Using Expect to SFTP a file

Because of technical limitations on a pair of platforms I’m using at work, I am unable to set-up key-based SFTP or SCP to transfer files between the pair of them, so I knocked together this short script using the TCL based Expect language.

set arg1 [lindex $argv 0]
set arg2 [lindex $argv 1]
set arg3 [lindex $argv 2]
set timeout 1000
spawn sftp "$arg2"
expect {
yes {
send "yes\r"
ass {
send "$arg3\r"
sftp {
send "put $arg1\r"
expect {
100% {
send "quit\r"

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There’s no error checking here, which isn’t great, but as a quick-and-dirty script to SFTP files to a box which needs the password each run… it works! :)

Building a WPA2 Protected Wireless Access Extender for Jogglers using Ubuntu 12.04

Shesh! What a lot of keywords in the title!

For those who don’t know what some of those key words were, I’ll break down the title

  • Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, and 12.04 is the version number of the latest Long Term Stable version.
  • Joggler is the name of a device sold by O2 a couple of years ago. It is a re-branded OpenPeak tablet.
  • A Wireless Access Extender is a device like a WiFi enabled router, but it uses the same DHCP pool and should use the same SSID name and WPA2 passphrase.
  • WPA2 is the latest incarnation of the WiFi security protocol. It is currently (at this time, as far as I know) uncracked, unlike WPA1 or WEP.

So, now that we know what I’m talking about, let’s look at what components we will be using today.

  • An O2 Joggler. EBay lists them from between £30 and £100. They originally sold for around £100, but got popular when O2 dropped the price to £50. They are no longer available for sale from O2, hence EBay.
  • A wired network connection. I’m using a pair of Ethernet over Power (or “HomePlug”) devices to let me position this device in a useful place in my house. I’ve had a lot of success with the 200M devices sold by, but if I were buying new today, I’d probably stretch up to the 500M devices, as they will be Half Duplex (like a narrow street permitting traffic only one way at a time), and will loose some data due to interference and “collisions” – where two devices on the Ethernet over Power “network” are talking at the same time. Ultimately, you won’t get the equivalent to 100M Full Duplex with the 200M devices, but should do with the 500M devices.
  • A USB stick. This needs to be 4Gb or greater, but not all devices are suitable. I bought some 4Gb sticks from and found they only actually held around 3.5Gb… making them unsuitable. I bought three 8Gb sticks from, but only used one for this task!
  • A Ubuntu 12.04 install. Actually, I used the Xubuntu 12.04 image, because I didn’t need everything that Ubuntu 12.04 gave me. This is a special non-official build of Xubuntu, customised for Joggler hardware and it’s touchscreen, and is what I’ll be moving all my Jogglers in the house to, eventually, however, the principals in making all of this stuff work will apply just as much to Ubuntu as it would Xubuntu – special build or not!
  • Once installed, you’ll use a combination of VNC and SSH to manage your device, these will be through the X11VNC project and OpenSSH-Server. You should have an SSH client (for Linux/Mac, ssh should be fine, for Windows, use PuTTY) and a VNC client (for Ubuntu, I use Remmina, for Windows, I use TightVNC).

So, you’ve got all your goodies, and you’re ready to go. Let’s do this!

  1. Transfer the Xubuntu image to the USB stick. This is a simple task, and is clearly documented on the site where I got the Xubuntu image from, and involves you copying the image directly to the USB stick, not to one of it’s partitions. It sounds complicated, it really isn’t.
  2. Stick the Xubuntu stick into the side of the Joggler. Get used to that shape, as it’s going to be in the side of that from now on. This is because the Linux distribution needs more than the 1Gb that the Joggler holds internally.
  3. Plug in the HomePlug device – make it as close to the wall as you can make it! I’ve had experience of it being three 4way plug strips away from the wall and it worked fine, but I’ve also had the same HomePlug only one 4way away, and it’s completely failed to work, and had to juggle all my sockets to get it plugged directly into the wall. I think it may be down to the number of “noisy” plugs in the same 4way, but I can’t be sure. Just experiment!
  4. Plug your Ethernet cable between the HomePlug and the Joggler.
  5. Power on the Joggler. It will start up with an O2 logo (or possibly an “OpenPeak” logo – depends on when the device was manufactured)  – sometimes either of these may corrupt or show with a big white block as it’s booting. Don’t worry too much about this, we’ll stay away from the boot screen as much as possible! :)
  6. Once you get to a blue screen with icons on it – this is Xubuntu (well, actually XFCE4, but the semantics are moot really). Click on the blue spot in the top left corner of the screen – it may be a little fiddly – and select Ubuntu Software Centre.
  7. Open the “Florence” keyboard – found by pressing the small grid icon near the clock in the top right corner of the screen. If you struggle with this keyboard (I did), you may find it easier to use the “OnBoard” keyboard, found through the applications menu (again, via the blue button in the top corner).
  8. Select the Search box in the Software Centre and search for OpenSSH-Server. Click on the only entry which comes back (you need to search for the exact term) and then click install. While that’s installing, click on the two arrows icon in the top right corner, and select Connection Information. Make a note of the IP address you have received. Once it’s finished installing you can move away to something a little more comfortable to work on your Joggler!
  9. SSH to your Joggler’s IP address – the username for the device is “joggler” and the password is also “joggler”. All of the following you’ll need to be root for. I always use the following line to become root:
    sudo su -
  10. The wireless driver that is installed by default on the Jogglers don’t support “Master” mode – the mode you need to be a wifi access point or extender, so you’ll need to change the wireless driver. Thanks to this post, we know that you edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/joggler.conf and move the comment symbol (#) from before the line blacklist rt2870sta to the line blacklist rt2800usb. It should look like this after you’re done:
    # blacklist rt2800usb
    blacklist rt2870sta
  11. We need to bridge the wlan0 and eth0 interfaces.
    1. Install bridge-utils using apt-get install.
    2. Now we’ll start to configure the bridge. Edit /etc/network/interfaces to create your bridge interfaces.
      auto lo
      iface lo inet loopback
      auto eth0
      iface eth0 inet manual
      auto wlan0
      iface wlan0 inet manual
          pre-up service hostapd start
          post-up brctl addif br0 wlan0
      auto br0
      iface br0 inet dhcp
          bridge_ports eth0 wlan0
          pre-up iptables-restore -c < /etc/iptables.rules
          post-down iptables-save -c > /etc/iptables.rules

      If you want to use a static IP address instead of a DHCP one, then change the last block (auto br0; iface br0 inet dhcp) to the following (this assumes your network is a 192.168.0/24 with .1 as your router to the outside world):

      auto br0
      iface br0 inet static
          bridge_ports eth0 wlan0
    3. Setup /etc/sysctl.conf to permit forwarding of packets. Find, and remove the comment symbol (#) from the line which looks like this:
      # net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    4. Create your initial /etc/iptables.rules (this is based on details from this page) and then “restore” them using iptables.
      :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
      :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0]
      :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1:81]
      -A FORWARD -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
      -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
      -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT
    5. Check the iptables have restored properly by running iptables -L -v which should return the following data:
      # iptables -L -v
      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
      Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
          0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
          0     0 DROP       all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             state INVALID
          0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  wlan0  eth0    anywhere             anywhere
          0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  eth0   wlan0   anywhere             anywhere            
      Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
  12. Now you’ve got a bridged interface, and your wifi adaptor is ready to go, let’s get the DHCP relay in and working right.
    1. apt-get install dhcp3-relay
    2. It’ll ask you where to forward the DHCP requests to – that is your current gateway – if you have your network as with the gateway as .1, then it should be
    3. Next, it’ll ask which interfaces to listen on – this is br0.
    4. The last screen asks for some options to configure – this is “-m forward” (without the quote marks).
  13. Last thing to do, we need to configure something to listen on the wifi interface to provide the Access Point facility to your device. This is “hostapd”.
    1. apt-get install hostapd
    2. zcat /usr/share/doc/hostapd/examples/hostapd.conf.gz > /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    3. Edit /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf replacing the following config items:
      FROM: # driver = hostapd
      TO:   driver = nl80211
      FROM: #country_code = US
      TO:   country_code = GB
      FROM: hw_mode = a
      TO:   hw_mode = g
      FROM: channel = 60
      TO:   channel = 12
      FROM: #ieee80211n = 1
      TO:   ieee80211n = 1
      FROM: #wpa = 1
      TO:   wpa = 2
      FROM: #wpa_passphrase=secret passphrase
      TO:   wpa_passphrase=MySecretPassword
      FROM: #wpa_pairwise = TKIP CCMP
      TO:   wpa_pairwise = TKIP CCMP
    4. Edit /etc/default/hostapd amending the DAEMON_CONF line to show /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

Reboot, and your access point should come to life! Huzzah!! Initially it’ll have the SSID of “test” (it’s in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf as the config line “ssid = test”) but you should probably change it to the same SSID as your main router. If you do that, ensure your WPA passphrase is the same as your main router too, otherwise your network will get very confused!

So, now you’ve got an Access extender, running Ubuntu… what else could you do with it? Well, I run one of two things on all of mine – sqeezeplay or vlc monitoring a webcam. All very useful stuff, and stuff I was doing with it before it was an access extender!

Installing MOTP-AS under Ubuntu 11.10

Please note, I am having issues with localhost authentication. See below

MOTP-AS is a simple installable two-factor authentication system using the mOTP algorythm for generating one-time passwords. MOTP-AS integrates with FreeRadius to provide the same authentication to log in to managed servers in a consistent manner.

I’ve recently installed this on my Ubuntu 11.10 laptop and on my Ubuntu 12.04 Beta server, and the installation instructions worked on both, so I thought I’d share them with you.

Installing appropriate packages

sudo apt-get install libpam-radius-auth freeradius mysql-server phpmyadmin

Alternatively, use tasksel to install the LAMP server task, then

sudo apt-get install libpam-radius-auth freeradius

Download the latest version of motp-as from

Unpack it.

tar xfz ~/Downloads/motp-as*

Setting up the database

Go into the Setup/MySQL directory of the MOTP-AS directory. Edit motp_schema.sql at the line “CREATE USER”. Change the password from motp to something more secure.

mysql -u root -p < motp_schema.sql

Now update Setup/config.php with the new password you just created.

Setting up the web site

Copy the HTML directory to /var/www/motp (or somewhere else in your web root). You may need to do this either as root, or as a user with permissions to write to /var/www

cp -Rf ~/MOTP-AS_*/HTML /var/www/motp

Note this must be done after you’ve made your changes to Setup/config.php

Setting up FreeRadius

Stop the FreeRadius service

sudo /etc/init.d/freeradius stop


Backup the users file

sudo mv /etc/freeradius/users /etc/freeradius/users.dist

Edit the users file you’re about to copy in

nano ~/MOTP-AS_*/Setup/Freeradius/users

Find the part where it says “/var/www/htdocs/radius-auth.php” and change that to “/var/www/motp/radius-auth.php

Copy in the new users file

sudo cp ~/MOTP-AS_*/Setup/Freeradius/users /etc/freeradius/users

Dynamic Clients

Backup the dynamic-clients file

sudo mv /etc/freeradius/sites-available/dynamic-clients /etc/freeradius/sites-available/dynamic-clients.dist

Edit the new dynamic-clients file

nano ~/MOTP-AS_*/Setup/Freeradius/dynamic-clients

Find the three lines saying “/var/www/htdocs” and replace that string with “/var/www/motp” (I use Ctrl+W, Ctrl+R in nano to do a replace-all.)

Copy in the new dynamic-clients file

sudo cp ~/MOTP-AS_*/Setup/Freeradius/dynamic-clients /etc/freeradius/sites-available/dynamic-clients

Then make that function available

sudo ln -s /etc/freeradius/sites-available/dynamic-clients /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/dynamic-clients


Amend the default script to enable accounting

sudo cp /etc/freeradius/sites-available/default /etc/freeradius/sites-available/default.dist

Then edit it to use the MOTP accounting functions

sudo nano /etc/freeradius/sites-available/default

Search for the line “accounting {” then comment that whole block out with the hash/pound sign “#“. Fortunately in the distribution supplied default file, this only means commenting out a few lines, which are “detail“, “unix“, “radutmp“, “exec“, “attr_filter.accounting_response“, and then the closing “}” for that block.

If you’re using nano, press the insert key (or Ctrl+R if you can’t find that easily) and enter /home/MyUserName/MOTP-AS_v0.7.2/Setup/Freeradius/accounting (amend the path as appropriate). Replace the section “/var/www/htdocs” with “/var/www/motp“.

Save and exit

Finishing off FreeRadius

sudo /etc/init.d/freeradius start

Install your client

Personally, I have an Android device, and I chose to install the Mobile-OTP app from the Android Marketplace. I also, through work, have a Nokia 6303i Classic, on which I installed the MOTP application from the MOTP site.

I’ve heard good things about iOTP for iPhone, although I personally don’t have one.

Configuring MOTP

Go to http://localhost/motp (or

Login with the username admin and password of motp.

Securing the admin account

Click on the red text in “First time configuration

Click on “Change password of User ‘admin’

Enter a new password. Do not set the time or uses section of this page. Click “Set“. Ignore the warning.

Click on “Home

Setting up your first user

Click on “Quick Add” (under “Wizards”)

Enter a username. It should be the username for your Ubuntu 11.10 device.

On the client, create a profile for the device. Most of them create a profile by asking for a seed, rather than a secret, so those will likely be more than 16 characters long – maybe even 20 (Mobile-OTP for Android) or 25 (MOTP Java app).

Once you’ve got your secret (on Mobile-OTP, by pushing-and-holding on the profile name and selecting “Show Secret“, on MOTP Java app, once you’ve put 0000 as the PIN for the first time to initialize it, you get a string “Init-Secret:“), put that into the “Secret” field, and then ask the user to set their pin here – I suggest 1234 initially, as the user can change it to something they want after.

Click OK, then click “Logout” and test authentication. If it all goes OK, they should be presented with “Welcome to the Mobile OTP Authentication Server“.

Under “Settings” they can change their own PIN.

Testing radius authentication works OK

Run the radius testing program, like this, as a user:

radtest username passcode localhost 0 testing123

(This assumes the default localhost password hasn’t changed)

If you get anything like “rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host“, then you’ve failed to configure something properly, or you’ve entered the PIN or code wrong.

Restart FreeRadius in debugging mode by doing the following:

/etc/init.d/freeradius stop
/usr/sbin/freeradius -X

This will produce a large quantity of logs on-screen, so I’d suggest running the test itself from a separate window. Run the radtest command (listed above) again. Look for your error messages. In my case, I forgot to update the line in users, so I saw this error message: Could not open input file: /var/www/htdocs/radius-auth.php

To find where this fault was, I did (as root, in /etc/freeradius)

find -R 'htdocs' /etc/freeradius

And got back: users: Exec-Program-Wait = “/usr/bin/php /var/www/htdocs/radius-auth.php %{User-Name} %{User-Password} %{Client-Shortname}”

That told me the fault was in the users file.

Fix the issue, check it again, and when you get this message “rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host” press Ctrl+C to cancel the test mode of FreeRadius, and then run:

sudo /etc/init.d/freeradius start

Configuring pam_radius_auth.conf

Edit /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

sudo nano /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

Find the line which says “” and replace the shared secret with something you want your server to use. You will also need to amend /etc/freeradius/clients.conf and replace the “secret” in the localhost client there (by default, it’s “testing123” in freeradius).

If you want to use your OTP for all authentication credentials, edit /etc/pam.d/common-auth, or if you just want to use it with specific access protocols, edit the relevant file in /etc/pam.d for the authentication systems you want to use OTP for.

You need to add the following line – either on the line before “@include common-auth” (for non common-auth files) or after the primary comment block for common-auth.

auth sufficient

Open a separate terminal session to your box (especially! if you’re remote) and ensure you can still login with your regular credentials.

Then try a connection with your radius credentials. It should just work! If not, stop the freeradius server and re-run it using /usr/sbin/freeradius -X and see whether you’re getting a different error message.

** UPDATE **

I have noticed that I’m getting locked out when using my non-radius credentials. This is probably due to the placement of the line in the /etc/pam.d/common-auth – it should probably come after the line, but I’ve not tested that yet. I’m also going to try to suggest that there be an optional time-out period on locked accounts to the developers of MOTP-AS.

The second issue I’m struggling with is that I’m getting errors when using the LightDM. I’m getting the following error message in /var/log/auth.log:

pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "spriggsj"

I don’t know if this is because I’m using ecryptfs as well, or because there’s something wonky going on with the common-auth structure I’m using.

Transfer my files using SFTP and SCP only?

A colleague today asked for some guidance around setting up an SFTP and SCP only account on a RedHat based Linux machine.

I sent him a collection of links, including one to the CopSSH project, and he implemented the code on that link, but then struggled when it didn’t work.

Aside from the fact the shell wasn’t copied into /etc/shells (which wasn’t disastrous, but did mean we couldn’t reuse it again later), it was still returning an error on each load.

Doing some digging into it, and running some debugging, I noticed that pscp (the PuTTY SCP) tool uses the SFTP subsystem rather than the SCP command to upload files, so we need to also check that the SFTP server hasn’t been called, instead of the SCP command, and also the SCP command needs to be corrected.

Here follows a script, complete with comments. Personally, I’d save this in /bin/sftponly, created and owned by root, and set to permissions 755 (rwxr-xr-x). Then, set the shell to this for each user which needs to do SFTP or SCP only.

# Based on code from
# Amended by Jon Spriggs (
# Last update at 2011-09-16

# Push the whole received command into a variable
tests=`echo $*`

# Set up a state handler as false

# Test for the SFTP handler.
# The 0:36 values are the start character and length of the handler string.
if [ "${tests:0:36}" == "-c /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server" ]; then
  # Set the state handler to true
  # Configure the handling service

# Test for the SCP handler.
if [ "${tests:0:6}" == "-c scp" ]; then
  # Set the state handler to true
  # Configure the handling service

# If the state handler is set to false (0), exit with an error message.
if [ "$isvalid" == "0" ]; then
  echo "SCP only!"
  exit 1

# Run the handler
exec $use $*

VNC in Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity

I recently bought myself a new laptop. Sometimes though, I want to check something on it on a rare occasion when I’ve not taken it with me. In comes VNC. Under Ubuntu 11.04, turning on VNC support is pretty straight forward.

To turn on VNC, go to the power icon in the top right corner (I think they call it the “Session Menu”, but it looks like a power button to me) and select “System Settings”. Under the “Internet and Network” heading, is an option called “Remote Desktop”. Click on that. Tick the top two boxes “Allow other users to view your desktop” and “Allow other users to control your desktop”. Tick the box “Require the user to enter this password” (and enter a password) and “Configure network automatically to accept connections”. Untick “You must confirm each access to this machine” and select “Only display an icon when there is someone connected”. Close it.

Now, try connecting to your device, and see what happens. I had some issues with Compiz elements not rendering correctly, and found a few hints to fix it. The first says to turn on the “disable_xdamage” option. It says to use gconf-editor, but I’m SSHing in, so I need to use gconftool-2 as follows:

gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/remote_access/disable_xdamage" --type boolean "true"

Personally, I only want to ever connect over OpenVPN to this, so I added the following:

gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/remote_access/network_interface" --type string "tun0"

You may wish to only ever access it over SSH, in which case replace “tun0” with “lo”

Now, I next made a big mistake. I followed some duff guidance, and ended up killing my vino server (I’m still not sure if I was supposed to do this or not), but to get it back, I followed this instruction to restart it. I had to tweak it a little:

sudo x11vnc -rfbport 5901 -auth guess

Once you’ve started this, tunnel an extra port (5901) to your machine, start VNC to the tunnelled port, and then go back through the options above. Exit your VNC session to the new tunnelled port, and then hit Control+C on the SSH session to close that x11vnc service.

A tip for users who SSH to a system running ecryptfs and byobu

I’ve been an Ubuntu User for a while (on and off), and a few versions back, Ubuntu added two great installed-by-default options (both of which are turned off by default), called Byobu (a Pimp-My-GnuScreen app) and ECryptFS (an “Encrypt my home directory” extension).

Until just recently, if you wanted to enable both, and then SSH to the box using public/private keys, it would use the fact you’d connected and authenticated with keys to unlock the ECryptFS module and then start Byobu. A few months back, I noticed that if I rebooted, it wouldn’t automatically unlock the ECryptFS module, so I’d be stuck without either having started. A few login attempts later, and it was all sorted, but just recently, this has got worse, and now every SSH session leaves me at a box with an unmounted ECryptFS module and no Byobu.

So, how does one fix such a pain? With a .profile file of course :)

SSH in, and before you unlock your ECryptFS module run this:

sudo nano .profile

You need to run the above using sudo, as the directory you access before you start ECryptFS is owned by root, and you have no permissions to write to it.

In that editor, paste this text.

#! /bin/bash
`which ecryptfs-mount-private`
`which byobu-launcher`

Then use Ctrl+X to exit the editor and save the file.

The next time you log in, it’ll ask you for your passphrase to unlock the ECryptFS module. Once that’s in, it’ll start Byobu. Job’s a good’n.

Some notes on OpenSSH

At the hackspace recently, I was asked for a brief rundown of what SSH can do, and how to do it.

Just as an aside, for one-off connections to hosts, you probably don’t need to use a public/private key pair, but for regular access, it’s probably best to have a key pair, if not per-host, then per-group of hosts (for example, home servers, work servers, friends machines, web servers, code repositories). We’ll see how to keep these straight later in this entry. For some reasons, you may want to have multiple keys for one host even!

If you want to create a public/private key pair, you run a very simple command. There are some tweaks you can make, but here’s the basic command


Generating public/private key pair
Enter the file in which to save the key (/home/bloggsf/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/bloggsf/.ssh/hostname
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): A Very Complex Passphrase
Enter same passphrase again: A Very Complex Passphrase
Your identification has been saved in /home/bloggsf/.ssh/hostname.
Your public key has been saved in /home/bloggsf/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff bloggsf@ur-main-machine

See that wasn’t too hard was it? Transfer the PUBLIC portion (the .pub file) to your destination box, as securely as possible, whether that’s by SFTP, putting them on a pen drive and posting it to your remote server, or something else… but those .pub files should be appended to the end of /home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys

You achieve that by typing:

cat /path/to/ >> /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys

Note that, if you don’t spell it the American way (authoriZed), it’ll completely fail to work, and you’ll stress out!

So, now that key is on your remote host, how do we do stuff with it?

1) SSH to a console (this won’t try to use the public/private key pair, unless you left the default filename when you made your key)

ssh user@host

2) SSH to a host on an unusual port

ssh user@host -p 12345

3) SSH using a private key (see towards the end of the document about public and private keys)

ssh user@host -i /path/to/private_key

4) SSH on a new port and with a private key

ssh user@host -p 54321 -i /home/user/.ssh/private_key

5) Pulling a port (e.g. VNC service) back to your local machine

ssh user@host -L 5900:

The format of the portion starting -L is local-port:destination-host:destination-port.

Note, I would then connect to localhost on port 5900. If you are already running a VNC service on port 5900, you would make the first port number something not already in use – I’ll show an example of this next.

6) Pulling multiple ports from different remote hosts to your local machine.
This one I do for my aunt! It forwards the VNC service to a port I’m not using at home, and also gives me access to her router from her laptop.

ssh user@host -L 1443: -L 5901:localhost:5900

Here I’ve used two formats for selecting what host to forward the ports from – I’ve asked the SSH server to transfer connections I make to my port 1443 to the host on port 443. I’ve also asked it to transfer connections I make on port 5901 to the machine it resolves the name “localhost” as (probably – a virtual IP address signifying my local machine) and to it’s port 5901.

7) Reverse Port Forwarding… offering services from the client end to the server end.

ssh user@host -R 1080:localhost:80

I’ve identified here the most common reason you’ll do a reverse port forward – if you’re not permitted to run sftp (in case you transfer files out of the system), but you need to transfer a file to the target host. In that case, you’d run a web server on your local machine (port 80) and access the web server over port 1080 from your destination host.

8) Running a command instead of a shell on the remote host

ssh user@host run-my-very-complex-script –with-options

9) If you only want your user to be able to use a specific command when they SSH to your host, edit their authorized_keys file, and add at the beginning:

command=”/the/only/command/that/key/can/run $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND” ssh-rsa ……

This command will be run instead of any commands they try to run, with the command they tried to run as options passed to it.

10) Make a file to make it easier for you to connect to lots of different machines without needing to remember all this lot!

The file I’m talking about is called config and is stored in /home/bloggsf/.ssh/config

If it’s not already there, create it and then start putting lines into it. Here’s what mine looks like (hosts and files changed to protect the innocent!)

Host home
User jon
Port 12345
LocalForward 1080 localhost:1080
LocalForward 9080 router:80
LocalForward 9443 router:443
Host github
User git
IdentityFile /home/jon/.ssh/github_key
User auser
RemoteForward 1080:localhost:80
Host *
User projectowner
IdentityFile /home/jon/.ssh/supersecretproject
Host *
IdentityFile /home/jon/.ssh/default_ssh_key
Compression yes

The config file parser steps through it from top to bottom, and will ignore any subsequent lines which it matches already (with the exception of LocalForward and RemoteForward), so if I try to SSH to a box, and my SSH key isn’t already specified, it’ll use the default_ssh_key. Likewise, it’ll always try and use compression when connecting to the remote server.