I’m working on another toy project to understand a piece of software a little better, and to make it work, I needed to install dnsmasq inside an Ubuntu-based virtual machine. The problem with this is that Ubuntu already runs systemd-resolved to perform DNS lookups, and Debian likes to start server services as soon as it’s installed them. So how do we work around this? Well, actually, it’s pretty simple.
Thanks to this blog post from 2013, I found out that if you create an executable script called /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d with the content:
exit 101
This will stop all services in the dpkg/apt process from running on install, so I was able to do this:
That said, If you’re thinking of getting started with Proxmox though it’s well worth a read. If you’ve *used* Proxmox, and think I’m doing something wrong here, let me know in the comments!
In the various podcasts I listen to, I’ve been hearing over and over again about Proxmox, and how it’s a great system for building and running virtual machines. In a former life, I’d use a combination of VMWare ESXi servers or desktop machines running Vagrant and Virtualbox to build out small labs and build environments, and at home I’d previously used a i3 ex-demo machine that was resold to staff at a reduced price. Unfortunately, the power supply went pop one evening on that, and all my home-lab experiments died.
When I changed to my most recent job, I had a small cash windfall at the same time, and decided to rebuild my home lab. I bought two Dell Optiplex 3040M i5 with 16GB RAM and two 3TB external USB3 hard drives to provide storage. These were selected because of the small size which meant they would fit in the small comms rack I had fitted when I got my house wired with CAT6 networking cables last year. These were patched into the UniFi USW-Pro-24 which was fitted as part of the networking build.
(Yes, it’s a bit of a mess, but it’s also not been in there very long, so needs a bit of a clean-up!)
The Install
I allocated two static IP addresses for these hosts, and performed a standard installation of Proxmox using a USB stick with the multi-image-installer Ventoy on it.
Some screenshots follow:
Note that these screenshots were built on one pass, and have been rebuilt with new IPs that are used later.
As I don’t have an enterprise subscription, I ran these commands to use tteck’sPost PVE Install script to change the repositories.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/misc/post-pve-install.sh
# Run the following to confirm the download looks OK and non-corrupted
less post-pve-install.sh
bash post-pve-install.sh
This results in the following (time-lapse) output, which is a series of options asking you to approve making changes to the system.
After signing into both Proxmox nodes, I went to my first node (proxmox01), selected “Datacenter” and then “Cluster”.
I clicked on “Create Cluster”, and created a cluster, called (unimaginatively) proxmox-cluster.
I clicked “Join Information”.
Next, on proxmox02 on the same screen, I clicked on “Join Cluster” and then pasted that information into the dialogue box. I entered the root password, and clicked “Join ‘proxmox-cluster'”.
When this finished running, if either screen has hung, check whether one of the screens is showing an error like permission denied - invalid PVE ticket (401), like this (hidden just behind the “Task Viewer: Join Cluster” dialogue box):
Or /etc/pve/nodes/NODENAME/pve-ssl.pem' does not exist! (500):
Refresh your browsers, and you’ll probably find that the joining node will present a new TLS certificate:
Accept the certificate to resume the process.
To ensure I had HA quorum, which requires three nodes, I added an unused Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspberry Pi OS.
mkdir /etc/apt/keyrings
cd /etc/apt/keyrings
wget https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/10/rsa.pub
mv rsa.pub gluster.asc
Next I created a new repository entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.listwhich contained the line:
deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/gluster.asc] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/10/LATEST/Debian/bullseye/amd64/apt bullseye main
I next ran apt update && apt install -y glusterfs-serverwhich installed the Gluster service.
Following the YouTube link above, I created an entry for gluster01 and gluster02 in /etc/hosts which pointed to the IP address of proxmox01 and proxmox02 respectively.
Next, I edited /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.volso it contained this content:
Note that this content above is for proxmox01. For proxmox02 I replaced “gluster01” with “gluster02”. I then ran systemctl enable --now glusterdwhich started the Gluster service.
Once this is done, you must run gluster probe gluster02from proxmox01 (or vice versa), otherwise, when you run the next command, you get this message:
volume create: gluster-volume: failed: Host gluster02 is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
(This takes some backing out… ugh)
On proxmox01, I created the volume using this command:
As you can see in the above screenshot, this warned about split brain situations. However, as this is for my home lab, I accepted the risk here. Following the YouTube video again, I ran these commands to “avoid [a] split-brain situation”:
gluster volume start gluster-volume
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.heal-timeout 5
gluster volume heal gluster-volume enable
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.quorum-reads false
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.quorum-count 1
gluster volume set gluster-volume network.ping-timeout 2
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.favorite-child-policy mtime
gluster volume heal gluster-volume granular-entry-heal enable
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm full
I created /gluster-volume on both proxmox01 and proxmox02, and then added this line to /etc/fstab(yes, I know it should really have been a systemd mount unit) on proxmox01:
On both systems, I ensured that /gluster-volume was created, and then ran mount -a.
In the Proxmox UI, I went to the “Datacenter” and selected “Storage”, then “Add” and selected “Directory”.
I set the ID to “gluster-volume”, the directory to “/gluster-volume”, ticked the “Shared” box and selected all the content types (it looks like a list box, but it’s actually a multi-select box).
(I forgot to click “Shared” before I selected all the items under “Content” here.)
I clicked Add and it was available on both systems then.
This one saved me from having to rebuild my Home Assistant system last week! Go into “Datacenter” and select the “Backup” option.
Click the “Add” button, select the storage you’ve just configured (gluster-volume) and a schedule (I picked daily at 04:00) and choose “Selection Mode” of “All”.
On the retention tab, I entered the number 3 for “Keep Daily”, “Keep Weekly”, “Keep Monthly” and “Keep Yearly”. Your retention needs are likely to be different to mine!
If you end up needing to restore one of these backups, you need a different tool depending on whether it’s a LXC container or a QEMU virtual machine. For a container, you’d run:
pct restore $vmid /path/to/backup-file
For a virtual machine, you’d run:
qmrestore /path/to/backup-file $vmid
…and yes, you can replace the vmid=199 \n $vmidwith just the number for the VMID like this:
If you need to point the storage at a different device (perhaps Gluster broke, or your external drive) you’d add --storage storage-label(e.g. --storage local-lvm)
The biggest benefit for me of a home lab is being able to build things on their own VLAN. A VLAN allows a single network interface to carry traffic for multiple logical networks, in such a way that other ports on the switch which aren’t configured to carry that logical network can’t access that traffic.
For example, I’ve configured my switch to have a new VLAN on it, VLAN 30. This VLAN is exposed to the two Proxmox servers (which can access all the VLANs) and also the port to my laptop. This means that I can run virtual machines on VLAN 30 which can’t be accessed by any other machine on my network.
There are two ways to do this, the “easy way” and the “explicit way”. Both ways produce the same end state, it’s just down to which makes more logical sense in your head.
In both routes, you must create the VLANs on your switch first – I’m just addressing the way of configuring Proxmox to pass this traffic to your network switch.
Note that these VLAN tagged interfaces also don’t have a DHCP server or Internet gateway (unless you create one), so any addresses will need to be manually configured in any installation screens.
The easy way
Go into the individual nodes and select the Network option in the sidebar (nested under “System”). You’ll need to perform these actions on both nodes.
Click on the “Linux Bridge” line which is aligned to your “trunked” network interface. For me, as I have a single network interface (enp2s0) I have a single Linux Bridge (vmbr0). Click “Edit” and tick the “VLAN aware” box and click “OK”.
When you now create your virtual machines, on the hardware option in the sidebar, find the network interface and enter the VLAN tag you want to assign.
(This screenshot shows no VLAN tag added, but it’s fairly clear where you’d put that tag in there)
The explicit way
Go into the individual nodes and select the Network option in the sidebar. You’ll need to perform all the steps in the section on both nodes!
Create a new “Linux VLAN” object.
Call it by the name of the interface (e.g. enp2s0) followed by a dot and then the VLAN tag, like this enp2s0.30. Click Create.
Next create a new “Linux Bridge”.
Call it vmbr and then the VLAN tag, like this vmbr30. Set the ports to the VLAN you just created (enp2s0.30)
(I should note that I added the comment between writing this guide and taking these screen shots)
When you create your virtual machines select this bridge for accessing that VLAN.
Making machines run in “HA”
If you haven’t already done the part with the QDevice under clustering, go back there and run those steps! You need quorum to do this right!
YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME NETWORK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATION FOR HIGH AVAILABILITY AND MIGRATIONS. This means every VM which you want to migrate from proxmox01 to proxmox02 must use the same network interface and storage device, no matter which host it’s connected to.
If you’re connecting enp2s0 to VLAN 55 by using a VLAN Bridge called vmbr55, then both nodes need this VLAN Bridge available. Alternatively, if you’re using a VLAN tag on vmbr0, that’s fine, but both nodes need to have vmbr0 set to be “VLAN aware”.
If you’re using a disk on gluster-volume, this must be shared across the cluster
Go to “Datacenter” and select “Groups” which is nested under “HA” in the sidebar.
Create a new group (again, unimaginatively, I went with “proxmox”). Select both nodes and press Create.
Now go to the “HA” option in the sidebar and verify you have quorum, although it doesn’t matter which is the master.
Under resources on that page, click “Add”.
In the VM box, select the ID for the container or virtual machine you want to be highly available and click Add.
This will restart that machine or container in HA mode.
The wrap up!
So, after all of this, there’s still no virtual machines running (well, that Ubuntu Desktop is created but not running yet!) and I’ve not even started playing around with Terraform yet… but I’m feeling really positive about Proxmox. It’s close enough to the proprietary solutions I’ve used at work in the past that I’m reasonably comfortable with it, but it’s open enough to mess around under the surface. I’m looking forward to doing more experiments!
The featured image is of the comms rack in my garage showing how bad my wiring is when I can’t get to the back of a rack!! It’s released under a CC-0 license.
I recently was in the situation where I had two github profiles (one work, one personal) that I needed to incorporate in projects.
My work account on this device is my “default”, I use it to push, pull and so on, but the occasional personal activities (like terminate-notice) all should be attributed to my personal account.
To make this happen, I used direnv which reads a .envrcfile in the parents of the directory you’re currently in. I created a directory for my personal projects – ~/Code/Personaland placed a .envrc file which contains:
This means that I have a specific SSH key just for my personal activities (~/.ssh/personal.id_ed25519) and I’ve got my email address defined as two environment variables – AUTHOR (who wrote the code) and COMMITTER (who added it to the tree) – both are required when you’re changing them like this!
Because I don’t ever want it to try to use my SSH Agent, I’ve added the fact that SSH_AUTH_SOCK should be empty.
As an aside, work also require Commit Signing, but I don’t want to use that for my personal projects right now, so I also discovered a new feature as-of 2020 – the environment variables GIT_CONFIG_KEY_x, GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_x and GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=x
By using these, you can override any system, global and repo-level configuration values, like this:
This ensures that I *will not* GPG Sign commits, tags or pushes.
If I accidentally cloned a repo into an unusual location, or on purpose need to make a directory or submodule a personal repo, I just copy the .envrc file into that part of the tree, run direnv allowand hey-presto! I’ve turned that area into a personal repo, without having to remember the .gitconfigstring to mark a new part of my tree as a personal one.
I’m working on a new project, and I am using Multipass on an Ubuntu machine to provision some virtual machines on my local machine using cloudinit files. All good so far!
I wanted to expose one of the services I’ve created to the bridged network (so I can run avahi-daemon), and did this by running multipass launch -n vm01 --network enp3s0 when, what should I see but: launch failed: The bridging feature is not implemented on this backend. OH NO!
For some of my projects, I run a Dynamic DNS server service attached to one of the less-standard DNS Names I own, and use that to connect to the web pages I’m spinning up. In a recent demo, I noticed that the terraform “changes” log where it shows what things are being updated showed the credentials I was using, because I was using “simple” authentication, like this:
For context, that would ask the DDNS service running at ddns.example.org to create a DNS record for web.ddns.example.org with an A record of
While this is fine for my personal projects, any time this goes past, anyone who spots that update line would see the credentials I use for this service. Not great.
I had a quick look at the other options I had for authentication, and noticed that the DDNS server I’m running also supports the DynDNS update mechanism. In that case, we need to construct things a little differently!
So now, we change the URL to include the /nic/ path fragment, we use different names for the variables and we’re using Basic Authentication which is a request header. It’s a little frustrating that the http data source doesn’t also have a query type or a path constructor we could have used, but…
In this context the request header of “Authorization” is a string starting “Basic” but then with a Base64 encoded value of the username (which for this DDNS service, can be anything, so I’ve set it as the word “user”), then a colon and then the password. By setting the ddns_secret variable as being “sensitive”, if I use terraform console, and ask it for the value of data.http.ddns_web I get
Note that if your DDNS service has a particular username requirement, this can also be entered, in the same way, by changing the string “user” to something like ${var.ddns_user}.
I’ve been working on my Decision Records open source project for a few months now, and I’ve finally settled on the cross-platform language Rust to create my script. As a result, I’ve got a build process which lets me build for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. I’m currently building a single, unsigned binary for each platform, and I wanted to make it so that Github Actions would build and release these three files for me. Most of the guidance which is currently out there points to some unmaintained actions, originally released by GitHub… but now they point to a 3rd party “release” action as their recommended alternative, so I thought I’d explain how I’m using it to release on several platforms at once.
Although I can go into detail about the release file I’m using for Rust-Decision-Records, I’m instead going to provide a much more simplistic view, based on my (finally working) initial test run.
GitHub Actions
GitHub have a built-in Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CI/CD) system, called GitHub Actions. You can have several activities it performs, and these are executed by way of instructions in .github/workflows/<somefile>.yml. I’ll be using .github/workflows/build.yml in this example. If you have multiple GitHub Action files you wanted to invoke (perhaps around issue management, unit testing and so on), these can be stored in separate .yml files.
The build.yml actions file will perform several tasks, separated out into two separate activities, a “Create Release” stage, and a “Build Release” stage. The Build stage will use a “Matrix” to execute builds on the three platforms at the same time – Linux AMD64, Windows and Mac OS.
The actual build steps? In this case, it’ll just be writing a single-line text file, stating the release it’s using.
So, let’s get started.
Create Release
A GitHub Release is typically linked to a specific “tagged” commit. To trigger the release feature, every time a commit is tagged with a string starting “v” (like v1.0.0), this will trigger the release process. So, let’s add those lines to the top of the file:
name: Create Release
- 'v*'
You could just as easily use the filter pattern ‘v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+’ if you wanted to use proper Semantic Versioning, but this is a simple demo, right? 😉
Next we need the actual action we want to start with. This is at the same level as the “on” and “name” tags in that YML file, like this:
So, this is the actual “create release” job. I don’t think it matters what OS it runs on, but ubuntu-latest is the one I’ve seen used most often.
In this, you instruct it to create a simple release, using the text in the annotated tag you pushed as the release notes.
This is using a third-party release action, softprops/action-gh-release, which has not been vetted by me, but is explicitly linked from GitHub’s own action.
If you check the release at this point, (that is, without any other code working) you’d get just the source code as a zip and a .tgz file. BUT WE WANT MORE! So let’s build this mutha!
Build Release
Like with the create_release job, we have a few fields of instructions before we get to the actual actions it’ll take. Let’s have a look at them first. These instructions are at the same level as the jobs:\n create_release: line in the previous block, and I’ll have the entire file listed below.
So this section gives this job an ID (build_release) and a name (Build Release), so far, so exactly the same as the previous block. Next we say “You need to have finished the previous action (create_release) before proceeding” with the needs: create_release line.
But the real sting here is the strategy:\n matrix: block. This says “run these activities with several runners” (in this case, an unspecified Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows release (each just “latest”). The include block asks the runners to add some template variables to the tasks we’re about to run – specifically release_suffix.
The last line in this snippet asks the runner to interpret the templated value matrix.os as the OS to use for this run.
Let’s move on to the build steps.
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run Linux Build
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: echo "Ubuntu Latest" > release_ubuntu
- name: Run Mac Build
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
run: echo "MacOS Latest" > release_mac
- name: Run Windows Build
if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
run: echo "Windows Latest" > release_windows
This checks out the source code on each runner, and then has a conditional build statement, based on the OS you’re using for each runner.
It should be fairly simple to see how you could build this out to be much more complex.
The final step in the matrix activity is to add the “built” file to the release. For this we use the softprops release action again.
As previously mentioned, I use Ansible a lot inside Virtual machines orchestrated with Vagrant. Today’s brief tip is how to make Vagrant install the absolutely latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu boxes with Pip.
Here’s your Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/focal64"
config.vm.provision "ansible_local", run: "always" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "setup.yml"
ansible.playbook_command = "sudo ansible-playbook"
ansible.install_mode = "pip"
ansible.pip_install_cmd = "(until sudo apt update ; do sleep 1 ; done && sudo apt install -y python3-pip && sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pip && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip && sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip) 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/vagrant-init"
“But, that pip_install_cmd block is huge”, I hear you cry!
Well, yes, but let’s split that out into a slightly more readable code block! (Yes, I’ve removed the “&&” for clarity sake – it just means “only execute the next command if this one worked”)
# Wait until we get the apt "package lock" released
until sudo apt update
# By sleeping for 1 second increments until it works
sleep 1
# Then install python3-pip
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
# Just in case python2-pip is installed, delete it
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pip
# And symbolically link pip3 to pip
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip
# And then do a pip self-upgrade
sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip
# And output this to the end of the file /var/log/vagrant-init, including any error messages
) 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/vagrant-init
What does this actually do? Well, pip is the python package manager, so we’re asking for the latest packaged version to be installed (it often isn’t particularly with older releases of, well, frankly any Linux distribution) – this is the “pip_install_cmd” block. Then, once pip is installed, it’ll run “pip install ansible” – which will give it the latest version available to Pip, and then when that’s all done, it’ll run “sudo ansible-playbook /vagrant/setup.yml”
In the past few months I’ve been working on a project, and I’ve been doing the bulk of that work using Vagrant.
By default and convention, all Vagrant machines, set up using Virtualbox have a “NAT” interface defined as the first network interface, but I like to configure a second interface as a “Bridged” interface which gives the host a “Real” IP address on the network as this means that any security appliances I have on my network can see what device is causing what traffic, and I can quickly identify which hosts are misbehaving.
By default, Virtualbox uses the network for the NAT interface, and runs a DHCP server for that interface. In the past, I’ve removed the default route which uses (the IP address of the NAT interface on the host device), but with Ubuntu 20.04, this route keeps being re-injected, so I had to come up with a solution.
Fixing Netplan
Ubuntu, in at least 20.04, but (according to Wikipedia) probably since 17.10, has used Netplan to define network interfaces, superseding the earlier ifupdown package (which uses /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interface.d/* files to define the network). Netplan is a kind of meta-script which, instructs systemd or NetworkManager to reconfigure the network interfaces, and so making the configuration changes here seemed most sensible.
Vagrant configures the file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yml with a network configuration to support this DHCP interface, and then applies it. To fix it, we need to rewrite this file completely.
When I then came to a box running Fedora, I had a similar issue, except now I don’t have NetPlan to work with? How do I resolve this one?!
Actually, this is a four line script!
# Get the name of the interface which has the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"
# Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "${netname}" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
# Set the network to have a metric of 250
nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 250
# And then re-apply the network config
nmcli connection up "$nm"
The last major interface management tool I’ve experienced on standard server Linux is “ifupdown” – /etc/network/interfaces. This is mostly used on Debian. How do we fix that one? Well, that’s a bit more tricky!
# Get the name of the interface with the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"
# Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces
# Create the loopback interface file
echo "auto lo"
echo "iface lo inet loopback"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown lo ; ifup lo
# Create the first "real" interface file
echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
echo " metric 1000"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"
# Loop through the rest of the interfaces
ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
# Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"
Looking for one consistent script which does this all?
# This script ensures that the metric of the first "NAT" interface is set to 1000,
# while resetting the rest of the interfaces to "whatever" the DHCP server offers.
function netname() {
ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//'
if command -v netplan
# Find details about the interface
ifname="$(grep -A1 ethernets "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | tail -n1 | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d: -f1)"
match="$(grep macaddress "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d\ -f2)"
# Configure the netplan file
echo "network:"
echo " ethernets:"
echo " ${ifname}:"
echo " dhcp4: true"
echo " dhcp4-overrides:"
echo " route-metric: 1000"
echo " match:"
echo " macaddress: ${match}"
echo " set-name: ${ifname}"
echo " version: 2"
} >/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
# Apply the config
netplan apply
elif command -v nmcli
# Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "$(netname)" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
# Set the network to have a metric of 250
nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 1000
nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv6.route-metric 1000
# And then re-apply the network config
nmcli connection up "$nm"
elif command -v ifup
# Get the name of the interface with the IP address
# Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces
# Create the loopback interface file
echo "auto lo"
echo "iface lo inet loopback"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown lo ; ifup lo
# Create the first "real" interface file
echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
echo " metric 1000"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"
# Loop through the rest of the interfaces
ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
# Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"
I’ve been using HashiCorp’s Vagrant with Oracle’s VirtualBox for several years (probably since 2013, if my blog posts are anything to go by), and I’ve always been pretty comfortable with how it works.
This said, when using a Windows machine running Microsoft’s Hyper-V (built into Windows since Windows 7/2018) VirtualBox is unable (by default) to run 64 bit virtual machines (thanks to Hyper-V “stealing” the VT-x/AMD-V bit from the BIOS/EFI).
Around last year or maybe even the year before, Microsoft introduced a “Hypervisior Platform” add-on, which lets VirtualBox run 64 bit machines on a Hyper-V host (more on this later). HOWEVER, it is much slower than in native mode, and can often freeze on booting…
Meanwhile, Vagrant, (a configuration file that acts as a wrapper around various hypervisors, using VirtualBox by default) boots machines in a “headless” mode by default, so you can’t see the freezing.
I’m trying to use an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine for various builds I’m creating, and found that I’d get a few issues on boot, so let’s get these sorted out.
VirtualBox can’t start 64bit virtual machines when Hyper-V is installed.
You need to confirm that certain Windows features are enabled, including “Hyper-V” and “Windows Hypervisor Platform”. Confirm you’re running at least Windows 10 version 1803 which is the first release with the “Windows Hypervisor Platform”.
GUI mode
Run winver to bring up this box. Confirm the version number is greater than 1803. Mine is 1909.
A screenshot of the “winver” command, highlighting the version number, which in this case shows 1909, but needs to show at least 1803.
Right click on the start menu, and select “Apps and Features”. Click on “Programs and Features”.
The settings panel found by right clicking the “Start Menu” and selecting “Apps and Features”. Note the desired next step – “Programs and Features” is highlighted.
In the “Programs and Features” window, click on “Turn Windows Features on or off”. Note the shield icon here indicates that administrative access is required, and you may be required to authenticate to the machine to progress past this stage.
A fragment of the “Programs and Features” window, with the “Turn Windows features on or off” link highlighted.
Next, ensure that the following “Windows Features” are enabled; “Hyper-V”, “Virtual Machine Platform” and “Windows Hypervisor Platform”. Click on “OK” to install these features, if they’re not already installed.
A screen capture of the “Turn Windows features on or off” dialogue box, with certain features obscured and others highlighted.
Note that once you’ve pressed “OK”, you’ll likely need to reboot your machine, if any of these features were not already installed.
CLI mode
Right click on the start menu, and start an Administrative Powershell session.
Run the command Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsVersion. You should get a response which looks like this:
Note that the version number needs to be greater than 1803.
Next, find the names of the features you need to install. These features have region specific names, so outside EN-GB, these names may not match your requirements!
Run the command Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -online | select FeatureName,State and you’re looking for the following lines (this has been cropped to just what you need):
FeatureName State
----------- -----
HypervisorPlatform Enabled
VirtualMachinePlatform Enabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-All Enabled
If any of these three features are not enabled, run Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -online -FeatureName x where “x” is the name of the feature, listed in the above text block, you want to install. For example: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -online -FeatureName HypervisorPlatform,VirtualMachinePlatform,Microsoft-Hyper-V-All. If you run this when they’re already enabled, it should return RestartNeeded : False, but otherwise you’re likely to need to reboot.
After the reboot
After you’ve rebooted, and you start a 64 bit virtual machine in VirtualBox, you’ll see this icon in the bottom corner.
A screen grab of the VirtualBox Status Bar, highlighting the “Slow Mode” icon representing the CPU
Booting the Virtual Machine with Vagrant fails because it takes too long to boot
This was historically a big issue with Vagrant and VirtualBox, particularly with Windows Vagrant boxes, but prior to the Hyper-V/VirtualBox solution, it’d been largely fixed (or at least, I wasn’t seeing it!) There is a “standard” timeout for booting a Virtual Machine, I think at approximately 5 minutes, but I might be wrong. To make this “issue” stop occurring, add this config.vm.boot_timeout = 0 line to your Vagrantfile, like this:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.boot_timeout = 0
This says to Vagrant, don’t worry how long it takes to boot, just keep waiting until it does. Yes, it will be slower, but it should get there in the end!
Booting the Virtual Maching with Vagrant does not fail, but it never authenticates with your Private Key.
Your VM may sit at this block for quite a while:
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
If this occurs, you may find that your virtual machine has hung during the boot process… but weirdly, a simple work-around to this is to ensure that the VirtualBox GUI is open, and that you’ve got a block like this (config.vm.provider / vb.gui=true / end) in your Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = true
This forces VirtualBox to open a window with your Virtual Machine’s console on it (much like having a monitor attached to real hardware). You don’t need to interact with it, but any random hangs or halts on your virtual machine may be solved just by bringing this window, or the VirtualBox Machines GUI, to the foreground.
Sometimes you may see, when this happens, a coredump or section of kernel debugging code on the console. Don’t worry about this!
Vagrant refuses to SSH to your virtual machine when using the vagrant ssh command.
Provisioning works like a treat, and you can SSH into the virtual machine from any other environment, but, when you run vagrant ssh, you get an error about keys not being permitted or usable. This is fixable by adding a single line, either to your system or user -wide environment variables, or by adding a line to your Vagrantfile.
The environment variable is VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN, and by setting this to 0, it will use bundled versions of ssh or rsync instead of using any versions provided by Windows.
You can add a line like this ENV['VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN']="0" to your Vagrantfile, outside of the block Vagrant.configure…end, like this:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
In my last post in this series I mentioned that I’d got my Raspberry Pi Zero W to act as a USB Ethernet adaptor via libComposite, and that I was using DNSMasq to provide a DHCP service to the host computer (the one you plug the Pi into). In this part, I’m going to extend what local services I could provide on this device, and start to use this as a router.
Here’s what you missed last time… When you plug the RPi in (to receive power on the data line), it powers up the RPi Zero, and uses a kernel module called “libComposite” to turn the USB interface into an Ethernet adaptor. Because of how Windows and non-Windows devices handle network interfaces, we use two features of libComposite to create an ECM/CDC interface and a RNDIS interface, called usb0 and usb1, and whichever one of these two is natively supported in the OS, that’s which interface comes up. As a result, we can then use DNSMasq to “advertise” a DHCP address for each interface, and use that to advertise services on, like an SSH server.
By making this device into a router, we can use it to access the network, without using the in-built network adaptor (which might be useful if your in-built WiFi adaptors isn’t detected under Linux or Windows without a driver), or to protect your computer from malware (by adding a second firewall that doesn’t share the same network stack as it’s host), or perhaps to ensure that your traffic is sent over a VPN tunnel.