'Geocache "Goodies"' by 'sk' on Flickr

Caching online data sources in Ansible for later development or testing

My current Ansible project relies on me collecting a lot of data from AWS and then checking it again later, to see if something has changed.

This is great for one-off tests (e.g. terraform destroy ; terraform apply ; ansible-playbook run.yml) but isn’t great for repetitive tests, especially if you have to collect data that may take many minutes to run all the actions, or if you have slow or unreliable internet in your development environment.

To get around this, I wrote a wrapper for caching this data.

At the top of my playbook, run.yml, I have these tasks:

- name: Set Online Status.
  # This stores the value of run_online, unless run_online
  # is not set, in which case, it defines it as "true".
    run_online: |-
      {{- run_online | default(true) | bool -}}

- name: Create cache_data path.
  # This creates a "cached_data" directory in the same
  # path as the playbook.
  when: run_online | bool and cache_data | default(false) | bool
  delegate_to: localhost
  run_once: true
    path: "cached_data"
    state: directory
    mode: 0755

- name: Create cache_data for host.
  # This creates a directory under "cached_data" in the same
  # path as the playbook, with the name of each of the inventory
  # items.
  when: run_online | bool and cache_data | default(false) | bool
  delegate_to: localhost
    path: "cached_data/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 0755

Running this sets up an expectation for the normal operation of the playbook, that it will be “online”, by default.

Then, every time I need to call something “online”, for example, collect EC2 Instance Data (using the community.aws.ec2_instance_info module), I call out to (something like) this set of tasks, instead of just calling the task by itself.

- name: List all EC2 instances in the regions of interest.
  when: run_online | bool
    region: "{{ item.region_name }}"
  loop: "{{ regions }}"
    label: "{{ item.region_name }}"
  register: regional_ec2

- name: "NOTE: Set regional_ec2 data path"
  when: not run_online | bool or cache_data | default(false) | bool
    regional_ec2_cached_data_file_loop: "{{ regional_ec2_cached_data_file_loop | default(0) | int + 1 }}"
    cached_data_filename: "cached_data/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ cached_data_file | default('regional_ec2') }}.{{ regional_ec2_cached_data_file_loop | default(0) | int + 1 }}.json"

- name: "NOTE: Cache/Get regional_ec2 data path"
  when: not run_online | bool or cache_data | default(false) | bool
    msg: "File: {{ cached_data_filename }}"

- name: Cache all EC2 instances in the regions of interest.
  when: run_online | bool and cache_data | default(false) | bool
  delegate_to: localhost
    dest: "{{ cached_data_filename }}"
    mode: "0644"
    content: "{{ regional_ec2 }}"

- name: "OFFLINE: Load all EC2 instances in the regions of interest."
  when: not run_online | bool
    regional_ec2: "{% include( cached_data_filename ) %}"

The first task, if it’s still set to being “online” will execute the task, and registers the result for later. If cache_data is configured, we generate a filename for the caching, record the filename to the log (via the debug task) and then store it (using the copy task). So far, so online… but what happens when we don’t need the instance to be up and running?

In that case, we use the set_fact module, triggered by running the playbook like this: ansible-playbook run.yml -e run_online=false. This reads the cached data out of that locally stored pool of data for later use.

Featured image is ‘Geocache “Goodies”‘ by ‘sk‘ on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-ND license.

"Main console" by "Steve Parker" on Flickr

Running services (like SSH, nginx, etc) on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL1) on boot

I recently got a new laptop, and for various reasons, I’m going to be primarily running Windows on that laptop. However, I still like having a working SSH server, running in the context of my Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment.

Initially, trying to run service ssh start failed with an error, because you need to re-execute the ssh configuration steps which are missed in a WSL environment. To fix that, run sudo apt install --reinstall openssh-server.

Once you know your service runs OK, you start digging around to find out how to start it on boot, and you’ll see lots of people saying things like “Just run a shell script that starts your first service, and then another shell script for the next service.”

Well, the frustration for me is that Linux already has this capability – the current popular version is called SystemD, but a slightly older variant is still knocking around in modern linux distributions, and it’s called SystemV Init, often referred to as just “sysv” or “init.d”.

The way that those services work is that you have an “init” file in /etc/init.d and then those files have a symbolic link into a “runlevel” directory, for example /etc/rc3.d. Each symbolic link is named S##service or K##service, where the ## represents the order in which it’s to be launched. The SSH Daemon, for example, that I want to run is created in there as /etc/rc3.d/S01ssh.

So, how do I make this work in the grander scheme of WSL? I can’t use SystemD, where I could say systemctl enable --now ssh, instead I need to add a (yes, I know) shell script, which looks in my desired runlevel directory. Runlevel 3 is the level at which network services have started, hence using that one. If I was trying to set up a graphical desktop, I’d instead be looking to use Runlevel 5, but the X Windows system isn’t ported to Windows like that yet… Anyway.

Because the rc#.d directory already has this structure for ordering and naming services to load, I can just step over this directory looking for files which match or do not match the naming convention, and I do that with this script:

#! /bin/bash
function run_rc() {
  base="$(basename "$1")"
  if [[ ${base:0:1} == "S" ]]
    "$1" start
    "$1" stop

if [ "$1" != "" ] && [ -e "$1" ]
  run_rc "$1"
  if [ "$1" != "" ] && [ -e "/etc/rc${$1}.d/" ]
  for digit1 in {0..9}
    for digit2 in {0..9}
      find "/etc/rc${rc}.d/" -name "[SK]${digit1}${digit2}*" -exec "$0" '{}' \; 2>/dev/null

I’ve put this script in /opt/wsl_init.sh

This does a bit of trickery, but basically runs the bottom block first. It loops over the digits 0 to 9 twice (giving you 00, 01, 02 and so on up to 99) and looks in /etc/rc3.d for any file containing the filename starting S or K and then with the two digits you’ve looped to by that point. Finally, it runs itself again, passing the name of the file it just found, and this is where the top block comes in.

In the top block we look at the “basename” – the part of the path supplied, without any prefixed directories attached, and then extract just the first character (that’s the ${base:0:1} part) to see whether it’s an “S” or anything else. If it’s an S (which everything there is likely to be), it executes the task like this: /etc/rc3.d/S01ssh start and this works because it’s how that script is designed! You can run one of the following instances of this command: service ssh start, /etc/init.d/ssh start or /etc/rc3.d/S01ssh start. There are other options, notably “stop” or “status”, but these aren’t really useful here.

Now, how do we make Windows execute this on boot? I’m using NSSM, the “Non-sucking service manager” to add a line to the Windows System services. I placed the NSSM executable in C:\Program Files\nssm\nssm.exe, and then from a command line, ran C:\Program Files\nssm\nssm.exe install WSL_Init.

I configured it with the Application Path: C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe and the Arguments: -d ubuntu -e sudo /opt/wsl_init.sh. Note that this only works because I’ve also got Sudo setup to execute this command without prompting for a password.

Here I invoke C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -d ubuntu -e sudo /opt/wsl_init.sh
I define the name of the service, as Services will see it, and also the description of the service.
I put in MY username and My Windows Password here, otherwise I’m not running WSL in my user context, but another one.

And then I rebooted. SSH was running as I needed it.

Featured image is “Main console” by “Steve Parker” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"2009.01.17 - UNKNOWN, Unknown" by "Adrian Clark" on Flickr

Creating tagged AWS EC2 resources (like Elastic IPs) with Ansible

This is a quick note, having stumbled over this one today.

Mostly these days, I’m used to using Terraform to create Elastic IP (EIP) items in AWS, and I can assign tags to them during creation. For various reasons in $Project I’m having to create my EIPs in Ansible.

To make this work, you can’t just create an EIP with tags (like you would in Terraform), instead what you need to do is to create the EIP and then tag it, like this:

  - name: Allocate a new elastic IP
      state: present
      in_vpc: true
      region: eu-west-1
    register: eip

  - name: Tag that resource
      region: eu-west-1
      resource: "{{ eip.allocation_id }}"
      state: present
        Name: MyTag
    register: tag

Notice that we create a VPC associated EIP, and assign the allocation_id from the result of that module to the resource we want to tag.

How about if you’re trying to be a bit more complex?

Here I have a list of EIPs I want to create, and then I pass this into the ec2_eip module, like this:

- name: Create list of EIPs
    region: eu-west-1
    - demo-eip-1
    - demo-eip-2
    - demo-eip-3

  - name: Allocate new elastic IPs
      state: present
      in_vpc: true
      region: "{{ region }}"
    register: eip
    loop: "{{ eip_list | dict2items }}"
      label: "{{ item.key }}"

  - name: Tag the EIPs
      region: "{{ item.invocation.module_args.region }}"
      resource: "{{ item.allocation_id }}"
      state: present
        Name: "{{ item.item.key }}"
    register: tag
    loop: "{{ eip.results }}"
      label: "{{ item.item.key }}"

So, in this instance we pass the list of EIP names we want to create as a list with the loop instruction. Now, at the point we create them, we don’t actually know what they’ll be called, but we’re naming them there because when we tag them, we get the “item” (from the loop) that was used to create the EIP. When we then tag the EIP, we can use some of the data that was returned from the ec2_eip module (region, EIP allocation ID and the name we used as the loop key). I’ve trimmed out the debug statements I created while writing this, but here’s what you get back from ec2_eip:

"eip": {
        "changed": true,
        "msg": "All items completed",
        "results": [
                "allocation_id": "eipalloc-decafbaddeadbeef1",
                "ansible_loop_var": "item",
                "changed": true,
                "failed": false,
                "invocation": {
                    "module_args": {
                        "allow_reassociation": false,
                        "aws_access_key": null,
                        "aws_ca_bundle": null,
                        "aws_config": null,
                        "aws_secret_key": null,
                        "debug_botocore_endpoint_logs": false,
                        "device_id": null,
                        "ec2_url": null,
                        "in_vpc": true,
                        "private_ip_address": null,
                        "profile": null,
                        "public_ip": null,
                        "public_ipv4_pool": null,
                        "region": "eu-west-1",
                        "release_on_disassociation": false,
                        "reuse_existing_ip_allowed": false,
                        "security_token": null,
                        "state": "present",
                        "tag_name": null,
                        "tag_value": null,
                        "validate_certs": true,
                        "wait_timeout": null
                "item": {
                    "key": "demo-eip-1",
                    "value": {}
                "public_ip": ""

So, that’s what I’m doing next!

Featured image is “2009.01.17 – UNKNOWN, Unknown” by “Adrian Clark” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-ND license.

"Stockholms Stadsbibliotek" by "dilettantiquity" on Flickr

Terraform templates with Maps

For a project I’m working on, I needed to define a list of ports, and set some properties on some of them. In the Ansible world, you’d use statements like:

{% if data.somekey is defined %}something {{ data.somekey }}{% endif %}


{{ data.somekey | default('') }}

In a pinch, you can also do this:

{{ (data | default({}) ).somekey | default('') }}

With Terraform, I was finding it much harder to work out how to find whether a value as part of a map (the Terraform term for a Dictionary in Ansible terms, or an Associative Array in PHP terms), until I stumbled over the Lookup function. Here’s how that looks for just a simple Terraform file:

output "test" {
    value = templatefile(
            ports = {
                "eth0": {"ip": "", "name": "public"}, 
                "eth1": {"ip": "", "name": "protected"}, 
                "eth2": {"ip": "", "name": "management", "management": true}, 
                "eth3": {}
            management = "1"

And the template that goes with that?

%{ for port, data in ports ~}
Interface: ${port}%{ if lookup(data, "name", "") != ""}
Alias: ${ lookup(data, "name", "") }%{ endif }
Services: ping%{ if lookup(data, "management", false) == true } ssh https%{ endif }
IP: ${ lookup(data, "ip", "Not Defined") }

%{ endfor }

This results in the following output:

C:\tf>terraform.exe apply -auto-approve

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


test = Interface: eth0
Alias: public
Services: ping

Interface: eth1
Alias: protected
Services: ping

Interface: eth2
Alias: management
Services: ping ssh https

Interface: eth3
Services: ping
IP: Not Defined

Naturally, using this in your own user-data or Custom Data field will probably make more sense than just writing it to “output” 😁

Featured image is “Stockholms Stadsbibliotek” by “dilettantiquity” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

"Sydney Observatory I" by "Newtown grafitti" on Flickr

Using Feature Flags in Terraform with Count Statements

In a project I’m working on in Terraform, I’ve got several feature flags in a module. These flags relate to whether this module should turn on a system in a cloud provider, or not, and looks like this:

variable "turn_on_feature_x" {
  description = "Setting this to 'yes' will enable Feature X. Any other value will disable it. (Default 'yes')"
  value = "yes"

variable "turn_on_feature_y" {
  description = "Setting this to 'yes' will enable Feature Y. Any other value will disable it. (Default 'no')"
  value = "no"

When I call the module, I then can either leave the feature with the default values, or selectively enable or disable them, like this:

module "region1" {
  source = "./my_module"

module "region2" {
  source = "./my_module"
  turn_on_feature_x = "no"
  turn_on_feature_y = "yes"

module "region3" {
  source = "./my_module"
  turn_on_feature_y = "yes"

module "region4" {
  source = "./my_module"
  turn_on_feature_x = "no"

# Result:
# region1 has X=yes, Y=no
# region2 has X=no, Y=yes
# region3 has X=yes, Y=yes
# region4 has X=no, Y=no

When I then want to use the feature, I have to remember a couple of key parts.

  1. Normally this feature check is done with a “count” statement, and the easiest way to use this is to use the ternary operator to check values and return a “1” or a “0” for if you want the value used.

    Ternary operators look like this: var.turn_on_feature_x == "yes" ? 1 : 0 which basically means, if the value of the variable turn_on_feature_x is set to “yes”, then return 1 otherwise return 0.

    This can get a bit complex, particularly if you want to check several flags a few times, like this: var.turn_on_feature_x == "yes" ? var.turn_on_feature_y == "yes" ? 1 : 0 : 0. I’ve found that wrapping them in brackets helps to understand what you’re getting, like this:

      var.turn_on_feature_x == "yes" ?
        var.turn_on_feature_y == "yes" ?
        1 :
      ) :
  2. If you end up using a count statement, the resulting value must be treated as an 0-indexed array, like this: some_provider_service.my_name[0].result

    This is because, using the count value says “I want X number of resources”, so Terraform has to treat it as an array, in case you actually wanted 10 instead of 1 or 0.

Here’s an example of that in use:

resource "aws_guardduty_detector" "Region" {
  count = var.enable_guardduty == "yes" ? 1 : 0
  enable = true

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "guardduty_finding" {
  count = (var.enable_guardduty == "yes" ? (var.send_guardduty_findings_to_sns == "yes" ? 1 : (var.send_guardduty_findings_to_sqs == "yes" ? 1 : 0)) : 0)
  name = "${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}-${data.aws_region.current.name}-${var.sns_guardduty_finding_suffix}"
  event_pattern = <<PATTERN
  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
    "GuardDuty Finding"

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "sns_guardduty_finding" {
  count = (var.enable_guardduty == "yes" ? (var.send_guardduty_findings_to_sns == "yes" ? 1 : 0) : 0)
  rule = aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.guardduty_finding[0].name
  target_id = aws_sns_topic.guardduty_finding[0].name
  arn = aws_sns_topic.guardduty_finding[0].arn

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "sqs_guardduty_finding" {
  count = (var.enable_guardduty == "yes" ? (var.send_guardduty_findings_to_sqs == "yes" ? 1 : 0) : 0)
  rule = aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.guardduty_finding[0].name
  target_id = "SQS"
  arn = aws_sqs_queue.guardduty_finding[0].arn

One thing that bit me rather painfully around this was that if you change from an uncounted resource, like this:

resource "some_tool" "this" {
  some_setting = 1

To a counted resource, like this:

resource "some_tool" "this" {
  count = var.some_tool == "yes" ? 1 : 0
  some_setting = 1

Then, Terraform will promptly destroy some_tool.this to replace it with some_tool.this[0], because they’re not the same referenced thing!

Fun, huh? 😊

Featured image is “Sydney Observatory I” by “Newtown grafitti” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Tracking Methane Sources and Movement Around the Globe" by "NASA/Scientific Visualization Studio" on Nasa.gov

Flexibly loading files in Terraform to license a FortiGate firewall on AWS, Azure and other Cloud platforms

One of the things I’m currently playing with is a project to deploy some FortiGate Firewalls into cloud platforms. I have a couple of Evaluation Licenses I can use (as we’re a partner), but when it comes to automatically scaling, you need to use the PAYG license.

To try to keep my terraform files as reusable as possible, I came up with this work around. It’s likely to be useful in other places too. Enjoy!

This next block is stored in license.tf and basically says “by default, you have no license.”

variable "license_file" {
  default = ""
  description = "Path to the license file to load, or leave blank to use a PAYG license."

We can either override this with a command line switch terraform apply -var 'license_file=mylicense.lic', or (more likely) the above override file named license_override.tf (ignored in Git) which has this next block in it:

variable "license_file" {
  default = "mylicense.lic"

This next block is also stored in license.tf and says “If var.license is not empty, load that license file [var.license != "" ? var.license] but if it is empty, check whether /dev/null exists (*nix platforms) [fileexists("/dev/null")] in which case, use /dev/null, otherwise use the NUL: device (Windows platforms).”

data "local_file" "license" {
  filename = var.license_file != "" ? var.license_file : fileexists("/dev/null") ? "/dev/null" : "NUL:"

👉 Just as an aside, I’ve seen this “ternary” construct in a few languages. It basically looks like this: boolean_operation ? true_value : false_value

That check, logically, could have been written like this instead: "%{if boolean_operation}${true_value}%{else}${false_value}%{endif}"

By combining two of these together, while initially it looks far more messy and hard to parse, I’ve found that, especially in single-line statements, it’s much more compact and eventually easier to read than the alternative if/else/endif structure.

So, this means that we can now refer to data.local_file.license as our data source.

Next, I want to select either the PAYG (Pay As You Go) or BYOL (Bring Your Own License) licensed AMI in AWS (the same principle applies in Azure, GCP, etc), so in this block we provide a different value to the filter in the AMI Data Source, suggesting the string “FortiGate-VM64-AWS *x.y.z*” if we have a value provided license, or “FortiGate-VM64-AWSONDEMAND *x.y.z*” if we don’t.

data "aws_ami" "FortiGate" {
  most_recent = true

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["FortiGate-VM64-AWS%{if data.local_file.license.content == ""}ONDEMAND%{endif} *${var.release}*"]

  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]

  owners = ["679593333241"] # AWS

And the very last thing is to create the user-data template (known as customdata in Azure), using this block:

data "template_cloudinit_config" "config" {
  gzip          = false
  base64_encode = false

  part {
    filename     = "config"
    content_type = "multipart/mixed"
    content      = templatefile(
        hostname = "firewall"

  part {
    filename     = "license"
    content_type = "text/plain"
    content      = data.local_file.license.content

And so that is how I can elect to provide a license, or use a pre-licensed image from AWS, and these lessons can also be applied in an Azure or GCP environment too.

Featured image is “Tracking Methane Sources and Movement Around the Globe” by “NASA/Scientific Visualization Studio

"Kelvin Test" by "Eelke" on Flickr

In Ansible, determine the type of a value, and casting those values to other types

TL;DR? It’s possible to work out what type of variable you’re working with in Ansible. The in-built filters don’t always do quite what you’re expecting. Jump to the “In Summary” heading for my suggestions.

LATE EDIT: 2021-05-23 After raising a question in #ansible on Freenode, flowerysong noticed that my truth table around mappings, iterables and strings was wrong. I’ve amended the table accordingly, and have added a further note below the table.

One of the things I end up doing quite a bit with Ansible is value manipulation. I know it’s not really normal, but… well, I like rewriting values from one type of a thing to the next type of a thing.

For example, I like taking a value that I don’t know if it’s a list or a string, and passing that to an argument that expects a list.

Doing it wrong, getting it better

Until recently, I’d do that like this:

- debug:
    msg: |-
        {%- if value | type_debug == "string" or value | type_debug == "AnsibleUnicode" -%}
           "string": "{{ value }}"
        {%- elif value | type_debug == "dict" or value | type_debug == "ansible_mapping" -%}
          "dict": {{ value }}
        {%- elif value | type_debug == "list" -%}
          "list": {{ value }}
        {%- else -%}
          "other": "{{ value }}"
        {%- endif -%}

But, following finding this gist, I now know I can do this:

- debug:
    msg: |-
        {%- if value is string -%}
           "string": "{{ value }}"
        {%- elif value is mapping -%}
          "dict": {{ value }}
        {%- elif value is iterable -%}
          "list": {{ value }}
        {%- else -%}
          "other": "{{ value }}"
        {%- endif -%}

So, how would I use this, given the context of what I was saying before?

- assert:
    - value is string
    - value is not mapping
    - value is iterable
- some_module:
    some_arg: |-
      {%- if value is string -%}
        ["{{ value }}"]
      {%- else -%}
        {{ value }}
      {%- endif -%}

More details on finding a type

Why in this order? Well, because of how values are stored in Ansible, the following states are true:

⬇️Type \ ➡️Checkis iterableis mappingis sequenceis string
a_dict (e.g. {})✔️✔️✔️
a_list (e.g. [])✔️✔️
a_string (e.g. “”)✔️✔️✔️
A comparison between value types

So, if you were to check for is iterable first, you might match on a_list or a_dict instead of a_string, but string can only match on a_string. Once you know it can’t be a string, you can check whether something is mapping – again, because a mapping can only match a_dict, but it can’t match a_list or a_string. Once you know it’s not that, you can check for either is iterable or is sequence because both of these match a_string, a_dict and a_list.

LATE EDIT: 2021-05-23 Note that a prior revision of this table and it’s following paragraph showed “is_mapping” as true for a_string. This is not correct, and has been fixed, both in the table and the paragraph.

Likewise, if you wanted to check whether a_float and an_integer is number and not is string, you can check these:

⬇️Type \ ➡️Checkis floatis integeris iterableis mappingis numberis sequenceis string
A comparison between types of numbers

So again, a_float and an_integer don’t match is string, is mapping or is iterable, but they both match is number and they each match their respective is float and is integer checks.

How about each of those (a_float and an_integer) wrapped in quotes, making them a string? What happens then?

⬇️Type \ ➡️Checkis floatis integeris iterableis mappingis numberis sequenceis string
A comparison between types of numbers when held as a string

This is somewhat interesting, because they look like a number, but they’re actually “just” a string. So, now you need to do some comparisons to make them look like numbers again to check if they’re numbers.

Changing the type of a string

What happens if you cast the values? Casting means to convert from one type of value (e.g. string) into another (e.g. float) and to do that, Ansible has three filters we can use, float, int and string. You can’t cast to a dict or a list, but you can use dict2items and items2dict (more on those later). So let’s start with casting our group of a_ and an_ items from above. Here’s a list of values I want to use:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    an_int: 1
    a_float: 1.1
    a_string: "string"
    an_int_as_string: "1"
    a_float_as_string: "1.1"
      - item1
      key1: value1

With each of these values, I returned the value as Ansible knows it, what happens when you do {{ value | float }} to cast it as a float, as an integer by doing {{ value | int }} and as a string {{ value | string }}. Some of these results are interesting. Note that where you see u'some value' means that Python converted that string to a Unicode string.

⬇️Value \ ➡️Castvaluevalue when cast as floatvalue when cast as integervalue when cast as string
a_dict{“key1”: “value1”}0.00“{u’key1′: u’value1′}”
Casting between value types

So, what does this mean for us? Well, not a great deal, aside from to note that you can “force” a number to be a string, or a string which is “just” a number wrapped in quotes can be forced into being a number again.

Oh, and casting dicts to lists and back again? This one is actually pretty clearly documented in the current set of documentation (as at 2.9 at least!)

Checking for miscast values

How about if I want to know whether a value I think might be a float stored as a string, how can I check that?

{{ vars[var] | float | string == vars[var] | string }}

What is this? If I cast a value that I think might be a float, to a float, and then turn both the cast value and the original into a string, do they match? If I’ve got a string or an integer, then I’ll get a false, but if I have actually got a float, then I’ll get true. Likewise for casting an integer. Let’s see what that table looks like:

⬇️Type \ ➡️Checkvalue when cast as floatvalue when cast as integervalue when cast as string
A comparison between types of numbers when cast to a string

So this shows us the values we were after – even if you’ve got a float (or an integer) stored as a string, by doing some careful casting, you can confirm they’re of the type you wanted… and then you can pass them through the right filter to use them in your playbooks!


Last thing to check – boolean values – “True” or “False“. There’s a bit of confusion here, as a “boolean” can be: true or false, yes or no, 1 or 0, however, is true and True and TRUE the same? How about false, False and FALSE? Let’s take a look!

⬇️Value \ ➡️Checktype_debug is booleanis numberis iterableis mappingis stringvalue when cast as boolvalue when cast as stringvalue when cast as integer
Comparisons between various stylings of boolean representations

So, the stand out thing for me here is that while all the permutations of string values of the boolean representations (those wrapped in quotes, like this: "yes") are treated as strings, and shouldn’t be considered as “boolean” (unless you cast for it explicitly!), and all non-string versions of true, false, and no are considered to be boolean, yes, Yes and YES are treated differently, depending on case. So, what would I do?

In summary

  • Consistently use no or yes, true or false in lower case to indicate a boolean value. Don’t use 1 or 0 unless you have to.
  • If you’re checking that you’re working with a string, a list or a dict, check in the order string (using is string), dict (using is mapping) and then list (using is sequence or is iterable)
  • Checking for numbers that are stored as strings? Cast your string through the type check for that number, like this: {% if value | float | string == value | string %}{{ value | float }}{% elif value | int | string == value | string %}{{ value | int }}{% else %}{{ value }}{% endif %}
  • Try not to use type_debug unless you really can’t find any other way. These values will change between versions, and this caused me a lot of issues with a large codebase I was working on a while ago!

Run these tests yourself!

Want to run these tests yourself? Here’s the code I ran (also available in a Gist on GitHub), using Ansible 2.9.10.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    an_int: 1
    a_float: 1.1
    a_string: "string"
    an_int_as_string: "1"
    a_float_as_string: "1.1"
      - item1
      key1: value1
    - debug:
        msg: |
          {% for var in ["an_int", "an_int_as_string","a_float", "a_float_as_string","a_string","a_list","a_dict"] %}
            "{{ var }}": {
              "type_debug": "{{ vars[var] | type_debug }}",
              "value": "{{ vars[var] }}",
              "is float": "{{ vars[var] is float }}",
              "is integer": "{{ vars[var] is integer }}",
              "is iterable": "{{ vars[var] is iterable }}",
              "is mapping": "{{ vars[var] is mapping }}",
              "is number": "{{ vars[var] is number }}",
              "is sequence": "{{ vars[var] is sequence }}",
              "is string": "{{ vars[var] is string }}",
              "value cast as float": "{{ vars[var] | float }}",
              "value cast as integer": "{{ vars[var] | int }}",
              "value cast as string": "{{ vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to float": "{{ vars[var] | float | string == vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to integer": "{{ vars[var] | int | string == vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to string": "{{ vars[var] | string == vars[var] | string }}",
          {% endfor %}
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    # true, True, TRUE, "true", "True", "TRUE"
    a_true: true
    a_true_initial_caps: True
    a_true_caps: TRUE
    a_string_true: "true"
    a_string_true_initial_caps: "True"
    a_string_true_caps: "TRUE"
    # yes, Yes, YES, "yes", "Yes", "YES"
    a_yes: yes
    a_yes_initial_caps: Tes
    a_yes_caps: TES
    a_string_yes: "yes"
    a_string_yes_initial_caps: "Yes"
    a_string_yes_caps: "Yes"
    # 1, "1"
    a_1: 1
    a_string_1: "1"
    # false, False, FALSE, "false", "False", "FALSE"
    a_false: false
    a_false_initial_caps: False
    a_false_caps: FALSE
    a_string_false: "false"
    a_string_false_initial_caps: "False"
    a_string_false_caps: "FALSE"
    # no, No, NO, "no", "No", "NO"
    a_no: no
    a_no_initial_caps: No
    a_no_caps: NO
    a_string_no: "no"
    a_string_no_initial_caps: "No"
    a_string_no_caps: "NO"
    # 0, "0"
    a_0: 0
    a_string_0: "0"
    - debug:
        msg: |
          {% for var in ["a_true","a_true_initial_caps","a_true_caps","a_string_true","a_string_true_initial_caps","a_string_true_caps","a_yes","a_yes_initial_caps","a_yes_caps","a_string_yes","a_string_yes_initial_caps","a_string_yes_caps","a_1","a_string_1","a_false","a_false_initial_caps","a_false_caps","a_string_false","a_string_false_initial_caps","a_string_false_caps","a_no","a_no_initial_caps","a_no_caps","a_string_no","a_string_no_initial_caps","a_string_no_caps","a_0","a_string_0"] %}
            "{{ var }}": {
              "type_debug": "{{ vars[var] | type_debug }}",
              "value": "{{ vars[var] }}",
              "is float": "{{ vars[var] is float }}",
              "is integer": "{{ vars[var] is integer }}",
              "is iterable": "{{ vars[var] is iterable }}",
              "is mapping": "{{ vars[var] is mapping }}",
              "is number": "{{ vars[var] is number }}",
              "is sequence": "{{ vars[var] is sequence }}",
              "is string": "{{ vars[var] is string }}",
              "is bool": "{{ vars[var] is boolean }}",
              "value cast as float": "{{ vars[var] | float }}",
              "value cast as integer": "{{ vars[var] | int }}",
              "value cast as string": "{{ vars[var] | string }}",
              "value cast as bool": "{{ vars[var] | bool }}",
              "is same when cast to float": "{{ vars[var] | float | string == vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to integer": "{{ vars[var] | int | string == vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to string": "{{ vars[var] | string == vars[var] | string }}",
              "is same when cast to bool": "{{ vars[var] | bool | string == vars[var] | string }}",
          {% endfor %}

Featured image is “Kelvin Test” by “Eelke” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"$bash" by "Andrew Mager" on Flickr

One to read: Put your bash code in functions

I’ve got a few mildly ropey bash scripts which I could do with making a bit more resilient, and perhaps even operating faster ;)

As such, I found this page really interesting: https://ricardoanderegg.com/posts/bash_wrap_functions/

In it, Ricardo introduces me to two things which are interesting.

  1. Using the wait command literally waits for all the backgrounded tasks to finish.
  2. Running bash commands like this: function1 & function2 & function3 should run all three processes in parallel. To be honest, I’d always usually do it like this:
    function1 &
    function2 &
    function3 &

The other thing which Ricardo links to is a page suggesting that if you’re downloading a bash script and executing it (which, you know, probably isn’t a good idea at the best of times), then wrapping it in a function, like this:


function main() {
  echo "Some function"


This means that the bash scripting engine needs to download and parse all the functions before it can run the script. As a result, you’re less likely to get a broken run of your script, because imagine it only got as far as:

echo "Some fun

Then it wouldn’t have terminated the echo command (as an example)…

Anyway, some great tricks here! Love it!

Featured image is “$bash” by “Andrew Mager” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

"Accept a New SSH Host Key" by "Linux Screenshots" on Flickr

Purposefully Reducing SSH Security when performing Builds of short-lived devices

I’ve recently been developing a few builds of things at home using throw-away sessions of virtual machines, and I found myself repeatedly having to accept and even having to remove SSH host keys for things I knew wouldn’t be around for long. It’s not a huge disaster, but it’s an annoyance.

This annoyance comes from the fact that SSH uses a thing called “Trust-On-First-Use” (Or TOFU) to protect yourself against a “Man-in-the-Middle” attack (or even where the host has been replaced with something malicious), which, for infrastructure that has a long lifetime (anything more than a couple of days) makes sense! You’re building something you want to trust hasn’t been compromised! That said, if you’re building new virtual machines, testing something and then rebuilding it to prove your script worked… well, that’s not so useful!

So, in this case, if you’ve got a designated build network, or if you trust, implicitly, your normal working network, this is a dead simple work-around.

In $HOME/.ssh/config or in $HOME/.ssh/config.d/local (if you’ve followed my previous advice to use separate ssh config files), add the following stanza:

# RFC1918
Host 10.* 172.16.* 172.17.* 172.18.* 172.19.* 172.20.* 172.21.* 172.22.* 172.23.* 172.24.* 172.25.* 172.26.* 172.27.* 172.28.* 172.29.* 172.30.* 172.31.* 192.168.*
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

# RFC5373 and RFC2544
Host 192.0.2.* 198.51.100.* 203.0.113.* 198.18.* 198.19.*
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

These stanzas let you disable host key checking for any IP address in the RFC1918 ranges (, and, and for the RFC5373 ranges (, and – which should be used for documentation, and for the RFC2544 range ( which should be used for inter-network testing.

Alternatively, if you always use a DDNS provider for short-lived assignments (for example, I use davd/docker-ddns) then instead, you can use this stanza:

Host *.ddns.example.com
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

(Assuming, of course, you use ddns.example.com as your DDNS address!)

Featured image is “Accept a New SSH Host Key” by “Linux Screenshots” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

A screenshot of the Wordpress site, showing updates available

wp-upgrade.sh – A simple tool to update and upgrade WordPress components via cron

A simple tool to update and upgrade WordPress components

A few years ago, I hosted my blog on Dreamhost. They’ve customized something inside the blog which means it doesn’t automatically update itself. I’ve long since moved this blog off to my own hosting, but I can’t figure out which thing it was they changed, and I’ve got so much content and stuff in here, I don’t really want to mess with it.

Anyway, I like keeping my systems up to date, and I hate logging into a blog and finding updates are pending, so I wrote this script. It uses wp-cli which I have installed to /usr/local/bin/wp as per the install guide. This is also useful if you’re hosting your site in such a way that you can’t make changes to core or plugins from the web interface.

This script updates:

  1. All core files (lines core update-db, core update and language core update)
  2. All plugins (lines plugin update --all and language plugin update --all)
  3. All themes (lines theme update --all and language theme update --all)

To remove any part of this script, just delete those lines, including the /usr/local/bin/wp and --quiet && \ fragments!

I then run sudo -u www-data crontab -e (replacing www-data with the real account name of the user who controls the blog, which can be found by doing an ls -l /var/www/html/ replacing the path to where your blog is located) and I add the bottom line to that crontab file (the rest is just comments to remind you what the fields are!)

#                                         day of month [1-31]
#                                             month [1-12]
#                                                 day of week [1-6 Mon-Sat, 0/7 Sun]
# minute   hour                                         command
1          1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 *   *   *     /usr/local/bin/wp-upgrade.sh /var/www/jon.sprig.gs/blog

This means that every other hour, at 1 minute past the hour, every day, every month, I run the update :)

If you’ve got email setup for this host and user, you’ll get an email whenever it upgrades a component too.