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Just a little reminder (to myself) about changing the path of a git submodule

Sometimes, it’s inevitable (maybe? :) ), you’ll add a git submodule from the wrong URL… I mean, EVERYONE’S done that, right? … right? you lot over there, am I right?… SIGH.

In my case, I’m trying to make sure I always use the https URLs with my github repo, but sometimes I add the git URL instead. When you run git remote -v in the path, you’ll get something like:

origin git@github.com:your-org/your-repo.git (fetch)

instead of

origin https://github.com/your-org/your-repo (fetch)

which means that when someone tries to clone your repo, they’ll be being asked for access to their public keys for all the submodules. Not great

Anyway, it should be easy enough – git creates a .gitmodules file in the repo root, so you should just be able to edit that file, and replace the git@ with https:// and the com: with com/… but what do you do next?

Thanks to this great Stack Overflow answer, I found you can just run these two commands after you’ve made that edit:

git submodule sync ; git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Isn’t Stack Overflow great?

Using inspec to test your ansible

Over the past few days I’ve been binge listening to the Arrested Devops podcast. In one of the recent episodes (“Career Change Into DevOps With Michael Hedgpeth, Annie Hedgpeth, And Megan Bohl (ADO102)“) one of the interviewees mentions that she got started in DevOps by using Inspec.

Essentially, inspec is a way of explaining “this is what my server must look like”, so you can then test these statements against a built machine… effectively letting you unit test your provisioning scripts.

I’ve already built a fair bit of my current personal project using Ansible, so I wasn’t exactly keen to re-write everything from scratch, but it did make me think that maybe I should have a common set of tests to see how close my server was to the hardening “Benchmark” guides from CIS… and that’s pretty easy to script in inspec, particularly as the tests in those documents list the “how to test” and “how to remediate” commands to execute.

These are in the process of being drawn up (so far, all I have is an inspec test saying “confirm you’re running on Ubuntu 16.04″… not very complex!!) but, from the looks of things, the following playbook would work relatively well!

Experiments with USBIP on Raspberry Pi

At home, I have a server on which I run my VMs and store my content (MP3/OGG/FLAC files I have ripped from my CDs, Photos I’ve taken, etc.) and I want to record material from FreeSat to play back at home, except the server lives in my garage, and the satellite dish feeds into my Living Room. I bought a TeVii S660 USB FreeSat decoder, and tried to figure out what to do with it.

I previously stored the server near where the feed comes in, but the running fan was a bit annoying, so it got moved… but then I started thinking – what if I ran a Raspberry Pi to consume the media there.

I tried running OpenElec, and then LibreElec, and while both would see the device, and I could even occasionally get *content* out of it, I couldn’t write quick enough to the media devices attached to the RPi to actually record what I wanted to get from it. So, I resigned myself to the fact I wouldn’t be recording any of the Christmas Films… until I stumbled over usbip.

USBIP is a service which binds USB ports to a TCP port, and then lets you consume that USB port on another machine. I’ll discuss consuming the S660’s streams in another post, but the below DOES work :)

There are some caveats here. Because I’m using a Raspberry Pi, I can’t just bung on any old distribution, so I’m a bit limited here. I prefer Debian based images, so I’m going to artificially limit myself to these for now, but if I have any significant issues with these images, then I’ll have to bail on Debian based, and use something else.

  1. If I put on stock Raspbian Jessie, I can’t use usbip, because while ships its own kernel that has the right tools built-in (the usbip_host, usbip_core etc.), it doesn’t ship the right userland tools to manipulate it.
  2. If I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3, there’s no supported version of Ubuntu Server which ships for it. I can use a flavour (e.g. Ubuntu Mate), but that uses the Raspbian kernel, which, as I mentioned before, is not shipping the right userland tools.
  3. If I use a Raspberry Pi 2, then I can use Stock Ubuntu, which ships the right tooling. Now all I need to do is find a CAT5 cable, and some way to patch it through to my network…

Getting the Host stood up

I found most of my notes on this via a wiki entry at Github but essentially, it boils down to this:

On your host machine, (where the USB port is present), run

sudo apt-get install linux-tools-generic
sudo modprobe usbip_host
sudo usbipd -D

This confirms that your host can present the USB ports over the USBIP interface (there are caveats! I’ll cover them later!!). Late edit: 2020-05-21 I never did write up those caveats, and now, two years later, I don’t recall what they were. Apologies.

You now need to find which ports you want to serve. Run this command to list the ports on your system:


You’ll get something like this back:

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 9022:d662 TeVii Technology Ltd.
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMC9514 Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

And then you need to find which port the device thinks it’s attached to. Run this to see how usbip sees the world:

usbip list -l

This will return:

- busid 1-1.1 (0424:ec00)
unknown vendor : unknown product (0424:ec00)
- busid 1-1.3 (9022:d662)
unknown vendor : unknown product (9022:d662)

We want to share the TeVii device, which has the ID 9022:d662, and we can see that this is present as busid 1-1.3, so we now we need to bind it to the usbip system, with this command:

usbip bind -b 1-1.3

OK, so now we’re presenting this to the system. Perhaps you might want to make it available on a reboot?

echo "usbip_host" >> /etc/modules

I also added @reboot /usr/bin/usbipd -D ; sleep 5 ; /usr/bin/usbip bind -b 1-1.3 to root’s crontab, but it should probably go into a systemd unit.

Getting the Guest stood up

All these actions are being performed as root. As before, let’s get the modules loaded in the kernel:

apt-get install linux-tools-generic
modprobe vhci-hcd

Now, we can try to attach the module over the wire. Let’s check what’s offered to us (this code example uses but this would be the static IP of your host):

usbip list -r

This hands up back the list of offered appliances:

Exportable USB devices
1-1.3: TeVii Technology Ltd. : unknown product (9022:d662)
: /sys/devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.3
: (Defined at Interface level) (00/00/00)
: 0 - Vendor Specific Class / unknown subclass / unknown protocol (ff/01/01)

So, now all we need to do is attach it:

usbip attach -r -b 1-1.3

Now I can consume the service from that device in tvheadend on my server. However, again, I need to make this persistent. So, let’s make sure the module is loaded on boot.

echo 'vhci-hcd' >> /etc/modules

And, finally, we need to attach the port on boot. Again, I’m using crontab, but should probably wrap this into a systemd service.

@reboot /usr/bin/usbip attach -r -b 1-1.3

And then I had an attached USB device across my network!

Unfortuately, the throughput was a bit too low (due to silly ethernet-over-power adaptors) to make it work the way I wanted… but theoretically, if I had proper patching done in this house, it’d be perfect! :)

Interestingly, the day I finished this post off (after it’d sat in drafts since December), I spotted that one of the articles in Linux Magazine is “USB over the network with USB/IP”. Just typical! :D

What I Did Last Week (ending 2012-01-15)

Monday 9th: I had a frantic morning before work, moving the last few bits onto our bed before the decorations started. When I got to work, it was a quiet work day, which I was glad of after a hectic weekend. It was quiet in more ways than one – my bluetooth headset died, so I ordered a duplicate as a replacement. I nearly bought a Sony Ericsson LiveView at the same time as the price was nearly what I had previously considered paying, until I read the reviews! Had a couple of emails from my dad which were similar to the conversations I’d had with him Friday Night (see last week for details!) Sent a very emotional response that didn’t seem to make a dent. Never mind. Once Daniel had gone to bed, Jules and I curled up in the bombsite of our living room and watched a couple of programs before going to bed. I then finished “Daemon” 5*s, and I bought the sequel “Freedom TM” also by Daniel Suarez. I started reading “Cyberpunk Stories” by William King which I picked up today. While I was reading, Daniel sat up in his sleep and then fell over, Jules and I think he might be a sleep walker, which will be fun – even more cause for fitting stair gates! One final chat with Dave Lee about Powerline adaptors before going to sleep.

Tuesday 10th: I booked Wednesday off work, and plan to make the most of it. Forgot to set my Out Of Office messages before leaving for the day, so needed to dip back into my e-mail once I was home. Jules and I watched TV for a bit before going to bed, and I realised that I’d got about 6 tracks to submit to cchits (three from a google alert I’ve got set up for CC licensed music, one from a recommendation on statusnet, and two that were played on the Crivins podcast), however, I’m staying offline this week in the evenings as much as possible, so they’ll have to wait until I’m releasing my self-imposed blockade. Posted the powerline adaptors to Dave Lee, hope they help him out! Finished “Cyberpunk Stories” 2*s and then read “Freedom TM” 5*s which is an amazing twist on the “Daemon” book… I think if the author ever collaborates with someone like Cory Doctorow, for the futurisms, or better yet, Charles Stross, for taking a scary concept and making it both funny and deeply understandable… well, let’s just say I want to see what else comes from this author. While I was reading, Daniel sleep-sat-up again twice, bumping his head the second time around. Oh well, maybe he’s just disturbed by all the decorating stuff.

Wednesday 11th: Day off!! Yey!! Early start then off to Head-over-heels, a soft play centre near Hanforth Dean. Daniel had his morning nap while I was driving us there, so Jules jumped out and did some shopping while I listened to “How governments have tried to block Tor” video from 28C3 which was at the recommendation of a colleague. Ironic I’d not heard of it, given that I’d done a presentation on Tor at the first OggCamp. Spent 2hrs at Head-over-heels including getting lunch then went to the Trafford Centre. Daniel had his afternoon nap en-route to the Trafford Centre, so I dropped Jules off at the Trafford Centre and carried on listening to the Tor talk. Very little I’d not heard before, but great to have it in context. Picked up the full Father Ted box set, plus the “X-Men: 1st Class” DVD after having heard some great reviews. Daniel got a new pram book from Waterstones, which he then spent the whole rest of the time there flicking through it. Jules picked up two new lego board games “Sunblock” and “Race 3000“. I swear we’ve nearly got all of the lego games now. Got home to find wet-paint walls in the dining room and wet skirting boards in the lounge, so Daniel and Jules or I spent the whole evening except for dinner in his room. Once he went to bed, Jules and I played a couple of games each of Sunblock and Race 3000, then Jules went to sleep. I bought three new books for my Kindle “Beloved Weapon” by Jonathan A. Price, “The Windup Girl” by Paolo Bacigalupi and “Empire State” by Adam Christopher. I started, and am 38% through “Beloved Weapon”, and although there’s a fair bit of gratuitous and graphic sex scenes, it’s a pretty good superhero story thus far. While I’ve been typing this up, Dave Lee’s been in touch to say that the Powerline Ethernet adaptors I sent him had arrived and we did some diagnostics around why the throughput was low. At the same time, Daniel’s been stirring a lot again. I’ve had to help him back down from sitting up twice already tonight, and that’s not counting the times he’s sorted himself out. Oh well. Today overall has been a good day.

Thursday 12th: really rubbish night, with Daniel waking after sitting up and falling and banging his head, and then not settling for over an hour. Got into work to be told that while I’d been off, a serious issue had occurred with something I’d implemented (which didn’t make sense, as we’d created accurate documentation based on the data I’d entered into the devices in question). Those two items together sent me into a bit of a spin and left me questioning myself for most of the day. Finished more-or-less on time. When I got home, Jules asked me to lower the matress on the cot as Daniel is getting proficient at pulling himself up on the side. Doing this meant I also fixed the under-cot-drawer which had been broken within a couple of weeks of us building it (before Daniel was born!). We played with Daniel until his bed time, and then once he was down, we had Chinese take-away and then played Upwords until Jules was tired. After Jules went to sleep, I finished “Beloved Weapon”. It had, frankly, a rubbish end and barely rated the 2*s I gave it. Personally, I think it paid too much attention to the sex and physical relationships between the characters than it did to any background, non-physical relationships or plot. I probably wouldn’t read anything else by this author. Started to read “Empire State”, but only managed a chapter before I got too sleepy.

Friday 13th: Yet another disturbed night. Jules had promised to take care of Daniel all night, but about 2 hours after I’d fallen asleep, he woke up screaming. Jules couldn’t calm him down and asked for some help. I went in and finished calming him down to just crying, while Jules went downstairs and got him some Calpol. After he’d taken it, he settled well, and Jules put him back down. He then woke up at about 6 and woke us both up. When I got into work, I was covering a collegue while he was on a customer visit, in addition to my normal accounts. One of my normal accounts scheduled a two-hour conference call starting at 12:00 and then at 16:00 (when I was due to be leaving) I got a call from my collegue’s account asking me to implement an urgent change for him. So I ended up leaving 40 minutes late. When I got home, the work downstairs is all finished, so Jules had pushed the sofas out to the edges so Daniel could play, and for the first time in a week, we both sat down with him and played too. When he went to bed, we watched some tv and then I spoke to my brother on the phone for 30 minutes. Jules went to bed at 9:15 and I listened to the live Bugcast show from my phone (I’d not had my laptop out at all this week) until the end of the show, when Dave proposed doing a Google Hangout. Out came the laptop and headphones and I ended up going to bed at about midnight. No reading tonight, straight to sleep – busy day tomorrow.

Saturday 14th: up at 6:45, breakfast and then I went out to get a radiator cover. When I got back, I built it and then loaded up the car for the tip. Jules’ Mum and Dad arrived and started emptying our room into the dining room. When Daniel woke up, the work started in ernest… By 1pm, we’d got most of the stuff down we were ready for, so I took Daniel to his swimming lesson, via the tip and a nap enroute to the class. Lesson went well, but I cut my foot during the lesson (banged it against the steps) but didn’t notice until I got out and, while I was getting dressed, I was bleeding all over the place. I swear, it looked like there had been a massacre in there! Asked the teacher for a plaster, filled out the accident form and went home. Daniel had his dinner then while I put him to bed, Jules nipped out to pick up dinner from the supermarket. We had pizza and watched “Take Me Out” (a guilty pleasure), then the after-show follow up on ITV2. It’s funny how obvious it is that they must pre-record it weeks if not months in advance, as a scandal broke out about the show after last week’s episode, that one of the contestants of this game show used to be a prostitute… And she was completely cut out of the show, even though she’s there in all the video clips and is there in the after show, but they don’t talk to her. Sad really. Early night.

Sunday 15th: not only is my cut foot stinging like crazy, but the ankle on my other foot has gone gout’y again. Aargh. Jules let me have a lay in until 9 AM then while I put Daniel down for his nap, Jules went shopping. When she got back, we all went to do the food shopping for the week, something we’ve not done together for months. Daniel was hungry while I sorted out paying for our purchases, so she fed him in the cafe, then when I got in there I went over all funny. Jules bought me a sandwich then I went out to the car and felt really sick. Jules dropped me off at home and then drove Daniel around so he could have a sleep without disturbing me. When they got home I was feeling much better, so I put the shopping away while Jules sorted out dinner. After dinner, I bathed Daniel, we played with him before bottle and bed and then Jules and I snuggled up on the sofa. We watched TV for an hour or so, and then went to bed. I’ve not read anything tonight, but I did catch up on some social network updates I’ve missed. Tired though, do an early night for me!

What I Did Last Week (ending 2012-01-08)

Inspired by Dan Lynch’s “Weekly Rewind” series, I thought I’d try and document some of what’s happened to me over the past week… you never know, I might even be able to keep on doing these! :)

Monday 2nd: Bank Holiday. De-christmasified the house. Earlier than I’d have liked, but it was a compromise, as Jules wanted to strip the house on Boxing Day. Dave Lee from TheBugCast adds the first CCHits.net “extra” show to his feed – Review of the tracks played on the site in 2011. It had been played on the live show on the 30th Dec.

Tuesday 3rd: Back to work, and catching up with collegues about what happened over the break. Trying and failing to compile Festival for CCHits. Called out… but not for anything sensible – just a license request for a customer – told them to get back in touch during the day.

Wednesday 4th: Discussed at length the differences between Access and Excel with my brother. Convinced I had the same discussion in 2004. He wants to start with a ToDo list which he can filter to show customers or management. Once he’s figured that out, I’m going to talk to him about separating data from presentation in a web app with a database backend. Maybe! Bought and read “Boltman” by Eric Quinn Knowles. It’s a little bit like “Kick Ass” vs. Scientology. I rate it 4*’s. Started reading “Under the Amoral Bridge” by Gary A. Ballard which I’d bought in November.

Thursday 5th: Fixed a Morse Code Keyboard for Android for a collegue (unfixed typos in the code for openbracket, and switched equals and hyphen characters) – developer hasn’t fixed issues since March 2010, so I’ve e-mailed the author to offer my patches, and failing that, I’ll consider a fork. Realised I’d fallen very far behind on my Android development suite – aside from anything else, the version of Eclipse I’ve got installed needed updating! I read to the end of “Under the Amoral Bridge” (4*s) and discovered it’s part 1 in a trilogy. Bought the compilation version of the trilogy, so I’m now reading book 2.

Friday 6th: Took down the decorations at work, then gladly handed over “On Call” for another week to a collegue, discovered they were on leave. Queue frantic phone calls and texts to make sure he knew he was on call. At 3:30 get asked if I could cover him for the night as it’s his wife’s 40th birthday. How can I say no? No calls, fortunately! Listen live to TheBugCast. Dave and Caroline have streaming issues and I get a call from my dad claiming his computer has been compromised, as he can’t log into GMail. Prove there’s no issues there, believe that is the end of it… In the aftershow, I mention the code acadamy site, and then explain some of the concepts of Javascript to another of the listeners, which is good :) end up going to bed at 2am.

Saturday 7th: visit from Jules’ uncle’s brother to discuss getting some decorating done. He can start on Monday. Queue full-scale panic as he’s doing both downstairs rooms! All CD’s and DVD’s not in storage, boxed up moved upstairs and unpacked… now need re-organising! All pictures, bottles, games, Daniel’s toys and books now in our bedroom! Argh! Daniel’s first swimming lesson with the new teacher (new term, and the franchise we go to is growing – which is good!) New teacher is nice and the class is still just 3 children and parents. Good stuff. While I’m in the swimming class, I get two emails from my dad. First is a scattergun one, saying “my email has been compromised, if you get a dodgy mail, let me know” and the second is to check whether he has been compromised. As we’re in full-scale panic, I’ve left that particular issue to my brother to deal with. I suspect drinking-related-paranoia is at the core of this. Never mind! We finish the bulk of the moves before Daniel’s bed time, and then Jules’ Mum and Dad come around to babysit so we can enjoy a meal up the road. The restaurant isn’t licensed, so neither of us can drink, and hasn’t got card processing facilities yet. I nip out after I’ve finished to get enough money to pay. We’ll definitely be back there! Early bed, but then I read all the rest of book 2 and most of book 3 of “The Bridge Chronicles”.

Sunday 8th: Earlyish start. Finish moving the last furniture around for the decorating and start to re-wire the entertainment corner, including unpatching the server where the shows are generated for CCHits.net just before the shows are about to be run (stupid UTC offsets!), resulting in two stinking CRON mails from CCHits complaing about the lack of shows (repatched and run). Run Jules to Halfords to pick up her new bike with child seat. Home and one last sprint around the house, then lunch, and out again! Jules to the shops and me to get Daniel to sleep before heading to a friend’s new house for a tour, games and then dinner. Home at 5, Daniel in bed, 6:45 and the furniture we couldn’t shift while he was awake, away for 7:30. Books in bed for 8. I finish “…Chronicles” (5*s) and then at the recommendation of @nybill, start “Daemon” by Daniel Suarez. At 11pm, stop reading (40% through the book) and start writing this review. 11:40 go to sleep!