I was recently asked how to configure VNC for user support across a series of machines running GNOME. I’m in the process of trying out a few different platforms at the moment, and didn’t have my GNOME machine to hand and working right, so I decided to work it out from what I’ve done in the past. Here’s the bulk of the e-mail I sent him to try and help him out. Maybe this will help you at some point.
If you find any errors (especially around the option names in the actual dialogue boxes) please post a note so I can correct this!
On most GNOME based systems (which includes Fedora), you can active “Remote Desktop Sharing” for users.
Go to System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop Sharing (or something similar). I’m afraid I’ve just recently moved my systems to KDE, so I don’t know the exact options, but I believe it’ll say something like “Enable remote connections” (tick that), and “User is prompted to permit connection” (this will be down to policy) and “Remote user needs to enter a password” (this will need some text to be entered).
Once you have these for one system, you can automatically set this for all the other computers.
From the command line, type
gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/remote_access
This will return all the settings you have made. Here’s mine:
view_only = false
alternative_port = 5900
prompt_enabled = false
icon_visibility = client
lock_screen_on_disconnect = false
disable_xdamage = false
mailto =
use_alternative_port = false
enabled = true
disable_background = false
network_interface =
require_encryption = false
authentication_methods = [vnc]
vnc_password = &&&&&&&&&&&&
use_upnp = false
(I’ve removed the password for my box)
You can use this gconftool to set the same variables on your computers you’ve already deployed, either per-user, as a default policy for each machine, or as a mandatory policy for each machine.
This article from Sun’s GNOME configuration guide explains how to set variables:
http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/806-6878/6jfpqt2t5?a=view while this is an overview of all of the GNOME configuration tool (including that article):
http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/806-6878/6jfpqt2sv?a=view and lastly, this is how “Vino” the VNC client for GNOME works:
I hope this helps you!
Posted via web from Jon’s posterous