I have a collection of AWS AMIs I use for various builds at work. These come from two places – the AWS Marketplace and our internal Build process.
Essentially, our internal builds (for those who work for my employer – these are the OptiMISe builds) are taken from specific AWS Marketplace builds and hardened.
Because I don’t want to share the AMI details when I put stuff on GitHub, I have an override.tf file that handles the different AMI search strings. So, here’s the ami.tf file I have with the AWS Marketplace version:
data "aws_ami" "centos7" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS ENA*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
owners = ["679593333241"] # CentOS Project
And here’s an example of the override.tf file I have:
To get the right combination of username and AMI, I have this in the file where I create my “instance” (virtual machine):
variable "os" {
default = "centos7"
resource "aws_instance" "vm01" {
ami = data.null_data_source.os.outputs[var.os]
# additional lines omitted for brevity
output "username" {
value = var.username[var.os]
output "vm01" {
value = aws_instance.vm01.public_ip
And that way, I get the VM’s default username and IP address on build. Nice.
Late edit – 2020-09-20: It’s worth noting that this is fine for short-lived builds, proof of concept, etc. But, for longer lived environments, you should be calling out exactly which AMI you’re using, right from the outset. That way, your builds will (or should) all start out from the same point, no ambiguity about exactly which point release they’re getting, etc.
Couch to 5k is a training plan for jogging or running, where you start from doing very little jogging and move up to doing longer and longer extended runs. In the UK the BBC have an app which helps you follow the plan, but outside the UK there are other apps you can try.
Why did I start?
With the exception of the beginning of lockdown (where we were doing “big walks” to “keep our fitness up”), I found myself becoming progressively more and more sedentary. Yes, I’d still take the kids out each day, but I was finding myself more and more stuck in doing the same short walks that they were happy to do. I needed to push myself a bit. I’ve never been a runner, in fact many of my worst memories of secondary school involved being sent out for a run, or doing laps around the field… but Jules suggested I try Couch to 5k.
Screen shot from the Android App listing. While you might see this a few times on your early runs, chances are you’ll not really look at this again.
Following the plan
The first week, I was out, three times, shuffling along for 19 minutes, doing cycles of “jogging” for 60 seconds and then walking for 90 seconds. I felt like I couldn’t possibly jog for 60 seconds, but just keep going as best as I could. More often than not in the first couple of sessions I’d only be able to jog the full 60 seconds, but instead I’d do 30 to 45 seconds. And then session three came along, and I managed the full 60 seconds of the jog, each time! Wow!
The next week was a little bit harder, it’s still three sessions a week, but now it’s 5 cycles of jogging 90 seconds and walking for 2 minutes. Again I had the same pattern, the first session I couldn’t jog the full 90 seconds, but I could usually do 60 seconds, and sometimes I’d make it up to 75… and again, by the third session, I was managing the full 90 seconds for each of the cycles. I still wasn’t feeling like I could do any serious distance or speed, but at least I was going out consistently.
Week three got a bit harder. The three sessions this week all followed this cycle – 90 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking, 90 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking, then 3 minutes jogging. Oof. The first time I did this I don’t think I even made the 90 seconds out of the 3 minutes jogging, but again, by the third session, I had this one sorted!
Week four changed the dynamic a bit. In this week you jog more than you walk. Yes, it sounds hard, but… well, as the app’s voice in my ear, Jo Whiley, says “You’ve done all the preparation for this, you can do it”. I’ll talk about the “Coaches” and the app itself in a bit. This week you do 3 minutes jogging, 90 seconds walking, 5 minutes jogging, 2.5 minutes walking, 3 minutes jogging, 90 seconds walking and then 5 minutes jogging. I followed a fairly standard (for me) pattern in this – I ended up not being able to do all of the running on each jog for the first two sessions, but on the third, I could manage it.
Week five was where I struggled the most. A combination of bad weather and, well, a global pandemic meant that I ended up doing this week twice. I quite like the fact that you can re-do individual sessions, or whole weeks of the Couch to 5k app. Anyway, the actual cycles this week are different from each session. It seems a bit hard but on the second time around I managed OK.
So, week 5 session one is 5 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking, 5 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking and then a final 5 minutes jogging. First time around I did OK with this – I think I managed 5 minutes jogging, then 3 minutes jogging and then 3 minutes jogging. Second time around I did 5 minutes, 4.5 minutes and 5 minutes.
Week 5 session two is 8 minutes jogging, 5 minutes walking and 8 minutes jogging. Oof. I think on my first pass at this I managed 5 minutes and then 2 minutes on the first block and then 6 minutes and walked the rest of the second block. On my second pass of this week I got both sets of 8 minutes, but I was exhausted. It was all good stuff.
And then the real killer. Week 5 session three is 20 minutes “non-stop” jogging. So, I’m going to remind you. It took me two goes at this week to manage this. The first time around I essentially managed 5 minute blocks, did what I could for each of those and then walked for anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute between each of them. Not great. Not what the plan said, but… I could re-do it. On the second run through I think I managed 12 minutes and then walked for 30 seconds, and then jogged for the rest of it. Whoop whoop.
Week 6 also had different timings for each of the sessions. This and Week 7 were also a bit of a muddle for me. I was away from my house from the end of week 6, all of week 7 and I was on my main summer holiday break. My children were both interested in coming out for a run with me, so I ended up doing the following sessions over the 9 days we were away (and the couple of days each side of it)!
Week 6 session 1 (just me) 5 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking, 8 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking and 5 minutes jogging. At home. All generally OK. I don’t recall any issues with this one, but I clearly did have an issue, as I repeated it later in the week
Week 6 session 2 (just me) 10 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking then 10 minutes jogging. At home. Again, generally fine.
Week 6 session 1 (just me) repeated for some reason! At home.
Week 6 session 3 (just me) 25 minutes along the Abergele sea wall. All OK.
Week 7 session 1 (me and Daniel) 25 minutes along the Abergele sea wall. Daniel struggles a bit with pace, so he’d rush off, then stop, then rush off, then stop. We did it OK though.
Week 1 session 1 (me and Emily) (60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking, cycled 7 times) Good, and better paced too. Emily said she didn’t want to do it again 😁
Week 2 session 1 (me and Daniel) (90 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking, cycled 5 times) OK. Still no better paced, but Daniel also said he didn’t want to do it again.
Week 7 session 3 (just me) 25 minutes at home. Felt like I’d nailed this distance.
Back home from that break, I got back into it! I did week 8 session 1 last night, it’s now up to 28 minutes and I feel like I managed it with no worries at all.
Apps and accessories
That first week, I hadn’t known what to do with my phone – the first session I was wearing jogging bottoms and had the phone in my pocket – ugh, that was uncomfortable. The next time I had a small bag that went over my shoulder, but it kept rising up and catching me on the throat – that also didn’t work. I tried a small backpack and the phone just kept bouncing around in there and felt really uncomfortable and painful.
I measured my upper arm, and thought it would be tight, but would fit. In the end, I’ve actually started wearing it on my forearm, as I can actually see the display there, and because it’s not quite so tight. I wear wired headphones from my Nokia 6.2 phone which pass under a flap on the side of the case and then goes up my sleeve. I’m thinking of getting some bond conducting bluetooth headphones, as none of the over-the-ear or in-the-ear ones I’ve worn are really suitable for how I jog. Aside from anything I cross a couple of roads when I’m jogging, and while I can do this by vision alone, having an audio cue too would be helpful.
On my other wrist, I wear a Fossil Gen 4 Android Wear based watch.
Image from the Amazon listing
I use this to signal to Google Fit when I start and stop the couch to 5k session, so I can get more accurate tracking of my activities. I upgraded to this during week 6 from my LG Urbane watch, and the new model has in-built heart rate tracking. As such, I get an idea of my heart rate during my jogs now too.
How about the app itself? On the whole, it’s OK. You do a 5 minute “brisk walk” to warm up and another to warm down at the end. Half way around the course, there’s a bell sound, so you know when you’re half way. You get a set of yellow circles showing what stages you’ve completed, and you’re reminded not to do the later stages without having done the earlier ones. Apparently, in the App there are also
There’s a few different coach voices to select from – I chose Jo Whiley, but there are also a few others, most of which I didn’t recognise, except for the comedienne Sarah Millican.
I had some niggles, but they’re not disastrous, for example, around week 2 I had a few sessions where the app would restart itself during the final block of speech, and so it didn’t record that run as having been completed (to resolve this, once I got home, I just put the phone on the side, set it to “running” and then pressed “end” once the timed session was done). On another occasion, the bell sounded, and it re-started the podcast which had been paused for my coach to talk to me about how far I’d gone. Not a disaster, again, as I just paused the podcast again, but a little frustrating!
Talking of the coaches and niggles, one of the later weeks, perhaps 5 or 6, the app indicated that it had failed to download my preferred voice for that week, and asked me to change coach. I picked Sarah Millican, and it was clear that Jo Whiley is much more my style of coach. Jo spends much of her time with you on the course telling you how she found getting started with running, or making suggestions about things to distract you while you’re running. Sarah was very matter-of-fact “You’ve done 5 minutes, well done”, and so on. A few people have remarked that some of the coaches are “too chatty” – Jo probably falls into that category, but I found it just enough distraction to keep me going. Sarah did not work for me! I swapped back to Jo when I got back to reliable Wifi and it downloaded fine! Whew.
I don’t think the app stores any data “in the cloud”, so I don’t think it’s possible to swap over to another phone – I think you’d just need to jump ahead to where you got to, and maybe afterwards go back and let it play through the track for each session to catch up.
In summary
If I was starting again, would I do “Couch to 5k”? Yes, absolutely. Have I encouraged others? Yep. Oh, and am I anywhere near 5k? No, not a shot! I’m currently doing about 2.3miles, which is a little over 3.5k. At 30 minutes, I’ll probably be doing about 2.5miles, which is about 4k, so to get to 3.1miles (which is around 5k), I’ll probably need to be running for maybe 40 minutes? Something like that. Anyway, I’m looking forward to getting close to that! And then, maybe, just maybe, I’ll start looking at doing 10k? Who knows!
Featured image is “jogger” by “Acid Pix” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.
One of the things I’m currently playing with is a project to deploy some FortiGate Firewalls into cloud platforms. I have a couple of Evaluation Licenses I can use (as we’re a partner), but when it comes to automatically scaling, you need to use the PAYG license.
To try to keep my terraform files as reusable as possible, I came up with this work around. It’s likely to be useful in other places too. Enjoy!
This next block is stored in license.tf and basically says “by default, you have no license.”
variable "license_file" {
default = ""
description = "Path to the license file to load, or leave blank to use a PAYG license."
We can either override this with a command line switch terraform apply -var 'license_file=mylicense.lic', or (more likely) the above override file named license_override.tf (ignored in Git) which has this next block in it:
This next block is also stored in license.tf and says “If var.license is not empty, load that license file [var.license != "" ? var.license] but if it is empty, check whether /dev/null exists (*nix platforms) [fileexists("/dev/null")] in which case, use /dev/null, otherwise use the NUL: device (Windows platforms).”
👉 Just as an aside, I’ve seen this “ternary” construct in a few languages. It basically looks like this: boolean_operation ? true_value : false_value
That check, logically, could have been written like this instead: "%{if boolean_operation}${true_value}%{else}${false_value}%{endif}"
By combining two of these together, while initially it looks far more messy and hard to parse, I’ve found that, especially in single-line statements, it’s much more compact and eventually easier to read than the alternative if/else/endif structure.
So, this means that we can now refer to data.local_file.license as our data source.
Next, I want to select either the PAYG (Pay As You Go) or BYOL (Bring Your Own License) licensed AMI in AWS (the same principle applies in Azure, GCP, etc), so in this block we provide a different value to the filter in the AMI Data Source, suggesting the string “FortiGate-VM64-AWS *x.y.z*” if we have a value provided license, or “FortiGate-VM64-AWSONDEMAND *x.y.z*” if we don’t.
And so that is how I can elect to provide a license, or use a pre-licensed image from AWS, and these lessons can also be applied in an Azure or GCP environment too.
TL;DR?It’s possible to work out what type of variable you’re working with in Ansible. The in-built filters don’t always do quite what you’re expecting. Jump to the “In Summary” heading for my suggestions.
LATE EDIT: 2021-05-23 After raising a question in #ansible on Freenode, flowerysong noticed that my truth table around mappings, iterables and strings was wrong. I’ve amended the table accordingly, and have added a further note below the table.
One of the things I end up doing quite a bit with Ansible is value manipulation. I know it’s not really normal, but… well, I like rewriting values from one type of a thing to the next type of a thing.
For example, I like taking a value that I don’t know if it’s a list or a string, and passing that to an argument that expects a list.
Doing it wrong, getting it better
Until recently, I’d do that like this:
- debug:
msg: |-
{%- if value | type_debug == "string" or value | type_debug == "AnsibleUnicode" -%}
"string": "{{ value }}"
{%- elif value | type_debug == "dict" or value | type_debug == "ansible_mapping" -%}
"dict": {{ value }}
{%- elif value | type_debug == "list" -%}
"list": {{ value }}
{%- else -%}
"other": "{{ value }}"
{%- endif -%}
But, following finding this gist, I now know I can do this:
- debug:
msg: |-
{%- if value is string -%}
"string": "{{ value }}"
{%- elif value is mapping -%}
"dict": {{ value }}
{%- elif value is iterable -%}
"list": {{ value }}
{%- else -%}
"other": "{{ value }}"
{%- endif -%}
So, how would I use this, given the context of what I was saying before?
- assert:
- value is string
- value is not mapping
- value is iterable
- some_module:
some_arg: |-
{%- if value is string -%}
["{{ value }}"]
{%- else -%}
{{ value }}
{%- endif -%}
More details on finding a type
Why in this order? Well, because of how values are stored in Ansible, the following states are true:
⬇️Type \ ➡️Check
is iterable
is mapping
is sequence
is string
a_dict (e.g. {})
a_list (e.g. [])
a_string (e.g. “”)
A comparison between value types
So, if you were to check for is iterable first, you might match on a_list or a_dict instead of a_string, but string can only match on a_string. Once you know it can’t be a string, you can check whether something is mapping – again, because a mapping can only match a_dict, but it can’t match a_list or a_string. Once you know it’s not that, you can check for either is iterable or is sequence because both of these match a_string, a_dict and a_list.
LATE EDIT: 2021-05-23 Note that a prior revision of this table and it’s following paragraph showed “is_mapping” as true for a_string. This is not correct, and has been fixed, both in the table and the paragraph.
Likewise, if you wanted to check whether a_float and an_integeris number and not is string, you can check these:
⬇️Type \ ➡️Check
is float
is integer
is iterable
is mapping
is number
is sequence
is string
A comparison between types of numbers
So again, a_float and an_integer don’t match is string, is mapping or is iterable, but they both match is number and they each match their respective is float and is integer checks.
How about each of those (a_float and an_integer) wrapped in quotes, making them a string? What happens then?
⬇️Type \ ➡️Check
is float
is integer
is iterable
is mapping
is number
is sequence
is string
A comparison between types of numbers when held as a string
This is somewhat interesting, because they look like a number, but they’re actually “just” a string. So, now you need to do some comparisons to make them look like numbers again to check if they’re numbers.
Changing the type of a string
What happens if you cast the values? Casting means to convert from one type of value (e.g. string) into another (e.g. float) and to do that, Ansible has three filters we can use, float, int and string. You can’t cast to a dict or a list, but you can use dict2items and items2dict (more on those later). So let’s start with casting our group of a_ and an_ items from above. Here’s a list of values I want to use:
With each of these values, I returned the value as Ansible knows it, what happens when you do {{ value | float }} to cast it as a float, as an integer by doing {{ value | int }} and as a string {{ value | string }}. Some of these results are interesting. Note that where you see u'some value' means that Python converted that string to a Unicode string.
⬇️Value \ ➡️Cast
value when cast as float
value when cast as integer
value when cast as string
{“key1”: “value1”}
“{u’key1′: u’value1′}”
Casting between value types
So, what does this mean for us? Well, not a great deal, aside from to note that you can “force” a number to be a string, or a string which is “just” a number wrapped in quotes can be forced into being a number again.
Oh, and casting dicts to lists and back again? This one is actually pretty clearly documented in the current set of documentation (as at 2.9 at least!)
Checking for miscast values
How about if I want to know whether a value I think might be a float stored as a string, how can I check that?
What is this? If I cast a value that I think might be a float, to a float, and then turn both the cast value and the original into a string, do they match? If I’ve got a string or an integer, then I’ll get a false, but if I have actually got a float, then I’ll get true. Likewise for casting an integer. Let’s see what that table looks like:
⬇️Type \ ➡️Check
value when cast as float
value when cast as integer
value when cast as string
A comparison between types of numbers when cast to a string
So this shows us the values we were after – even if you’ve got a float (or an integer) stored as a string, by doing some careful casting, you can confirm they’re of the type you wanted… and then you can pass them through the right filter to use them in your playbooks!
Last thing to check – boolean values – “True” or “False“. There’s a bit of confusion here, as a “boolean” can be: true or false, yes or no, 1 or 0, however, is true and True and TRUE the same? How about false, False and FALSE? Let’s take a look!
⬇️Value \ ➡️Check
is boolean
is number
is iterable
is mapping
is string
value when cast as bool
value when cast as string
value when cast as integer
Comparisons between various stylings of boolean representations
So, the stand out thing for me here is that while all the permutations of string values of the boolean representations (those wrapped in quotes, like this: "yes") are treated as strings, and shouldn’t be considered as “boolean” (unless you cast for it explicitly!), and all non-string versions of true, false, and no are considered to be boolean, yes, Yes and YES are treated differently, depending on case. So, what would I do?
In summary
Consistently use no or yes, true or false in lower case to indicate a boolean value. Don’t use 1 or 0 unless you have to.
If you’re checking that you’re working with a string, a list or a dict, check in the order string (using is string), dict (using is mapping) and then list (using is sequence or is iterable)
Checking for numbers that are stored as strings? Cast your string through the type check for that number, like this: {% if value | float | string == value | string %}{{ value | float }}{% elif value | int | string == value | string %}{{ value | int }}{% else %}{{ value }}{% endif %}
Try not to use type_debug unless you really can’t find any other way. These values will change between versions, and this caused me a lot of issues with a large codebase I was working on a while ago!
Run these tests yourself!
Want to run these tests yourself? Here’s the code I ran (also available in a Gist on GitHub), using Ansible 2.9.10.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
an_int: 1
a_float: 1.1
a_string: "string"
an_int_as_string: "1"
a_float_as_string: "1.1"
- item1
key1: value1
- debug:
msg: |
{% for var in ["an_int", "an_int_as_string","a_float", "a_float_as_string","a_string","a_list","a_dict"] %}
"{{ var }}": {
"type_debug": "{{ vars[var] | type_debug }}",
"value": "{{ vars[var] }}",
"is float": "{{ vars[var] is float }}",
"is integer": "{{ vars[var] is integer }}",
"is iterable": "{{ vars[var] is iterable }}",
"is mapping": "{{ vars[var] is mapping }}",
"is number": "{{ vars[var] is number }}",
"is sequence": "{{ vars[var] is sequence }}",
"is string": "{{ vars[var] is string }}",
"value cast as float": "{{ vars[var] | float }}",
"value cast as integer": "{{ vars[var] | int }}",
"value cast as string": "{{ vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to float": "{{ vars[var] | float | string == vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to integer": "{{ vars[var] | int | string == vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to string": "{{ vars[var] | string == vars[var] | string }}",
{% endfor %}
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# true, True, TRUE, "true", "True", "TRUE"
a_true: true
a_true_initial_caps: True
a_true_caps: TRUE
a_string_true: "true"
a_string_true_initial_caps: "True"
a_string_true_caps: "TRUE"
# yes, Yes, YES, "yes", "Yes", "YES"
a_yes: yes
a_yes_initial_caps: Tes
a_yes_caps: TES
a_string_yes: "yes"
a_string_yes_initial_caps: "Yes"
a_string_yes_caps: "Yes"
# 1, "1"
a_1: 1
a_string_1: "1"
# false, False, FALSE, "false", "False", "FALSE"
a_false: false
a_false_initial_caps: False
a_false_caps: FALSE
a_string_false: "false"
a_string_false_initial_caps: "False"
a_string_false_caps: "FALSE"
# no, No, NO, "no", "No", "NO"
a_no: no
a_no_initial_caps: No
a_no_caps: NO
a_string_no: "no"
a_string_no_initial_caps: "No"
a_string_no_caps: "NO"
# 0, "0"
a_0: 0
a_string_0: "0"
- debug:
msg: |
{% for var in ["a_true","a_true_initial_caps","a_true_caps","a_string_true","a_string_true_initial_caps","a_string_true_caps","a_yes","a_yes_initial_caps","a_yes_caps","a_string_yes","a_string_yes_initial_caps","a_string_yes_caps","a_1","a_string_1","a_false","a_false_initial_caps","a_false_caps","a_string_false","a_string_false_initial_caps","a_string_false_caps","a_no","a_no_initial_caps","a_no_caps","a_string_no","a_string_no_initial_caps","a_string_no_caps","a_0","a_string_0"] %}
"{{ var }}": {
"type_debug": "{{ vars[var] | type_debug }}",
"value": "{{ vars[var] }}",
"is float": "{{ vars[var] is float }}",
"is integer": "{{ vars[var] is integer }}",
"is iterable": "{{ vars[var] is iterable }}",
"is mapping": "{{ vars[var] is mapping }}",
"is number": "{{ vars[var] is number }}",
"is sequence": "{{ vars[var] is sequence }}",
"is string": "{{ vars[var] is string }}",
"is bool": "{{ vars[var] is boolean }}",
"value cast as float": "{{ vars[var] | float }}",
"value cast as integer": "{{ vars[var] | int }}",
"value cast as string": "{{ vars[var] | string }}",
"value cast as bool": "{{ vars[var] | bool }}",
"is same when cast to float": "{{ vars[var] | float | string == vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to integer": "{{ vars[var] | int | string == vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to string": "{{ vars[var] | string == vars[var] | string }}",
"is same when cast to bool": "{{ vars[var] | bool | string == vars[var] | string }}",
{% endfor %}
Featured image is “Kelvin Test” by “Eelke” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.
In it, Ricardo introduces me to two things which are interesting.
Using the wait command literally waits for all the backgrounded tasks to finish.
Running bash commands like this: function1 & function2 & function3 should run all three processes in parallel. To be honest, I’d always usually do it like this: function1 & function2 & function3 &
The other thing which Ricardo links to is a page suggesting that if you’re downloading a bash script and executing it (which, you know, probably isn’t a good idea at the best of times), then wrapping it in a function, like this:
function main() {
echo "Some function"
This means that the bash scripting engine needs to download and parse all the functions before it can run the script. As a result, you’re less likely to get a broken run of your script, because imagine it only got as far as:
echo "Some fun
Then it wouldn’t have terminated the echo command (as an example)…
I’m starting to write some documentation, and I realised that I’ve not documented how I write with Markdown. So, let’s make some notes here :) This is largely drawn from the CommonMark Markdown Cheat Sheet, as well as my own experiences.
I’ll use the terms “Markdown” and “Commonmark” interchangeably, but really I’m talking about the “Commonmark” implementation of Markdown, as Markdown is just a “way of doing things”, whereas Commonmark is a specification to standardise how Markdown is done.
Late edit, 2020-06-24: My colleague, Simon Partridge, who writes the “Tech Snippets” round up of interesting content, pointed me to a Markdown Tutorial that he recommends. I’ve added two “Late Edit” comments below, in the Lists section and a new section called “Soft Breaks”, featuring stuff I’d not come across before that was on the Markdown Tutorial. It’s well worth a look! Dave Lee, the producer on the podcast I co-host, podcaster in his own right, and all-round-lovely-guy, also noted that the Walt Disney quote I included below wasn’t quite formatted right. I’ve fixed this, and added another example for clarity.
Normal text
This is normal text, you might know it in HTML as “paragraph” mode, or <p>some text</p>.
In your word processor, this is the default styled text that you start with.
In Markdown and Commonmark, line lengths don’t matter, you can just keep writing and writing and writing, or you can type 40 characters, and put a single new line in, and it’ll keep the text on the same line, like this:
In your word processor, this is the default styled
text that you start with.
In Markdown and Commonmark, line lengths don't matter, you can just keep writing and writing and writing or you can type 40 characters and put a single new line in, and it'll keep the text on the same line, like this:
While a single page of text is often useful, some people find it easier to connect to other documents. In HTML, you would do this by writing something like this: <a hrеf="http://example.com">Link</a>. In Markdown, you use this format:
You might want to put your [link](http://example.com) in here for later.
This link is in-line for ease of understanding.
This makes it very easy to read in-line where a link is pointing to. It’s also possible to make those links listed elsewhere in the document, by writing something like this:
You might want to put your [link][1] in here for later.
Some documents include links elsewhere in their structure, which is easier
for moving links around your document, while keeping the formatting
[1]: (http://example.com)
Links can be to absolute URLs (http://example.com/some/page.html), or relative URLs (some/page.html) and can include anchor points (http://example.com/some/page.html#heading-1). They can also link to other protocols, like email (mailto:person@example.org) or ftp (ftp://user:password@
Much like the link layout, in HTML an image is inserted with a special tag, in that case, <img src="http://example.com/some/image.png" alt="Some Image">. An image can have an “Alt Tag”, which is text that a screen reader (for people with partial or complete vision loss) can read out. To put an image into a Markdown document, you use the link-style formatting, but add an exclamation mark before it, like this:

![Some other image][1]
[1]: (relative/paths/work/too.png)
If you want to mix Images and Links, you do that like this:
[](my_link.html)
Note that here it looks a little complicated, as you’ve got the image identifier (![]()) inside the link identifier ([]()). Again, you could also use some non-inline URLs to clarify that a little, like this:
[![Click here to send an email][email]](mailto:someone@example.net?subject=Enquiry)
[email]: http://example.org/assets/email.png
You can prefix text with the # symbol and a space to make it a “top level heading”, like my heading for this blog post “Writing with Commonmark/Markdown formatting”, like this:
# Writing with Commonmark/Markdown formatting
Subsequent level headings, from 2 (e.g. “Headings” above) to 6 are written like this:
## Headings
### Now also at level 3
#### And level 4
##### And so on
###### Until level 6
### You can also jump back up levels, if you need to
Typically, you include a line space before and after the heading, just to make it clearer that this is a heading. It’s also possible to use the equals underlining and hyphen underlining to turn a single top level and second level heading, like this:
# Heading 1
is the same as
Heading 1
## Heading 2
is the same as
Heading 2
I’ve not really seen that structure before, but it seems less clear than the symbol-prefix method… I guess it’s just codifying some early practices.
Another benefit to the headings is that they automatically get turned into “anchor tags”, so you can refer to those points elsewhere in your document, like this:
Refer to [our sales literature for more details](#sales-literature).
## Sales Literature

Note that the anchor tag in this case is any heading tag (level 1 to 6), turned into lower case, and replacing any spaces with hyphens and removing any other characters.
Aside from the above, you can also use some punctuation to indicate emphasis, like this:
This is *bold* text. As is _this_.
This text is **italicised** instead. This is __too__.
This text is ***both*** bold and italicised. ___Also___ here.
So is __*this*__ and **_this_** and _**this**_ and *__this__*.
Lists (ordered and unordered)
An ordered list looks like this:
1. Go to the shops
1. Open the door
2. Walk in
3. Select products
4. Pay for products
1. Use debit or credit card
2. Enter PIN
5. Open the door
6. Exit
2. Go home
Both of these can be rendered in Markdown using this format:
1. Go to the shops
1. Open the door
2. Walk in
3. Select products
* Eggs
* Dairy
* Milk
2. Go home
Notice that you can nest ordered and unordered lists. You need to provide four spaces when indenting from one level to the next.
If you’re not sure what the numbering will be, you can replace each of the numbers (1., 2., 3. and so on) with a single number, 1. Also, * for the unordered list can be replaced with -. So, the above example could look like this:
1. Go to the shops
1. Open the door
1. Walk in
1. Select products
- Eggs
- Dairy
* Milk
1. Go home
This all depends on what writing style you prefer.
Late Edit: 2020-06-24 If you want to include a more content under the same list item, you can add a new line and indent it by at least one space (and usually to the same indenting level as the bullet point), like this:
1. Go to the shops
I've found going to Smiths, on the high street best.
1. Open the door
Use the handle on the edge of the door.
1. Walk in
1. Select products
Look for items with the best dates. The items you need are as follows:
- Eggs
- Dairy
* Milk
Soft Breaks (Late edit, 2020-06-24)
A soft break, written in HTML as <br>, is signalled in Markdown with two spaces, like this (spaces replaced with . characters):
People sometimes like to quote other people. In Markdown, we do this by following a long email convention, proceeding the quote with a “chevron” symbol – >, like this:
> The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
> [*Walt Disney*](https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/famous-quotes)
Note that this could also have been written like this:
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
As [Walt Disney](https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/famous-quotes) once said:
> The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Embedding code
This one I use all the time. Backticks (`) help you embed code, while three backticks (```) start a block of code, like this:
Also, `*` for the unordered list can be replaced with `-`.
> The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
[Walt Disney](https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/famous-quotes)
Some interpretations of Markdown (notably “Github Flavoured Markdown”) let you signal what type of code you’ve written by adding the language after the first set of three backticks, like this:
echo "$1"
If three backticks don’t work for you, you can instead add four spaces before each line of your code, like this:
echo "$1"
Sometimes you just can’t do with Markdown what you want to achieve. I’ve notably found this with trying to incorporate several images and figure references in an ordered list, but in those cases, you can always use “raw HTML”. Here’s a list (from the Commonmark Spec as of version 0.29, dated 2019-04-06) of what tags are available to you:
1. Here's something to do with the following image<br>
<br>
*Figure 1 - Some image that is relevant*<br>
Since looking into this further, this is now what I intend to do:
1. Here's something to do with the following image
<figure>
<figcaption>*Figure 1 - Some image that is relevant*</figcaption>
Not all Markdown flavours incorporate these, but some do. Trial-and-error is your friend here!
Github Flavoured Markdown supports tables, as do several other Markdown interpreters, but it’s explicitly not in Commonmark.
These are very basic tables, but will work for several cases. In this case, you MUST have a heading row (in my case, the first column has no name, but the second, third and fourth have the text “column” and then the alignment the subsequent rows follow), then a line which indicates the alignment of the row, either left (|---|), right (|--:|) or centre (|:-:|). All subsequent lines must contain all the columns specified. You can’t merge columns or rows, without resorting to HTML table definitions.
Note that different flavours disagree on whether the alignment of the text inside the rows matters, so while the above text works out OK, the following would also produce exactly the same result:
Personally, I’d probably use the longer format divider line to match up to the column heads, but use the shorter format for the rows.
Using Markdown
In projects on Github and Gitlab, any file suffixed .md will usually be rendered as a Markdown file. Editing a Markdown file in Github at least will allow you to use the “preview” tab to see the changes. You can also include some Markdown in issues and pull/merge requests. It is not recommended for git logs, and IIRC won’t render it there either.
Visual Studio Code will preview Markdown, and has a “linting” extension, called “markdownlint“, that will help identify common issues with Markdown.
WordPress’ “Gutenberg” block editor supports using markdown, both for importing content, and for using it to shortcut things like bold, italics, headings and links (in fact, I wrote rather a lot of this using it!).
Popular blogging platform Ghost and static site creation tool Jekyll both use Markdown extensively.
Naturally, Plain Text is an option :)
You might also consider “Restructured Text” (RST) which are popular with open source projects for their documentation.
Featured image is “html tattoo” by “webmove” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.
A simple tool to update and upgrade WordPress components
A few years ago, I hosted my blog on Dreamhost. They’ve customized something inside the blog which means it doesn’t automatically update itself. I’ve long since moved this blog off to my own hosting, but I can’t figure out which thing it was they changed, and I’ve got so much content and stuff in here, I don’t really want to mess with it.
Anyway, I like keeping my systems up to date, and I hate logging into a blog and finding updates are pending, so I wrote this script. It uses wp-cli which I have installed to /usr/local/bin/wp as per the install guide. This is also useful if you’re hosting your site in such a way that you can’t make changes to core or plugins from the web interface.
This script updates:
All core files (lines core update-db, core update and language core update)
All plugins (lines plugin update --all and language plugin update --all)
All themes (lines theme update --all and language theme update --all)
To remove any part of this script, just delete those lines, including the /usr/local/bin/wp and --quiet && \ fragments!
I then run sudo -u www-data crontab -e (replacing www-data with the real account name of the user who controls the blog, which can be found by doing an ls -l /var/www/html/ replacing the path to where your blog is located) and I add the bottom line to that crontab file (the rest is just comments to remind you what the fields are!)
# day of month [1-31]
# month [1-12]
# day of week [1-6 Mon-Sat, 0/7 Sun]
# minute hour command
1 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * /usr/local/bin/wp-upgrade.sh /var/www/jon.sprig.gs/blog
This means that every other hour, at 1 minute past the hour, every day, every month, I run the update :)
If you’ve got email setup for this host and user, you’ll get an email whenever it upgrades a component too.
As I only run a few machines with services that matter on them (notably, my home server and my web server), I don’t need a full-on monitoring service, so instead rely on a system called monit.
Monit is an open source piece of software, used to monitor (see, it’s easily named 😄) and, if possible remediate issues with things it sees wrong.
I use this for watching whether particular services are running (and if not, restart them), for whether the ink in my printer is empty, and to monitor the free space and SMART status on my disks.
Today I noticed that a Docker container had stopped, and I’d not noticed. It wasn’t a big thing, but it gnawed at me, so I had a bit of a look around to see what I can find about this.
So, here’s what I’m doing! Each container has it’s own file called/etc/monit/scripts/check_container_<container-name>.sh which has just this command in it:
#! /bin/bash
docker top "<container-name>"
exit $?
Note that you replace <container-name> in both the filename and the script itself with the name of the container – for example, the container hello-world would be monitored with the file check_container_hello-world.sh, and the line in that file would say docker top "hello-world".
I then have a file in /etc/monit/conf.d/ called check_container_<container-name> which has this content
CHECK PROGRAM <container-name> WITH PATH /etc/monit/scripts/check_container_<container-name>.sh
START PROGRAM = "/usr/bin/docker start <container-name>"
STOP PROGRAM = "/usr/bin/docker stop <container-name>"
I then ensure that in /etc/monit/monitrc the line “include /etc/monit/conf.d/*” is included and not commented out, and then restart monit with systemctl restart monit.
Late edit: 2020-05-22 – Updated with better search criteria from colleague conversations
I’m building a proof of concept for … well, a product that needs testing on several different Linux and Windows variants on AWS and Azure. I’m building this environment with Terraform, and it’s thrown me a few curve balls, so I thought I’d document the issues I’ve had!
The versions of distributions I have tested are the latest releases of each of these images at-or-near the time of writing. The major version listed is the earliest I have tested, so no assumption is made about previous versions, and later versions, after the time of this post should not assume any of this data is also accurate!
(Fujitsu Staff – please contact me on my work email address for details on how to get the internal AMIs of our builds of these images 😄)
Linux Distributions
On the whole, I tend to be much more confident and knowledgable about Linux distributions. I’ve also done far more installs of each of these!
Almost all of these installs are Free of Charge, with the exception of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which requires a subscription fee, and this can be “Pay As You Go” or “Bring Your Own License”. These sorts of things are arranged for me, so I don’t know how easy or hard it is to organise these licenses!
These builds all use cloud-init, via either a cloud-init yaml script, or some shell scripting language (usually accepted to be bash). If this script fails to execute, you will find your user-data file in /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001. If this is a shell script then you will be able to execute it by running that script as your root user.
Amazon Linux 2 or Amzn2
Amazon Linux2 is the “preferred” distribution for Amazon Web Services (AWS) (surprisingly enough). It is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and many of the instructions you’ll want to run to install software will use RHEL based instructions. This platform is not available outside the AWS ecosystem, as far as I can tell, although you might be able to run it on-prem.
Software packages are limited in this distribution, so any “extra” features require the installation of the “EPEL” repository, by executing the command sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel and then using the yum command to install further packages. I needed nginx for part of my build, and this was only in EPEL.
Amzn2 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "amzn2" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.*-gp2"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["amazon"] # Canonical
Amzn2 User Account
Amazon Linux 2 images under AWS have a default “ec2-user” user account. sudo will allow escalation to Root with no password prompt.
Amzn2 AWS Interface Configuration
The primary interface is called eth0. Network Manager is not installed. To manage the interface, you need to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and apply changes with ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0.
Amzn2 user-data / Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
I’ve found the output from user-data scripts appearing in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
CentOS 7
For starters, AWS doesn’t have an official CentOS8 image, so I’m a bit stymied there! In fact, as far as I can make out, CentOS is only releasing ISOs for builds now, and not any cloud images. There’s an open issue on their bug tracker which seems to suggest that it’s not going to get any priority any time soon! Blimey.
This image may require you to “subscribe” to the image (particularly if you have a “private marketplace”), but this will be requested of you (via a URL provided on screen) when you provision your first machine with this AMI.
Like with Amzn2, CentOS7 does not have nginx installed, and like Amzn2, installation of the EPEL library is not a difficult task. CentOS7 bundles a file to install the EPEL, installed by running yum install epel-release. After this is installed, you have the “full” range of software in EPEL available to you.
CentOS AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "centos7" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["CentOS Linux 7*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["aws-marketplace"]
CentOS User Account
CentOS7 images under AWS have a default “centos” user account. sudo will allow escalation to Root with no password prompt.
CentOS AWS Interface Configuration
The primary interface is called eth0. Network Manager is not installed. To manage the interface, you need to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and apply changes with ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0.
CentOS Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
I’ve run several different user-data located bash scripts against this system, and the logs from these scripts are appearing in the default syslog file (/var/log/syslog) or by running journalctl -xefu cloud-init. They do not appear in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and 8
Red Hat has both RHEL7 and RHEL8 images in the AWS market place. The Proof Of Value (POV) I was building was only looking at RHEL7, so I didn’t extensively test RHEL8.
Like Amzn2 and CentOS7, RHEL7 needs EPEL installing to have additional packages installed. Unlike Amzn2 and CentOS7, you need to obtain the EPEL package from the Fedora Project. Do this by executing these two commands:
After this is installed, you’ll have access to the broader range of software that you’re likely to require. Again, I needed nginx, and this was not available to me with the stock install.
RHEL7 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "rhel7" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["RHEL-7*GA*Hourly*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["309956199498"] # Red Hat
RHEL8 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "rhel8" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["RHEL-8*HVM-*Hourly*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["309956199498"] # Red Hat
RHEL User Accounts
RHEL7 and RHEL8 images under AWS have a default “ec2-user” user account. sudo will allow escalation to Root with no password prompt.
RHEL AWS Interface Configuration
The primary interface is called eth0. Network Manager is installed, and the eth0 interface has a profile called “System eth0” associated to it.
RHEL Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
In RHEL7, as per CentOS7, logs from user-data scripts are appear in the general syslog file (in this case, /var/log/messages) or by running journalctl -xefu cloud-init. They do not appear in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
In RHEL8, logs from user-data scrips now appear in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
Ubuntu 18.04
At the time of writing this, the vendor, who’s product I was testing, categorically stated that the newest Ubuntu LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) would not be supported until some time after our testing was complete. As such, I spent no time at all researching or planning to use this image.
Ubuntu is the only non-RPM based distribution in this test, instead being based on the Debian project’s DEB packages. As such, it’s range of packages is much wider. That said, for the project I was working on, I required a later version of nginx than was available in the Ubuntu Repositories, so I had to use the nginx Personal Package Archive (PPA). To do this, I found the official PPA for the nginx project, and followed the instructions there. Generally speaking, this would potentially risk any support from the distribution vendor, as it’s not certified or supported by the project… but I needed that version, so I had to do it!
Ubuntu 18.04 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu1804" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["*ubuntu*18.04*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
Ubuntu 18.04 User Accounts
Ubuntu 18.04 images under AWS have a default “ubuntu” user account. sudo will allow escalation to Root with no password prompt.
Ubuntu 18.04 AWS Interface Configuration
The primary interface is called eth0. Network Manager is not installed, and instead Ubuntu uses Netplan to manage interfaces. The file to manage the interface defaults is /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. If you struggle with this method, you may wish to install ifupdown and define your configuration in /etc/network/interfaces.
Ubuntu 18.04 Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
In Ubuntu 18.04, logs from user-data scrips appear in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.
This section is far more likely to have it’s data consolidated here!
Windows has a common “standard” username – Administrator, and a common way of creating a password (this is generated on-boot, and the password is transferred to the AWS Metadata Service, which it is retrieved and decrypted with the SSH key you’ve used to build the “authentication” to the box) which Terraform handles quite nicely.
The network device is referred to as “AWS PV Network Device #0”. It can be managed with powershell, netsh (although apparently Microsoft are rumbling about demising this script), or from the GUI.
Windows 2012R2
This version is very old now, and should be compared to Windows 7 in terms of age. It is only supported by Microsoft with an extended maintenance package!
Windows 2012R2 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "w2012r2" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["Windows_Server-2012-R2_RTM-English-64Bit-Base*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["801119661308"] # AWS
Windows 2012R2 Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
Logs from the Metadata Service can be found in C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Logs\Ec2ConfigLog.txt. You can also find the userdata script in C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Scripts\UserScript.ps1. This can be launched and debugged using PowerShell ISE, which is in the “Start” menu.
Windows 2016
This version is reasonably old now, and should be compared to Windows 8 in terms of age. It is supported until 2022 in “mainline” support.
Windows 2016 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "w2016" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["801119661308"] # AWS
Windows 2016 Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
The metadata service has moved from Windows 2016 and onwards. Logs are stored in a partially hidden directory tree, so you may need to click in the “Address” bar of the Explorer window and type in part of this path. The path to these files is: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Log. I say “files” as there are two parts to this file – an “Ec2Launch.log” file which reports on the boot process, and “UserdataExecution.log” which shows the output from the userdata script.
Unlike with the Windows 2012R2 version, you can’t get hold of the actual userdata script on the filesystem, you need to browse to a special path in the metadata service (actually, technically, you can do this with any of the metadata services – OpenStack, Azure, and so on) which is:
This will contain userdata between a <powershell> and </powershell> pair of tags. This would need to be copied out of this URL and pasted into a new file on your local machine to determine why issues are occurring. Again, I would recommend using PowerShell ISE from the Start Menu to debug your code.
Windows 2019
This version is the most recent released version of Windows Server, and should be compared to Windows 10 in terms of age.
Windows 2019 AMI Lookup
data "aws_ami" "w2019" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]
filter {
name = "state"
values = ["available"]
owners = ["801119661308"] # AWS
Windows 2019 Cloud-Init Troubleshooting
Functionally, the same as Windows 2016, but to recap, the metadata service has moved from Windows 2016 and onwards. Logs are stored in a partially hidden directory tree, so you may need to click in the “Address” bar of the Explorer window and type in part of this path. The path to these files is: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Log. I say “files” as there are two parts to this file – an “Ec2Launch.log” file which reports on the boot process, and “UserdataExecution.log” which shows the output from the userdata script.
Unlike with the Windows 2012R2 version, you can’t get hold of the actual userdata script on the filesystem, you need to browse to a special path in the metadata service (actually, technically, you can do this with any of the metadata services – OpenStack, Azure, and so on) which is:
This will contain userdata between a <powershell> and </powershell> pair of tags. This would need to be copied out of this URL and pasted into a new file on your local machine to determine why issues are occurring. Again, I would recommend using PowerShell ISE from the Start Menu to debug your code.
I’m currently building a Proof Of Value (POV) environment for a product, and one of the things I needed in my environment was an Active Directory domain.
To do this in AWS, I had to do the following steps:
Build my Domain Controller
Install Windows
Set the hostname (Reboot)
Promote the machine to being a Domain Controller (Reboot)
Create a domain user
Build my Member Server
Install Windows
Set the hostname (Reboot)
Set the DNS client to point to the Domain Controller
Join the server to the domain (Reboot)
To make this work, I had to find a way to trigger build steps after each reboot. I was working with Windows 2012R2, Windows 2016 and Windows 2019, so the solution had to be cross-version. Fortunately I found this script online! That version was great for Windows 2012R2, but didn’t cover Windows 2016 or later… So let’s break down what I’ve done!
In your userdata field, you need to have two sets of XML strings, as follows:
The first block says to Windows 2016+ “keep trying to run this script on each boot” (note that you need to stop it from doing non-relevant stuff on each boot – we’ll get to that in a second!), and the second bit is the PowerShell commands you want it to run. The rest of this now will focus just on the PowerShell block.
Whew, what a block! Well, again, we can split this up into a couple of bits.
In the first few lines, we build a pointer, a note which says “We got up to here on our previous boots”. We then read that into a variable and find that number and execute any steps in the block with that number. That’s this block:
The next part (and you’ll repeat it for each “number” of reboot steps you need to perform) says “increment the number” then “If this is Windows 2012, remind the userdata handler that the script needs to be run again next boot”. That’s this block:
Then, after each reboot, you need a new block. I have a block to change the computer name, a block to join the machine to the domain, and a block to install an software that I need.