Using the recursive_import.php script for importing photos to the #Horde module Ansel with subdirectories

I have a problem with the excellent Horde module “Ansel” – their photo
display and manipulation application – which I’m

If you have a lot of photos and you want to import the lot in one go,
there’s a script called recursive_import.php – you’ll find this under
/path/to/your/horde/install/ansel/scripts/recursive_import.php and it
takes the following arguments: -d /path/to/directory -u USERNAME -p

I’d been using it thinking it would handle directory navigation a bit
better than it did, by running it as follows:

php recursive_import.php -d import_dir -u fred -p bloggs

Infact, I needed to do it like this:

php recursive_import.php -d `pwd`/import_dir -u fred -p bloggs

This is because the script navigates up and down the directory
structure as it works out the contents of each directory, instead of
handling the referencing properly. I plan to look at this properly
tomorrow when I’ve got a day off, but if I don’t, or if the patch
doesn’t get accepted, at least you know how to fix it now! :)

Posted via email from Jon’s posterous