Responding to AWS Spot Instance “Instance Actions” (like terminate and stop)

During some debugging of an issue with our AWS Spot Instances at work, a colleague noticed that we weren’t responding to the Instance Actions that AWS sends when it’s due to shut down a spot instance.

We had a bit of a poke around, and found that no-one seems to have a service solution to respond to these events, to shut things down cleanly… so I wrote a set of shell scripts and a SystemD service to react to them.

On the journey, I discovered that there is a metadata mocking service that AWS provides, I learned how to create both RPM and DEB packages with Github actions (still not got them into a repo yet though!) and found that my new employer is really nice because they let me write this and release it as open source 😀

So, if this seems like something that might help you, or perhaps you’ve found a better way of doing this, let me know!

A screen shot of the github organisation for the terminate-notice script (link)

Project logo: Target icons created by Freepik – Flaticon

"Sensitive Species" by "Rennett Stowe" on Flickr

HOWTO: Do DynDNS-style (DDNS) updates with Terraform (without leaking your credentials in the console)

For some of my projects, I run a Dynamic DNS server service attached to one of the less-standard DNS Names I own, and use that to connect to the web pages I’m spinning up. In a recent demo, I noticed that the terraform “changes” log where it shows what things are being updated showed the credentials I was using, because I was using “simple” authentication, like this:

data "http" "ddns_web" {
  url = "${var.ddns_secret}&domain=web&addr="

variable "ddns_secret" {
  default = "bob"

For context, that would ask the DDNS service running at to create a DNS record for with an A record of

While this is fine for my personal projects, any time this goes past, anyone who spots that update line would see the credentials I use for this service. Not great.

I had a quick look at the other options I had for authentication, and noticed that the DDNS server I’m running also supports the DynDNS update mechanism. In that case, we need to construct things a little differently!

data "http" "ddns_web" {
  url             = ""
  request_headers = {
    Authorization = "Basic ${base64encode("user:${var.ddns_secret}")}"

variable "ddns_secret" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true
  default   = "bob"

So now, we change the URL to include the /nic/ path fragment, we use different names for the variables and we’re using Basic Authentication which is a request header. It’s a little frustrating that the http data source doesn’t also have a query type or a path constructor we could have used, but…

In this context the request header of “Authorization” is a string starting “Basic” but then with a Base64 encoded value of the username (which for this DDNS service, can be anything, so I’ve set it as the word “user”), then a colon and then the password. By setting the ddns_secret variable as being “sensitive”, if I use terraform console, and ask it for the value of data.http.ddns_web I get

> data.http.ddns_web
  "body" = <<-EOT
  "id" = ""
  "request_headers" = tomap({
    "Authorization" = (sensitive)
  "response_body" = <<-EOT
  "response_headers" = tomap({
    "Content-Length" = "18"
    "Content-Type" = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
    "Date" = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC"
    "Server" = "nginx"
    "Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
    "X-Content-Type-Options" = "nosniff"
    "X-Xss-Protection" = "1; mode=block"
  "url" = ""

Note that if your DDNS service has a particular username requirement, this can also be entered, in the same way, by changing the string “user” to something like ${var.ddns_user}.

Featured image is “Sensitive Species” by “Rennett Stowe” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Catch and Release" by "Trish Hamme" on Flickr

Releasing files for multiple operating systems with Github Actions in 2021

Hi! Long time, no see!

I’ve been working on my Decision Records open source project for a few months now, and I’ve finally settled on the cross-platform language Rust to create my script. As a result, I’ve got a build process which lets me build for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. I’m currently building a single, unsigned binary for each platform, and I wanted to make it so that Github Actions would build and release these three files for me. Most of the guidance which is currently out there points to some unmaintained actions, originally released by GitHub… but now they point to a 3rd party “release” action as their recommended alternative, so I thought I’d explain how I’m using it to release on several platforms at once.

Although I can go into detail about the release file I’m using for Rust-Decision-Records, I’m instead going to provide a much more simplistic view, based on my (finally working) initial test run.

GitHub Actions

GitHub have a built-in Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CI/CD) system, called GitHub Actions. You can have several activities it performs, and these are executed by way of instructions in .github/workflows/<somefile>.yml. I’ll be using .github/workflows/build.yml in this example. If you have multiple GitHub Action files you wanted to invoke (perhaps around issue management, unit testing and so on), these can be stored in separate .yml files.

The build.yml actions file will perform several tasks, separated out into two separate activities, a “Create Release” stage, and a “Build Release” stage. The Build stage will use a “Matrix” to execute builds on the three platforms at the same time – Linux AMD64, Windows and Mac OS.

The actual build steps? In this case, it’ll just be writing a single-line text file, stating the release it’s using.

So, let’s get started.

Create Release

A GitHub Release is typically linked to a specific “tagged” commit. To trigger the release feature, every time a commit is tagged with a string starting “v” (like v1.0.0), this will trigger the release process. So, let’s add those lines to the top of the file:

name: Create Release

      - 'v*'

You could just as easily use the filter pattern ‘v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+’ if you wanted to use proper Semantic Versioning, but this is a simple demo, right? 😉

Next we need the actual action we want to start with. This is at the same level as the “on” and “name” tags in that YML file, like this:

    name: Create Release
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create Release
        id: create_release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          name: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
          generate_release_notes: false

So, this is the actual “create release” job. I don’t think it matters what OS it runs on, but ubuntu-latest is the one I’ve seen used most often.

In this, you instruct it to create a simple release, using the text in the annotated tag you pushed as the release notes.

This is using a third-party release action, softprops/action-gh-release, which has not been vetted by me, but is explicitly linked from GitHub’s own action.

If you check the release at this point, (that is, without any other code working) you’d get just the source code as a zip and a .tgz file. BUT WE WANT MORE! So let’s build this mutha!

Build Release

Like with the create_release job, we have a few fields of instructions before we get to the actual actions it’ll take. Let’s have a look at them first. These instructions are at the same level as the jobs:\n create_release: line in the previous block, and I’ll have the entire file listed below.

    name: Build Release
    needs: create_release
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
          - os: ubuntu-latest
            release_suffix: ubuntu
          - os: macos-latest
            release_suffix: mac
          - os: windows-latest
            release_suffix: windows
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

So this section gives this job an ID (build_release) and a name (Build Release), so far, so exactly the same as the previous block. Next we say “You need to have finished the previous action (create_release) before proceeding” with the needs: create_release line.

But the real sting here is the strategy:\n matrix: block. This says “run these activities with several runners” (in this case, an unspecified Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows release (each just “latest”). The include block asks the runners to add some template variables to the tasks we’re about to run – specifically release_suffix.

The last line in this snippet asks the runner to interpret the templated value matrix.os as the OS to use for this run.

Let’s move on to the build steps.

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run Linux Build
        if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
        run: echo "Ubuntu Latest" > release_ubuntu
      - name: Run Mac Build
        if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
        run: echo "MacOS Latest" > release_mac

      - name: Run Windows Build
        if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
        run: echo "Windows Latest" > release_windows

This checks out the source code on each runner, and then has a conditional build statement, based on the OS you’re using for each runner.

It should be fairly simple to see how you could build this out to be much more complex.

The final step in the matrix activity is to add the “built” file to the release. For this we use the softprops release action again.

      - name: Release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          tag_name: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.tag-name }}
          files: release_${{ matrix.release_suffix }}

The finished file

So how does this all look when it’s done, this most simple CI/CD build script?

name: Create Release

      - 'v*'

    name: Create Release
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create Release
        id: create_release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          name: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
          generate_release_notes: false

    name: Build Release
    needs: create_release
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
          - os: ubuntu-latest
            release_suffix: ubuntu
          - os: macos-latest
            release_suffix: mac
          - os: windows-latest
            release_suffix: windows
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run Linux Build
        if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
        run: echo "Ubuntu Latest" > release_ubuntu
      - name: Run Mac Build
        if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
        run: echo "MacOS Latest" > release_mac

      - name: Run Windows Build
        if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
        run: echo "Windows Latest" > release_windows

      - name: Release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          tag_name: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.tag-name }}
          files: release_${{ matrix.release_suffix }}

I hope this helps you!

My Sources and Inspirations

Featured image is “Catch and Release” by “Trish Hamme” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"From one bloody orange!" by "Terry Madeley" on Flickr

Making Vagrant install the latest version of Ansible using Pip and run it as root in Ubuntu Virtual Machines

As previously mentioned, I use Ansible a lot inside Virtual machines orchestrated with Vagrant. Today’s brief tip is how to make Vagrant install the absolutely latest version of Ansible on Ubuntu boxes with Pip.

Here’s your Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/focal64"
  config.vm.provision "ansible_local", run: "always" do |ansible|
    ansible.playbook         = "setup.yml"
    ansible.playbook_command = "sudo ansible-playbook"
    ansible.install_mode     = "pip"
    ansible.pip_install_cmd  = "(until sudo apt update ; do sleep 1 ; done && sudo apt install -y python3-pip && sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pip && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip && sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip) 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/vagrant-init"

“But, that pip_install_cmd block is huge”, I hear you cry!

Well, yes, but let’s split that out into a slightly more readable code block! (Yes, I’ve removed the “&&” for clarity sake – it just means “only execute the next command if this one worked”)

  # Wait until we get the apt "package lock" released
  until sudo apt update
    # By sleeping for 1 second increments until it works
    sleep 1

  # Then install python3-pip
  sudo apt install -y python3-pip

  # Just in case python2-pip is installed, delete it
  sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pip

  # And symbolically link pip3 to pip
  sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip

  # And then do a pip self-upgrade
  sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip

# And output this to the end of the file /var/log/vagrant-init, including any error messages
) 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/vagrant-init

What does this actually do? Well, pip is the python package manager, so we’re asking for the latest packaged version to be installed (it often isn’t particularly with older releases of, well, frankly any Linux distribution) – this is the “pip_install_cmd” block. Then, once pip is installed, it’ll run “pip install ansible” – which will give it the latest version available to Pip, and then when that’s all done, it’ll run “sudo ansible-playbook /vagrant/setup.yml”

Featured image is “From one bloody orange!” by “Terry Madeley” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Milestone, Otley" by "Tim Green" on Flickr

Changing the default routing metric with Netplan, NetworkManager and ifupdown

In the past few months I’ve been working on a project, and I’ve been doing the bulk of that work using Vagrant.

By default and convention, all Vagrant machines, set up using Virtualbox have a “NAT” interface defined as the first network interface, but I like to configure a second interface as a “Bridged” interface which gives the host a “Real” IP address on the network as this means that any security appliances I have on my network can see what device is causing what traffic, and I can quickly identify which hosts are misbehaving.

By default, Virtualbox uses the network for the NAT interface, and runs a DHCP server for that interface. In the past, I’ve removed the default route which uses (the IP address of the NAT interface on the host device), but with Ubuntu 20.04, this route keeps being re-injected, so I had to come up with a solution.

Fixing Netplan

Ubuntu, in at least 20.04, but (according to Wikipedia) probably since 17.10, has used Netplan to define network interfaces, superseding the earlier ifupdown package (which uses /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interface.d/* files to define the network). Netplan is a kind of meta-script which, instructs systemd or NetworkManager to reconfigure the network interfaces, and so making the configuration changes here seemed most sensible.

Vagrant configures the file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yml with a network configuration to support this DHCP interface, and then applies it. To fix it, we need to rewrite this file completely.


# Find details about the interface
ifname="$(grep -A1 ethernets "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | tail -n1 | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d: -f1)"
match="$(grep macaddress "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d\  -f2)"

# Configure the netplan file
  echo "network:"
  echo "  ethernets:"
  echo "    ${ifname}:"
  echo "      dhcp4: true"
  echo "      dhcp4-overrides:"
  echo "        route-metric: 250"
  echo "      match:"
  echo "        macaddress: ${match}"
  echo "      set-name: ${ifname}"
  echo "  version: 2"
} >/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

# Apply the config
netplan apply

When I then came to a box running Fedora, I had a similar issue, except now I don’t have NetPlan to work with? How do I resolve this one?!

Actually, this is a four line script!


# Get the name of the interface which has the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"

# Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "${netname}" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
# Set the network to have a metric of 250
nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 250
# And then re-apply the network config
nmcli connection up "$nm"

The last major interface management tool I’ve experienced on standard server Linux is “ifupdown” – /etc/network/interfaces. This is mostly used on Debian. How do we fix that one? Well, that’s a bit more tricky!


# Get the name of the interface with the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"

# Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces

# Create the loopback interface file
  echo "auto lo"
  echo "iface lo inet loopback"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown lo ; ifup lo

# Create the first "real" interface file
  echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
  echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
  echo "  metric 1000"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"

# Loop through the rest of the interfaces
ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
  # Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
    echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
    echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"

Looking for one consistent script which does this all?

# This script ensures that the metric of the first "NAT" interface is set to 1000,
# while resetting the rest of the interfaces to "whatever" the DHCP server offers.

function netname() {
  ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//'

if command -v netplan

  # Find details about the interface
  ifname="$(grep -A1 ethernets "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | tail -n1 | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d: -f1)"
  match="$(grep macaddress "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d\  -f2)"

  # Configure the netplan file
    echo "network:"
    echo "  ethernets:"
    echo "    ${ifname}:"
    echo "      dhcp4: true"
    echo "      dhcp4-overrides:"
    echo "        route-metric: 1000"
    echo "      match:"
    echo "        macaddress: ${match}"
    echo "      set-name: ${ifname}"
    echo "  version: 2"
  } >/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

  # Apply the config
  netplan apply
elif command -v nmcli

  # Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
  nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "$(netname)" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
  # Set the network to have a metric of 250
  nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 1000
  nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv6.route-metric 1000
  # And then re-apply the network config
  nmcli connection up "$nm"
elif command -v ifup

  # Get the name of the interface with the IP address
  # Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
  echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces
  # Create the loopback interface file
    echo "auto lo"
    echo "iface lo inet loopback"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown lo ; ifup lo
  # Create the first "real" interface file
    echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
    echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
    echo "  metric 1000"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"
  # Loop through the rest of the interfaces
  ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
    # Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
      echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
      echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
    } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
    # Bounce the interface
    ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"

Featured image is “Milestone, Otley” by “Tim Green” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Bat Keychain" by "Nishant Khurana" on Flickr

Unit Testing Bash scripts with BATS-Core

I’m taking a renewed look into Unit Testing the scripts I’m writing, because (amongst other reasons) it’s important to know what expected behaviours you break when you make a change to a script!

A quick detour – what is Unit Testing?

A unit test is where you take one component of your script, and prove that, given specific valid or invalid tests, it works in an expected way.

For example, if you normally run sum_two_digits 1 1 and expect to see 2 as the result, with a unit test, you might write the following tests:

  • sum_two_digits should fail (no arguments)
  • sum_two_digits 1 should fail (no arguments)
  • sum_two_digits 1 1 should pass!
  • sum_two_digits 1 1 1 may fail (too many arguments), may pass (only sum the first two digits)
  • sum_two_digits a b should fail (not numbers)

and so on… you might have seen this tweet, for example
Things you might unit test in a bar.

Preparing your environment

Everyone’s development methodology differs slightly, but I create my scripts in a git repository.

I start from a new repo, like this:

mkdir my_script
cd my_script
git init

echo '# `my_script`' >
echo "" >>
echo "This script does awesome things for awesome people. CC-0 licensed." >>
git add
git commit -m 'Added README'

echo '#!/bin/bash' >
chmod +x
git add
git commit -m 'Added initial commit of ""'

OK, so far, so awesome. Now let’s start adding BATS. (Yes, this is not necessarily the “best” way to create your “” script, but it works for my case!)

git submodule add test/libs/bats
git commit -m 'Added BATS library'
echo '#!/bin/bash' > test/
echo 'cd "$(dirname "$0")" || true' >> test/
echo 'libs/bats/bin/bats $(find *.bats -maxdepth 0 | sort)' >> test/
chmod +x test/
git add test/
git commit -m 'Added test runner'

Now, let’s write two simple tests, one which fails and one which passes, so I can show you what this looks like. Create a file called test/prove_bats.bats

#!/usr/bin/env ./libs/bats/bin/bats

@test "This will fail" {
  run false
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]

@test "This will pass" {
  run true
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]

And now, when we run this with test/ we get the following:

 ✗ This will fail
   (in test file prove_bats.bats, line 5)
     `[ "$status" -eq 0 ]' failed
 ✓ This will pass

2 tests, 1 failure

Excellent, now we know that our test library works, and we have a rough idea of what a test looks like. Let’s build something a bit more awesome. But first, let’s remove prove_bats.bats file, with rm test/prove_bats.bats.

Starting to develop “real” tests

Let’s create a new file, test/path_checking.bats. Our amazing script needs to have a configuration file, but we’re not really sure where in the path it is! Let’s get building!

#!/usr/bin/env ./libs/bats/bin/bats

# This runs before each of the following tests are executed.
setup() {
  source "../"

@test "No configuration file is found" {
  run find_config_file
  echo "Status received: $status"
  echo "Actual output:"
  echo "$output"
  [ "$output" == "No configuration file found." ]
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]

When we run this test (using test/, we get this response:

 ✗ No configuration file is found
   (in test file path_checking.bats, line 14)
     `[ "$output" == "No configuration file found." ]' failed with status 127
   Status received: 127
   Actual output:
   /tmp/my_script/test/libs/bats/lib/bats-core/test_functions.bash: line 39: find_config_file: command not found

1 test, 1 failure

Uh oh! Well, I guess that’s because we don’t have a function called find_config_file yet in that script. Ah, yes, let’s quickly divert into making your script more testable, by making use of functions!

Bash script testing with functions

When many people write a bash script, you’ll see something like this:

echo "Validate 'uname -a' returns a string: "
read_some_value="$(uname -a)"
if [ -n "$read_some_value" ]
  echo "Yep"

While this works, what it’s not good for is testing each of those bits (and also, as a sideline, if your script is edited while you’re running it, it’ll break, because Bash parses each line as it gets to it!)

A good way of making this “better” is to break this down into functions. At the very least, create a “main” function, and put everything into there, like this:

function main() {
  echo "Validate 'uname -a' returns a string: "
  read_some_value="$(uname -a)"
  if [ -n "$read_some_value" ]
    echo "Yep"


By splitting this into a “main” function, which is called when it runs, at the very least, a change to the script during operation won’t break it… but it’s still not very testable. Let’s break down some more of this functionality.

function read_uname() {
  echo "$(uname -a)"
function test_response() {
  if [ -n "$1" ]
    echo "Yep"
function main() {
  echo "Validate 'uname -a' returns a string: "
  test_response "$read_some_value"


So, what does this give us? Well, in theory we can test each part of this in isolation, but at the moment, bash will execute all those functions straight away, because they’re being called under “main”… so we need to abstract main out a bit further. Let’s replace that last line, main into a quick check.

if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]

Stopping your code from running by default with some helper variables

The special value $BASH_SOURCE[0] will return the name of the file that’s being read at this point, while $0 is the name of the script that was executed. As a little example, I’ve created two files, and Here’s


echo "Source: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
echo "File: ${0}"

And here’s

source ./

What happens when we run the two of them?

user@host:/tmp/my_script$ ./
Source: ./
File: ./
user@host:/tmp/my_script$ ./
Source: ./
File: ./

So, this means if we source our script (which we’ll do with our testing framework), $BASH_SOURCE[0] will return a different value from $0, so it knows not to invoke the “main” function, and we can abstract that all into more test code.

Now we’ve addressed all that lot, we need to start writing code… where did we get to? Oh yes, find_config_file: command not found

Walking up a filesystem tree

The function we want needs to look in this path, and all the parent paths for a file called “.myscript-config“. To do this, we need two functions – one to get the directory name of the “real” directory, and the other to do the walking up the path.

function _absolute_directory() {
  # Change to the directory provided, or if we can't, return with error 1
  cd "$1" || return 1
  # Return the full pathname, resolving symbolic links to "real" paths
  pwd -P

function find_config_file() {
  # Get the "real" directory name for this path
  absolute_directory="$(_absolute_directory ".")"
  # As long as the directory name isn't "/" (the root directory), and the
  #  return value (config_path) isn't empty, check for the config file.
  while [ "$absolute_directory" != "/" ] && 
        [ -n "$absolute_directory" ] && 
        [ -z "$config_path" ]
    # Is the file we're looking for here?
    if [ -f "$absolute_directory/.myscript-config" ]
      # Store the value
      # Get the directory name for the parent directory, ready to loop.
      absolute_directory="$(_absolute_directory "$absolute_directory/..")"
  # If we've exited the loop, but have no return value, exit with an error
  if [ -z "$config_path" ]
    echo "No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory."
    # Failure states return an exit code of anything greater than 0. Success is 0.
    exit 1
    # Output the result
    echo "$config_path"

Let’s re-run our test!

 ✗ No configuration file is found
   (in test file path_checking.bats, line 14)
     `[ "$output" == "No configuration file found." ]' failed
   Status received: 1
   Actual output:
   No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory.

1 test, 1 failure

Uh oh! Our output isn’t what we told it to use. Fortunately, we’ve recorded the output it sent (“No config found. Please...“) so we can fix our test (or, find that output line and fix that).

Let’s fix the test! (The BATS test file just shows the test we’re amending)

@test "No configuration file is found" {
  run find_config_file
  echo "Status received: $status"
  echo "Actual output:"
  echo "$output"
  [ "$output" == "No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory." ]
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]

Fab, and now when we run it, it’s all good!

user@host:/tmp/my_script$ test/
 ✓ No configuration file is found

1 test, 0 failures

So, how do we test what happens when the file is there? We make a new test! Add this to your test file, or create a new one, ending .bats in the test directory.

@test "Configuration file is found and is OK" {
  touch .myscript-config
  run find_config_file
  echo "Status received: $status"
  echo "Actual output:"
  echo "$output"
  [ "$output" == "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR/.myscript-config" ]
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]

And now, when you run your test, you’ll see this:

user@host:/tmp/my_script$ test/
 ✓ No configuration file is found
 ✓ Configuration file is found and is OK

2 tests, 0 failures

Extending BATS

There are some extra BATS tests you can run – at the moment you’re doing manual checks of output and success or failure checks which aren’t very pretty. Let’s include the “assert” library for BATS.

Firstly, we need this library added as a submodule again.

# This module provides the formatting for the other non-core libraries
git submodule add test/libs/bats-support
# This is the actual assertion tests library
git submodule add test/libs/bats-assert

And now we need to update our test. At the top of the file, under the #!/usr/bin/env line, add these:

load "libs/bats-support/load"
load "libs/bats-assert/load"

And then update your tests:

@test "No configuration file is found" {
  run find_config_file
  assert_output "No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory."

@test "Configuration file is found and is OK" {
  touch .myscript-config
  run find_config_file
  assert_output "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR/.myscript-config"

Note that we removed the “echo” statements in this file. I’ve purposefully broken both types of tests (exit 1 became exit 0 and the file I’m looking for is $absolute_directory/.config instead of $absolute_directory/.myscript-config) in the source file, and now you can see what this looks like:

 ✗ No configuration file is found
   (from function `assert_failure' in file libs/bats-assert/src/assert_failure.bash, line 66,
    in test file path_checking.bats, line 15)
     `assert_failure' failed

   -- command succeeded, but it was expected to fail --
   output : No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory.

 ✗ Configuration file is found and is OK
   (from function `assert_output' in file libs/bats-assert/src/assert_output.bash, line 194,
    in test file path_checking.bats, line 21)
     `assert_output "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR/.myscript-config"' failed

   -- output differs --
   expected : /tmp/bats-run-21332-1130Ph/suite-tmpdir-QMDmz6/file-tmpdir-path_checking.bats-nQf7jh/test-tmpdir--I3pJYk/.myscript-config
   actual   : No config found. Please create .myscript-config in your project's root directory.

And so now you can see some of how to do unit testing with Bash and BATS. BATS also says you can unit test any command that can be run in a Bash environment, so have fun!

Featured image is “Bat Keychain” by “Nishant Khurana” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"2015_12_06_Visé_135942" by "Norbert Schnitzler" on Flickr

Idea for Reusable “Custom Data” templates across multiple modules with Terraform

A few posts ago I wrote about building Windows virtual machines with Terraform, and a couple of days ago, “YoureInHell” on Twitter reached out and asked what advice I’d give about having several different terraform modules use the same basic build of custom data.

They’re trying to avoid putting the same template file into several repos (I suspect so that one team can manage the “custom-data”, “user-data” or “cloud-init” files, and another can manage the deployment terraform files), and asked if I had any suggestions.

I had three ideas.

Using a New Module

This was my initial thought; create a new module called something like “Standard Build File”, and this build file contains just the following terraform file, and a template file called “build.tmpl”.

variable "someKey" {
  default = "someVar"

variable "hostName" {
  default = "hostName"

variable "unsetVar" {}

output "template" {
  value = templatefile("build.tmpl",
      someKey  = var.someKey
      hostName = var.hostName
      unsetVar = var.unsetVar

Now, in your calling module, you can do:

module "buildTemplate" {
  source   = "git::"
  # See
  #   for more details on how to specify the source of this module
  unsetVar = "Set To This String"

output "RenderedTemplate" {
  value = module.buildTemplate.template

And that means that you can use the module.buildTemplate.template anywhere you’d normally specify your templateFile, and get a consistent, yet customizable template (and note, because I specified a particular tag, you can use that to move to the “current latest” or “the version we released into live on YYYY-MM-DD” by using a tag, or a commit ref.)

Now, the downside to this is that you’ve now got a whole separate module for creating your instances that needs to be maintained. What are our other options?

Git Submodules for your template

I use Git Submodules a LOT for my code. It’s a bit easy to get into a state with them, particularly if you’re not great at keeping on top of them, but… if you are OK with them, you’d create a repo, again, let’s use “” as our git repo, and put your template in there. In your terraform git repo, you’d run this command: git submodule add and this would add a directory to your repo called “buildTemplate” that you can use your templatefile function in Terraform against (like this: templatefile("buildTemplate/build.tmpl", {someVar="var"})).

Now, this means that you’ve effectively got two git repos in one tree, and if any changes occur in your submodule repo, you’d need to do git checkout main ; git pull to get the latest updates from your main branch, and when you check it out initially on another machine, you’ll need to do git clone --recurse-submodules to get the submodules populated at the same time.

A benefit to this is that because it’s “inline” with the rest of your tree, if you need to make any changes to this template, it’s clearly where it’s supposed to be in your tree, you just need to remember about the submodule when it comes to making PRs and suchforth.

How about that third idea?

Keep it simple, stupid 😁

Why bother with submodules, or modules from a git repo? Terraform can be quite easy to over complicate… so why not create all your terraform files in something like this structure:


And then in each of your terraform files (web_servers, logic_servers and database_servers) just reference the file in your project root, like this: templatefile("../build.tmpl", {someVar="var"})

The downside to this is that you can’t as easily farm off the control of that build script to another team, and they’d be making (change|pull|merge) requests against the same repo as you… but then again, isn’t that the idea for functional teams? 😃

Featured image is “2015_12_06_Visé_135942” by “Norbert Schnitzler” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

"Router" by "Ryan Hodnett" on Flickr

Post-Config of a RaspberryPi Zero W as an OTG-USB Gadget that routes

In my last post in this series I mentioned that I’d got my Raspberry Pi Zero W to act as a USB Ethernet adaptor via libComposite, and that I was using DNSMasq to provide a DHCP service to the host computer (the one you plug the Pi into). In this part, I’m going to extend what local services I could provide on this device, and start to use this as a router.

Here’s what you missed last time… When you plug the RPi in (to receive power on the data line), it powers up the RPi Zero, and uses a kernel module called “libComposite” to turn the USB interface into an Ethernet adaptor. Because of how Windows and non-Windows devices handle network interfaces, we use two features of libComposite to create an ECM/CDC interface and a RNDIS interface, called usb0 and usb1, and whichever one of these two is natively supported in the OS, that’s which interface comes up. As a result, we can then use DNSMasq to “advertise” a DHCP address for each interface, and use that to advertise services on, like an SSH server.

By making this device into a router, we can use it to access the network, without using the in-built network adaptor (which might be useful if your in-built WiFi adaptors isn’t detected under Linux or Windows without a driver), or to protect your computer from malware (by adding a second firewall that doesn’t share the same network stack as it’s host), or perhaps to ensure that your traffic is sent over a VPN tunnel.

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"raspberry pie" by "stu_spivack" on Flickr

Post-Config of a RaspberryPi Zero W as an OTG-USB Gadget for off-device computing


A few months ago, I was working on a personal project that needed a separate, offline linux environment. I tried various different schemes to run what I was doing in the confines of my laptop and I couldn’t make what I was working on actually achieve my goals. So… I bought a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a “Solderless Zero Dongle“, with the intention of running Docker containers on it… unfortunately, while Docker runs on a Pi Zero, it’s really hard to find base images for the ARMv6/armhf platform that the Pi Zero W… so I put it back in the drawer, and left it there.

Roll forwards a month or so, and I was doing some experiments with Nebula, and only had an old Chromebook to test it on… except, I couldn’t install the Nebula client for Linux on there, and the Android client wouldn’t give me some features I wanted… so I broke out that old Pi Zero W again…

Now, while the tests with Nebula I was working towards will be documented later, I found that a lot of the documentation about using a Raspberry Pi Zero as a USB gadget were rough and unexplained. So, this post breaks down much of the content of what I found, what I tried, and what did and didn’t work.

Late Edit 2021-06-04: I spotted some typos around providing specific DHCP options for interfaces, based on work I’m doing elsewhere with this script. I’ve updated these values accordingly. I’ve also created a specific branch for this revision.

Late Edit 2021-06-06: I’ve noticed this document doesn’t cover IPv6 at all right now. I started to perform some tweaks to cover IPv6, but as my ISP has decided not to bother with IPv6, and won’t support Hurricane Electric‘s Tunnelbroker system, I can’t test any of it, without building out an IPv6 test environment… maybe soon, eh?

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"Blueprints" by "Cameron Degelia" on Flickr

Using Architectural Decision Records (ADR) with adr-tools

Introducing Architectural Decision Records

Over the last week, I discovered a new tool for my arsenal called Architectural Decision Records (ADR). They were first written about in 2011, in a post called “Documenting Architecture Decisions“, where the author, Michael Nygard, advocates for short documents explaining each decision that influences the architecture of an environment.

I found this via a Github repository, created by the team at, which includes their ADR library, and references the tool they use to manage these documents – adr-tools.

Late edit 2021-01-25: I also found a post which suggests that Spotify uses ADR.

Late edit 2021-08-11: I wrote a post about using other tooling.

Late edit 2021-12-14: I released (v0.0.1) my own rust-based application for making Decision Records. Yes, Decision Records – not Architecture Decision Records… because I think you should be able to apply the same logic to all decisions, not just architectural ones.

Installing adr-tools on Linux

Currently adr-tools are easier to install under OSX rather than Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) (I’m working on this – bear with me! 😃 ).

The current installation notes suggest for Linux (which would also work on WSL) is to download the latest release tar.gz or zip file and unpack it into your path somewhere. This isn’t exactly the best way to deploy anything on Linux, but… I guess it works right now?

For me, I downloaded the file, and unpacked the whole tar.gz file (as root) into /usr/local/bin/, giving me a directory of /usr/local/bin/adr-tools-3.0.0/. There’s a subdirectory in here, called src which contains a large number of files – mostly starting _adr or adr- and two additional files, and

Rather than putting all of these files into /usr/local/bin directly, instead I leave them in the adr-tools-3.0.0 directory, and create a symbolic link (symlink) to the /usr/local/bin directory with this command:

cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s adr-tools-3.0.0/src/* .

This gives me all those files in one place, so I can refer to them later.

An aside – why link everything in that src directory? (Feel free to skip this block!)

Now, why, you might ask, do all of these unrelated files need to be in the same place? Well…. the author of the script has put this in at the top of almost all the files:

set -e
eval "$($(dirname $0)/adr-config)"

And then in that script, it says:

basedir=$(cd -L $(dirname $0) > /dev/null 2>&1 && pwd -L)
echo "adr_bin_dir=$basedir"
echo "adr_template_dir=$basedir"

There are, technically, good reasons for this! This is designed to be run in, what in the Windows world, you might call as a “Portable Script”. So, you bung adr-tools into some directory somewhere, and then just call adr somecommand and it knows that all the files are where they need to be. The (somewhat) down side to this is that if you just want to call adr somecommand rather than path/to/my/adr somecommand then all those files need to be there

I’m currently looking to see if I can improve this somewhat, so that it’s not quite so complex to install, but for now, that’s what you need.


Using adr-tools to document your decisions

I’ll start documenting a fictional hosted web service project, and note down some of the decisions which have been made.

Initializing your ADR directory

Start by running adr init. You may want to specify a directory where you want to put these records, so instead use: adr init path/to/adr, like this:

Initializing the ADR in “documentation/architecture-decisions” with adr init documentation/architecture-decisions

You’ll notice that when I run this command, it creates a new entry, called Let’s open this up, and see what’s in here.

The VSCode record for the choice to use ADR. It is a markdown file, with the standard types of data recorded.

In here we have the record ID (1.), the title of the record Record architecture decisions, the date the choice was made Date: 2021-01-19, a status of Accepted, the context on why we made this choice, the decision, and the consequences of making this decision. Make changes, if needed, and save it. Let’s move on.

Creating our first own record

This all is quite straightforward thus far. Let’s create our next record.

Issuing the command adr new <sometitle> you create the next ADR record.

Let’s open up that record.

The template for the ADR record for “Use AWS”.

Like the first record, we have a title, a status, a context, decision and consequences. Let’s define these.

A “finished” brief ADR record.

This document shouldn’t be very long! It just describes why a choice was made and what that entails.

Changing decisions – completely replacing (superseding) a decision

Of course, over time, decisions will be replaced due to various decisions elsewhere.

You can ask adr to supersede a previous record, using the “-s” flag, and the record number.

Let’s look at how that works on the second ADR record.

After the command adr new -s 2 Use Azure, the ADR record number 2 has a new status, “Superceded by” and the superseded linked document. Yes, “Superceded” is a typo. There is an open PR for it

So, under the “Status”, where is previously said “Approved”, it now says “Superceded by [3. Use Azure](“. This is a markdown statement which indicates where the superseded document is located. As I mentioned in the comment below the above image, there is an open Pull Request to fix this on the adr-tools, so hopefully that typo won’t last long!

We’ve got our new ADR too – let’s take a look at that one?

Our new ADR shows that it “supercedes” the previous record. Which is good! Typo aside :)

Other references

Of course, you don’t always completely overrule a decision. Sometimes your decision is influenced by, or has a dependency on something else, like this one.

We know which provider we’re using at long last, now let’s pick a region. Use the -l flag to “link” between the referenced and new ADR. The context for the -l flag is “<number>:<text for link to number>:<text for link in targetted document>”.

The command here is:

adr new -l '3:Dependency:Influences' Use Region UK South and UK West

I’m just going to crop from the “Status” block on both the referenced ADR (3) and the ADR which references it (4):

Status block in ADR 0003 which is referenced by ADR 0004
Status block in the new ADR 0004 which references ADR 0003

And of course, you can also use the same switch to mark documents as partially obsoleted, like this:

adr new -l '4:Partially obsoletes:Partially obsoleted by' Use West Europe region instead of UK West region
Status block in ADR 0004 indicating it’s partially obsoleted. Probably worth updating the status properly to show it’s not just “Accepted”.

If you forget to add the referencing in, you can also use the adr link command, like this:

adr link 3 Influences 5 Dependency

To be clear, that command adds a (complete) line to ADR 0003 saying “Influences [5. ADR Title](link)” and a separate (complete) line to ADR 0005 saying “Dependency [3. ADR Title](link)“.

What else can we do?

There are four other “things” that it’s worth doing at this point.

  1. Note that you can change the template per-ADR directory.

Create a directory called “templates” in the ADR directory, and put a file in there called ““. Tweak this as you need. Ensure you have AT LEAST the line ## Status and # NUMBER. TITLE as these are required by the script.

A much abbreviated template file, containing just “Number”, “Title”, “Date”, “Status”, and a new dummy heading called “Stuff”.
And the result of running adr new Some Text once you’ve created that template.

As you can see, it’s possible to add all sorts of content in this template as a result. Bear in mind, before your template turns into something like this, that it’s supposed to be a short document explaining why each decision was made, not a funding proposal, or a complex epic of your user stories!

Be careful not to let your template run away with you!
  1. Note that you can automatically open an editor, by setting the EDITOR (where the process is expected to finish before returning control, like using nano, emacs or vim, for example) or VISUAL (where the process is expected to “fork”, like for example, gedit or vscode) environment variable, and then running adr new A Title, like this:
  1. We can create “Table of Contents” files, using the adr generate toc command, like this:
Generating the table of contents, for injecting into other files.

This can be included into your various other markdown files. There are switches, so you can set the link path, but your best bet is to find that using adr help generate toc.

  1. We can also generate graphviz files of the link maps between elements of the various ADRs, like this: adr generate graph | dot -Tjpg > graph.jpg

If you omit the “| dot -Tjpg > graph.jpg” part, then you’ll see the graphviz output, which looks like this: (I’ve removed the documents 6 and 7).

digraph {
  node [shape=plaintext];
  subgraph {
    _1 [label="1. Record architecture decisions"; URL="0001-record-architecture-decisions.html"];
    _2 [label="2. Use AWS"; URL="0002-use-aws.html"];
    _1 -> _2 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _3 [label="3. Use Azure"; URL="0003-use-azure.html"];
    _2 -> _3 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _4 [label="4. Use Region UK South and UK West"; URL="0004-use-region-uk-south-and-uk-west.html"];
    _3 -> _4 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _5 [label="5. Use West Europe region instead of UK West region"; URL="0005-use-west-europe-region-instead-of-uk-west-region.html"];
    _4 -> _5 [style="dotted", weight=1];
  _3 -> _2 [label="Supercedes", weight=0]
  _3 -> _5 [label="Influences", weight=0]
  _4 -> _3 [label="Dependency", weight=0]
  _5 -> _4 [label="Partially obsoletes", weight=0]
  _5 -> _3 [label="Dependency", weight=0]

To make the graphviz part work, you’ll need to install graphviz, which is just an apt get away.

Any caveats?

adr-tools is not actively maintained. I’ve contacted the author, about seeing if I can help out with the maintenance, but… we’ll see, and given some fairly high profile malware takeovers of projects like this sort of thing on Github, Docker, NPM, and more… I can see why there might be some reluctance to consider it! Also, I’m an unknown entity, I’ve just dropped in on the project and offered to help, with no previous exposure to the lead dev or the project… so, we’ll see. Worst case, I’ll fork it!

Working with this also requires an understanding of markdown files, and why these might be a useful document format for records like this. There was a PR submitted to support multiple file formats (like asciidoc and rst) but these were not approved by the author.

There is no current intention to support languages other than English. The tool is hard-coded to look for strings like “status” and “superceded” which is hard. Part of the reason I raised the PRs I did was to let me fix some of these sorts of issues. Again, we’ll see what happens.

Lastly, it can be overwhelming to see a lot of documents in one place, particularly if they’re as granular as the documents I produced in this demo. If the project supported categories, or could be broken down into components (like doc/adr/networking and doc/adr/server_builds and doc/adr/applications) then this might help, but it’s not on the roadmap right now!

Late edit 2021-01-25: If you don’t think these templates have enough context or content, there are lots of others listed on Joel Parker Henderson’s repo of examples and templates. If you want a python based viewer of ADR records, take a look at adr-viewer.

Featured image is “Blueprints” by “Cameron Degelia” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.