A medieval helm in gold on a bench at a museum

Fixing 403 errors from ghcr.io with #helm pull

At work, I’m using skaffold to deploy a helm chart which references a ghcr.io repository. Here’s the stanza I’m looking at:

apiVersion: skaffold/v3
kind: Config
      - name: {package}
        remoteChart: oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}

This is the first time I’ve tried to deploy this chart, and I kept getting this message:

No tags generated
Starting test...
Starting deploy...
Helm release {package} not installed. Installing...
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3A{owner}%2F{package}%3Apull&scope=repository%3Auser%2Fimage%3Apull&service=ghcr.io: 403 Forbidden
deploying "{package}": install: exit status 1

I thought this might have been an issue with the skaffold file, so I tried running this directly with helm:

$ helm pull oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}
Error: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3A{owner}%2F{package}%3Apull&scope=repository%3Auser%2Fimage%3Apull&service=ghcr.io: 403 Forbidden

Huh, that looks a bit familiar. I spent a little while checking to see whether this was something at the Kubernetes cluster, or if it was just me, and ended up finding this nugget (thanks to a steer from this post)

$ gh auth token | helm registry login ghcr.io -u {my_github_user} --password-stdin
Login Succeeded

And now it works!

elm pull oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}
Pulled: ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}:1.2.3
Digest: sha256:decafbad1234567890aabbccddeeffdeadbeefbadbadbadbad12345678901234

Featured image is “helm” by “23 dingen voor musea” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.