Two pages from an old notebook with slightly yellowing paper, and black ink cursive writing and occasional doodles filling the pages

This little #bash script will make capturing #output from lots of #scripts a lot easier

A while ago, I was asked to capture a LOT of data for a support case, where they wanted lots of commands to be run, like “kubectl get namespace” and then for each namespace, get all the pods with “kubectl get pods -n $namespace” and then describe each pod with “kubectl get pod -n namespace $podname”. Then do the same with all the services, deployments, ingresses and endpoints.

I wrote this function, and a supporting script to execute the actual checks, and just found it while clearing up!


filename="$(echo $* | sed -E -e 's~[ -/\\]~_~g').log"
echo "\$ $@" | tee "${filename}"
$@ 2>&1 | tee -a "${filename}"

This script is quite simple, it does three things

  1. Take the command you’re about to run, strip all the non-acceptable-filename characters out and replace them with underscores, and turn that into the output filename.
  2. Write the command into the output file, replacing any prior versions of that file
  3. Execute the command, and append the log to the output file.

So, how do you use this? Simple

log_result my-command --with --all --the options

This will produce a file called my-command_--with_--all_--the_options.log that contains this content:

$ my-command --with --all --the options
Congratulations, you ran my-command and turned on the options "--with --all --the options". Nice one!

… oh, and the command I ran to capture the data for the support case?

log_result kubectl get namespace
for TYPE in pod ingress service deployment endpoints
  for ns in $(kubectl get namespace | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}' )
    echo $ns
    for item in $(kubectl get $TYPE -n $ns | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}')
      log_result kubectl get $TYPE -n $ns $item -o yaml
      log_result kubectl describe $TYPE -n $ns $item

Featured image is “Travel log texture” by “Mary Vican” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.


He/Him. Husband and father. Linux advocating geek. Co-Host on the AdminAdmin Podcast, occasional conference speaker.

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