One to install: Gist (a Ruby Script)

Found this over the past week trying to find somewhere to ship some logs to raise a bug on Vagrant (which I then couldn’t duplicate…. anyway!)

On Ubuntu, make sure you have ruby installed

sudo apt install ruby

Then install the gem package

sudo -H gem install gist

Once this is done, you can then call it like this

YourCommand | gist               # Put the output of your command into a new anonymous gist
YourCommand | gist -f output.log # Name the file you uploaded "output.log"
YourCommand | gist -d 'Your Desc'# Set a description on the gist
gist -p            # Upload to gist, mark it "private"

You can also login, and all the commands above then get put in your gist tree (mine is instead of an anonymous path. To login, do this:

gist --login

If you want to force the fact your gist will be anonymous once you’ve logged in? Do this:

gist -a



One to read: “SKIP grep, use AWK” / ”Awk Tutorial, part {1,2,3,4}”

Do you use this pattern in your sh/bash/zsh/etc-sh scripts?

cat somefile | grep 'some string' | awk '{print $2}'

If so, you can replace that as follows:

cat somefile | awk '/some string/ {print $2}'

Or how about this?

grep -v 'something' < somefile | awk '{print $0}'

Try this:

awk '! /something/ {print $0}' < somefile

Ooo OK, how about if you want to get all actions performed by users when the ISO formatted dates (Y-m-d) match the first day of the month, but where you don’t want to also match January (unless you’re talking about the first of January)…

# echo 'BLOGGSF 2001-01-23 SOME_ACTION' | awk '$2 ~ /-01$/ {print $1, $3}'
# echo 'BLOGGSF 2002-02-01 SOME_ACTION' | awk '$2 ~ /-01$/ {print $1, $3}'

This is so cool! Thanks to the tutorials “SKIP grep, use AWK” and the follow-up tutorials starting here…

One to read: “Test Driven Development (TDD) for networks, using Ansible”

Thanks to my colleague Simon (@sipart on Twitter), I spotted this post (and it’s companion Github Repository) which explains how to do test-driven development in Ansible.

Essentially, you create two roles – test (the author referred to it as “validate”) and one to actually do the thing you want it to do (in the author’s case “add_vlan”).

In the testing role, you’d have the following layout:


In the main.yml file, you have a simple stanza:

- name: Include all the test files
  include: "{{ outer_item }}"
  loop_control: loop_var=outer_item

I’m sure that “with_fileglob” line could be improved to not actually need a full path… anyway

Then in your YourFeature_test.yml file, you do things like this:

- name: "Pseudocode in here. Use real modules for your testing!!"
  get_vlan_config: filter_for=needle_vlan

- assert: that=" {{ needle_item }} in haystack_var "

When you run the play of the role the first time, the response will be “failed” (because “needle_vlan” doesn’t exist). Next do the “real” play of the role (so, in the author’s case, add_vlan) which creates the vlan. Then re-run the test role, your response should now be “ok”.

I’d probably script this so that it goes:

      reset-environment set_testing=true (maybe create a random little network)
      reset-environment set_testing=false

The benefit to doing it that way is that you “know” your tests aren’t running if the environment doesn’t have the “set_testing” thing in place, you get to run all your tests in a “clean room”, and then you clear it back down again afterwards, leaving it clear for the next pass of your automated testing suite.


One to listen to: “Null and Void”

This podcast from Radiolab is intriguing. The first half had me hoping for the underdog, then there’s an interview with a very cross older gentleman, who’s clearly had enough of not having his voice heard…. At which point, I realise what is proposed could “burn it [American Civilisation] all down”… And suddenly I don’t want the underdog to win.

And the reason I think this is “one to listen to” is because of that guy. Basically, if you fight so passionately about something that you’re ready to hurt someone over that thing, you need to take a step back and check it’s the right thing to be fighting for. Chances are, it probably isn’t.

This podcast talks about a concept in US (and probably UK) law called “Jury Nullification”, where even if the law clearly defines some act or inaction to be prohibited, the Jury can express their distaste about that law by deciding “Not Guilty”. If that verdict comes down often enough, it “might” send a message to the law makers that there’s something wrong with that particular law, and perhaps it will be re-written.

One to read or watch: “Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic”

Here is a transcript of a talk by Allison Parrish at the Open Hardware Summit in Portland, OR. The talk “Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic” is a discussion about the failings of the book “Hackers” by Steven Levy. Essentially, that book proposed (in the 80’s) a set of ethics for Hackers (which is to say, creative programmers or engineers, not malicious operators). Allison suggests that many of the parables in the book do not truly reflect the “Hacker Ethic”, and revises them for today’s world.

Her new questions (not statements) are as follows:

  • Who gets to use what I make? Who am I leaving out? How does what I make facilitate or hinder access?
  • What data am I using? Whose labor produced it and what biases and assumptions are built into it? Why choose this particular phenomenon for digitization or transcription? And what do the data leave out?
  • What systems of authority am I enacting through what I make? What systems of support do I rely on? How does what I make support other people?
  • What kind of community am I assuming? What community do I invite through what I make? How are my own personal values reflected in what I make?

This is a significant re-work of the original “Hacker Ethic“, and you should really either watch or read the talk to see how she got to these from the original, especially as it’s not as punchy as the original.

I’d like to think I was thinking of things like these questions when I wrote CampFireManager and CCHits.

One to read: “You need to rethink that Jump Server”

One of my colleagues, Nick Cross, posts links to articles he thinks are worth reading. This is one of the ones I though was worth re-posting.
Essentially, the key suggestions I took from it is that the jump server should be application white-listed to the bare bones, and should be auto-rebuilt on a daily basis.
It suggests some other controls, but these are the two key ones which I think could be “easiest” to implement.

One to read: “Don’t build private clouds”

I’m catching up on the fabulous Devops Weekly mailing list, so some of these blog posts might be relatively old. The first post I’m picking out as interesting is Don’t build private clouds.

This post is interesting, because the role I’ve *literally* just accepted relates to building Private Cloud infrastructure, so… yehr. That was a great indicator :)

That said, the firm I work for falls solidly in the realms of “Actually, might be useful for you to build your own private cloud” so, not that bad really :D

And if you’re not in the range of people who the article claims should be building your own private cloud, give me a shout, and I’ll point you at some pre-sales people for building with *our* private cloud platform!

One to install: pipethis

Anyone who uses curl | bash needs to take a look at pipethis. A simple GoLang program to use instead of curl | bash, used like this: pipethis

To install under Ubuntu, you need to do: sudo apt install -y golang-go && sudo GOPATH=/usr go get

Other Linux distributions will vary!