One to read/watch: IPsec and IKE Tutorial

Ever been told that IPsec is hard? Maybe you’ve seen it yourself? Well, Paul Wouters and Sowmini Varadhan recently co-delivered a talk at the NetDev conference, and it’s really good.

Sowmini’s and Paul’s slides are available here:

A complete recording of the tutorial is here. Sowmini’s part of the tutorial (which starts first in the video) is quite technically complex, looking at specifically the way that Linux handles the packets through the kernel. I’ve focused more on Paul’s part of the tutorial (starting at 26m23s)… but my interest was piqued from 40m40s when he starts to actually show how “easy” configuration is. There are two quick run throughs of typical host-to-host IPsec and subnet-to-subnet IPsec tunnels.

A key message for me, which previously hadn’t been at all clear in IPsec using {free,libre,open}swan is that they refer to Left and Right as being one party and the other… but the node itself works out if it’s “left” or “right” so the *SAME CONFIG* can be used on both machines. GENIUS.

Also, when you’re looking at the config files, anything prefixed with an @ symbol is something that doesn’t need resolving to something else.

It’s well worth a check-out, and it’s inspired me to take another look at IPsec for my personal VPNs :)

I should note that towards the end, Paul tried to run a selection of demonstrations in Opportunistic Encryption (which basically is a way to enable encryption between two nodes, even if you don’t have a pre-established VPN with them). Because of issues with the conference wifi, plus the fact that what he’s demoing isn’t exactly production-grade yet, it doesn’t really work right, and much of the rest of the video (from around 1h10m) is him trying to show that working while attendees are running through the lab, and having conversations about those labs with the attendees.

TCPDump Made Easier Parody Book Cover, with the subtitle "Who actually understands all those switches?"

One to use:

I’m sure that anyone doing operational work has been asked at some point if you can run a “TCPDump” on something, or if you could get a “packet capture” – if you have, this tool (as spotted on the Check Point community sites) might help you!

Using simple drop-down fields for filters and options and using simple prompts, this tool tells you how to run each of the packet capturing commands for common firewall products (FortiGate, ASA, Check Point) and the more generic tcpdump tool (indicated by a Linux Penguin, but it runs on all major desktop and server OSs, as well as rooted Android devices).

Well worth a check out!

Some notes about Ethernet over Power

I messed around a bit with my network tonight, in order to set set up my Ethernet-over-power (AKA Powerline Networking), and I figured out some things which, while they may not be useful to many of you, this is a bit of a prompt for the next time around.

1) The manager application runs under Windows only (although apparently, there are github repositories where you can get and build a linux application which even lets you set QoS aka Quality Of Service and other such fun things – I’ve not tried them, so I can’t recommend them). If you’ve got more than a matched pair of these, then you’ll need to run the application. I didn’t try running it in a virtual machine – I kept the supplied Windows OS from when I bought this machine specifically for purposes like this.

2) Not all models reset in the same way. If you can’t get them all to reset, connect to them with a CAT5 cable, go to the “Privacy” tab, select “Public network” which will reset it to “PowerLineAV”, and then select “Local computer”. You should then be able to browse across them all.

3) Not all models come with a “password” (sometimes referred to as a DEK). In this case, you also have to plug into these devices to set up their security. If they do have a password, it’ll be entirely in upper case, and even though the application shows numeric characters, in the 4 devices I received, they were all alphabetic-only strings of 16 characters, separated by hyphens.

4) Once you’ve got them all set to “PowerLineAV”, typed the passwords in for the models which have them, you can now set a community wide network password. This could be used to set up several logical segments, but realistically, it’s going to be one flat network :)

I can’t think, offhand, of anything else I need to say right now, but it’s been pretty interesting setting this up, so… hope you enjoyed it!