there is also a show title, so let’s capture that as well.

Let’s transfer those details into the “Add a track to a show” page. As this is the first track we’re putting in the show, we need to create the show. Put the details in, and click Go. Later tracks will list the show name and URL as non-editable fields, plus the “Go” button at the end of the line.

And that’s it, you’re done with that track. As I mentioned, this episode featured three tracks, so after submitting all of those three, after each track, you get the next screen shot, listing the tracks in the order you’ve played them (you’ll see why in a bit) including buttons to move them up, down and remove them from the show, an edit button for the track, and a vote URL. The Vote URL can be included in your show notes, if you want to point people back to CCHits.net – obviously, you may not be able to, or you may choose to keep your traffic on your own site – it’s entirely up to you – there are no requirements on you to tell people about CCHits, but you’ll get more from the site if you do (after all, we track vote clicks, so you can see whether your tracks are popular with your listeners from the show page).

Should you list the vote URL, and someone clicks on that link? Here’s what they’ll see.

And if they click “I like it”? Where to find out more about the artist (their default URL) and the track (the default URL), and the show notes for your show. They see the number of votes it’s received and the license it was released under, other shows it has been on, and most importantly for tracks from a show, the tracks which come before and after this one.

If you send someone to just the show page, you can see the show name, the details about the track and an “I like this track” button to vote on it. There’s also a QR code to take the listener to more details about the track but without making them vote on it. It also allows them to send their friends to the track if they like it. I realise this is one aspect of the site which needs some work, so if you’re a web developer and can help out, please get in touch!

If you visit the track, you’ll see the sharing QR code, the links to the track and artist, a vote button, details about the votes this track has received, plus details about the adjustments which are made (you’ll have to click through to the FAQ to find out more!). There’s information about the chart position, about where to download the file from, the license, and where else the track has been played on, and the split of votes for that track on those shows. Early votes on the site were not properly tracked, which is why this track in particular has lots of votes for “Non-show votes”, when they were probably daily show votes!

As an submitter on the same page, you’ll see a couple of other links. Notice the track URL is exactly the same! You get to edit the track with the track editor you saw above, and you get to add that track to your own show. If you inadvertently add a track that has already been played before, the site tries several different ways to catch this, and let you use the previously uploaded track in it’s place, via this very link here!

If you want to see all your shows, from the admin page, click on the “Show a list of the shows I created” button

To see your shows!

I hope you’ve found this useful, and consider submitting tracks to CCHits.net

Getting my head around coding Object Orientated PHP

I’ve been writing two open source projects over the last couple of years. My code has never really been particularly great, but I’ve been trying to learn how to improve my code and over the last few months, I’ve been really trying to polish up my coding skills.

A few months back, I attended a series of fantastic sessions at PHPNW about using Unit Testing, PHP CodeSniffer and phpDocumentor, and how these can be incorporated into Object Orientated code (or in fact, requiring Object Orientated code to implement them).

So, I went back into my main projects and started to look at how I could fix the code to start adopting these tools.

So, the first thing I needed to do was to start thinking about the structure. CCHits.net (which is the “big project” I’ve been working on recently) has several chunks of data, and these are:


Each of these have been broken down into three “things” – The Object itself, a “Broker” which finds all the relevant objects, and a class to create new items, so let’s start with a user class. We’ll define a few properties in the initial class creation.

class UserObject
    protected $intUserID = 0;
    protected $strOpenID = "";
    protected $strCookieID = "";
    protected $sha1Pass = "";
    protected $isAuthorized = 0;
    protected $isUploader = 0;
    protected $isAdmin = 0;
    protected $datLastSeen = "";

By setting these as protected, it stops me from directly setting or accessing these variables from outside of the class – instead I want to do it from a function, so let’s add those in (I’ll just do one – assume these will be copied on to the rest of the values).

class UserObject
    protected $strOpenID = "";

    function set_strOpenID($strOpenID = "") {
        if ($strOpenID != $this->strOpenID) {
            $this->strOpenID = $strOpenID;

    function get_strOpenID() {
        return $this->strOpenID;

In the set_ functions, we already do a little bit of error checking here (is the value already set to this?) but we could add other things like, on the integer items, is it actually an integer, with the boolean values ($is[SOMETHING]), make sure it’s set to 1 or 0 (or true/false).

Now, let’s add some documentation to this:

 * CCHits.net is a website designed to promote Creative Commons Music,
 * the artists who produce it and anyone or anywhere that plays it.
 * These files are used to generate the site.
 * PHP version 5
 * @category Default
 * @package  CCHitsClass
 * @author   Jon Spriggs 
 * @license  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html AGPLv3
 * @link     http://cchits.net Actual web service
 * @link     http://code.cchits.net Developers Web Site
 * @link     http://gitorious.net/cchits-net Version Control Service
 * This class deals with user objects
 * @category Default
 * @package  Objects
 * @author   Jon Spriggs 
 * @license  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html AGPLv3
 * @link     http://cchits.net Actual web service
 * @link     http://code.cchits.net Developers Web Site
 * @link     http://gitorious.net/cchits-net Version Control Service
class UserObject
     * This is the Setter function for the strOpenID value
     * @param string $strOpenID The value to set
     * @return void There is no response from this function
    function set_strOpenID($strOpenID = "") {
        // Do stuff

So, let’s make it do stuff with the database. Firstly, we need to set up a connection to the database. I’ll be using PDO (PHP Database Object, I think) to set up the connection (I’ll show why in a minute).

So, here’s another class – Database, this time it’s using a singleton factory (which is to say, while it may exist many times in the code, it’ll only ever have one connection open at once) – note it’s got hard-coded authentication details here – this isn’t how it actually is in my code, but this way it’s a bit more understandable!

class Database
    protected static $handler = null;
    protected $db = null;

     * This function creates or returns an instance of this class.
     * @return object $handler The Handler object
    private static function getHandler()
        if (self::$handler == null) {
            self::$handler = new self();
        return self::$handler;

     * This creates or returns the database object - depending on RO/RW requirements.
     * @return object A PDO instance for the query.
    public function getConnection()
        $self = self::getHandler();
        try {
            $self->rw_db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cchits', 'cchits', 'cchits', array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"));
            return $self->rw_db;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Error connecting: " . $e->getMessage();

So, now let’s create yet another class, called GenericObject. This will be re-used in all of the “Object” classes to perform our main database calls. Try to move as much code up to your highest level objects – so you could have a “validateBoolean($value)” function that is used any time you set or get a boolean value here… we even mentioned something like this above!

class GenericObject
    protected $arrDBItems = array();
    protected $strDBTable = "";
    protected $strDBKeyCol = "";
    protected $arrChanges = array();

     * Commit any changes to the database
     * @return boolean Status of the write action
    function write()
        if (count($this->arrChanges) > 0) {
            $sql = '';
            $strDBKeyCol = $this->strDBKeyCol;
            $values[$strDBKeyCol] = $this->$strDBKeyCol;
            $values = array();
            foreach ($this->arrChanges as $change) {
                if ($sql != '') {
                    $sql .= ", ";
                if (isset($this->arrDBItems[$change])) {
                    $sql .= "$change = :$change";
                    $values[$change] = $this->$change;
            $full_sql = "UPDATE {$this->strDBTable} SET $sql WHERE {$this->strDBKeyCol} = :{$this->strDBKeyCol}";
            try {
                $db = Database::getConnection();
                $query = $db->prepare($full_sql);
                return true;
            } catch(Exception $e) {
                return false;

     * Create the object
     * @return boolean status of the create operation
    protected function create()
        $keys = '';
        $key_place = '';
        foreach ($this->arrDBItems as $field_name=>$dummy) {
            if ($keys != '') {
                $keys .= ', ';
                $key_place .= ', ';
            $keys .= $field_name;
            $key_place .= ":$field_name";
            $values[$field_name] = $this->$field_name;
        $full_sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->strDBTable} ($keys) VALUES ($key_place)";
        try {
            $db = Database::getConnection();
            $query = $db->prepare($full_sql);
            if ($this->strDBKeyCol != '') {
                $key = $this->strDBKeyCol;
                $this->$key = $query->lastInsertId();
            return true;
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            return false;

     * Return an array of the collected or created data.
     * @return array A mixed array of these items
    function getSelf()
        if ($this->strDBKeyCol != '') {
            $key = $this->strDBKeyCol;
            $return[$key] = $this->$key;
        foreach ($this->arrDBItems as $key=>$dummy) {
            $return[$key] = $this->$key;
        return $return;

Any protected functions or variables are only accessible to the class itself or classes which have been extended from it (referred to as a child class). We need to make some changes to our UserObject to make use of these new functions:

class UserObject extends GenericObject
    // Inherited Properties
    protected $arrDBItems = array(
    protected $strDBTable = "users";
    protected $strDBKeyCol = "intUserID";
    // Local Properties
    protected $intUserID = 0;
    protected $strOpenID = "";
    protected $strCookieID = "";
    protected $sha1Pass = "";
    protected $isAuthorized = 0;
    protected $isUploader = 0;
    protected $isAdmin = 0;
    protected $datLastSeen = "";

    function set_strOpenID($strOpenID = "") {
        if ($this->strOpenID != $strOpenID) {
            $this->strOpenID = $strOpenID;
            $this->arrChanges[] = 'strOpenID';

Notice I’ve stripped the “phpDoc” style comments from this re-iteration to save some space! In the real code, they still exist.

Now we have an object we can work with, let’s extend it further. It’s probably not best practice, but I find it much more convenient to create new objects by extending the UserObject into a new class called NewUserObject. Notice once we’ve set our database items, we run the create(); function, which was previously defined in the GenericObject class.

class NewUserObject extends UserObject
    public function __construct($data = "")
        if (strpos($data, "http://") !== false or strpos($data, "https://") !== false) {
        } elseif ($data != "") {
        } else {
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
                $cookie_string = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
            } else {
                $cookie_string = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            $cookie_string .= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
            $cookie_string .= $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
            $cookie_string .= $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];
            $cookie_string .= $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'];
        $this->datLastSeen = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $_SESSION['cookie'] = sha1($cookie_string);
        return $this->create();

Using the code $user = new NewUserObject($login_string); we can create a new user, but how about retrieving it.

This is where the reason I’m loving PDO comes into play. See, before PDO, when you did a database request, you might have had something like this:

$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
if ($db == false) {
    die ("Failed to connect to the Database Server");
if (! mysql_select_db("database")) {
    die ("Failed to select the database");
$intUserID = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['intUserID']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE intUserID = '$intUserID' LIMIT 1";
$qry = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
    echo "Failed to make Database Call: " . mysql_error();
} else {
    if (mysql_num_rows($qry) == 0) {
        echo "Failed to retrieve record 1";
    } else {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($qry);

Now, let’s assume you’re looking for a few users? You need to do more of those mysql_real_escape_strings and mysql_num_rows() and mysql_fetch_array()s to get your data out – it’s far from clean and clear code.

How about this instead?

try {
    $db = Database::getConnection();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE intUserID = ? LIMIT 1";
    $query = $db->prepare($sql);
    $row = $query->fetch();
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e;
    $row = false;

The most complicated bit here is that you’re having to prepare your SQL query and then tell it what to get. The reason we do that is that PDO will automatically ensure that anything being passed to it using the ? is sanitized before passing it into the query. If you look back at the GenericObject class we created earlier, it uses something like this there too, except there (if you work out what it’s doing) it prepares something like INSERT INTO users (intUserID) VALUES (:intUserID); and then executes it with the values like this: array(‘:intUserID’=>1) and with this you can have some very complex statements. Other code you might spot while mooching through CCHits (if you decide to) looks like this:

$sql = "UPDATE IGNORE votes SET intTrackID = ? WHERE intTrackID = ?; DELETE FROM votes WHERE intTrackID = ?";
$query = $db->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array($intNewTrackID, $intOldTrackID, $intOldTrackID));

By wrapping it all up in a try/catch block, you can get your error dumped in one place, including a stack trace (showing where the issue turned up). You don’t need to check for mysql_num_rows – if the row doesn’t exist, it’ll just return a false. Sweet.

Where it gets REALLY nice, is that if you swap $row = $query->fetch() with $object = $query->fetchObject(‘UserObject’); and it’ll create the object for you!

So, now, with the function getUser (visible at https://gitorious.org/cchits-net/website-rewrite/blobs/master/CLASSES/class_UserBroker.php) it’ll try to return a UserObject based on whether they’re using OpenID, Username/Password or just browsing with a cookie… and if it can’t, it’ll create you a new user (based on the above criteria) and then return you that UserObject.

The last thing to add, is that I wrapped up all the nice phpDocumentor, PHP CodeSniffer functions, plus wrote a script to check for missing or incorrectly labelled functions across a suite of classes. These sit in https://gitorious.org/cchits-net/website-rewrite/trees/master/TESTS if you want to take a look around :)

EDIT 2011-08-25: Correcting some errors in the code, and to adjust formatting slightly.
EDIT 2012-05-05: Changed category, removed the duplicated title in the top line, removed some whitespace.