A colour photograph of a series of cogs and gears interlinked to create a machine

Making .bashrc more manageable

How many times have you seen an instruction in a setup script which says “Now add source <(somescript completion bash) to your ~/.bashrc file” or “Add export SOMEVAR=abc123 to your .bashrc file”?

This is great when it’s one or two lines, but for a big chunk of them? Whew!

Instead, I created this block in mine:

if [ -d ~/.bash_extensions.d ]; then
    for extension in ~/.bash_extensions.d/[a-zA-Z0-9]*
        . "$extension"

This dynamically loads all the files in ~/.bash_extensions.d/ which start with a letter or a digit, so it means I can manage when things get loaded in, or removed from my bash shell.

For example, I recently installed the pre-release of Atuin, so my ~/.bash_extensions.d/atuin file looks like this:

source $HOME/.atuin/bin/env
eval "$(atuin init bash --disable-up-arrow)"

And when I installed direnv, I created ~/.bash_extensions.d/direnv which has this in it:

eval "$(direnv hook bash)"

This is dead simple, and now I know that if I stop using direnv, I just need to remove that file, rather than hunting for a line in .bashrc.

Featured image is “Gears gears cogs bits n pieces” by “Les Chatfield” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

A padlock and chain on a rusted gate

Using #NetworkFirewall and #Route53 #DNS #Firewall to protect a private subnet’s egress traffic in #AWS

I wrote this post in January 2023, and it’s been languishing in my Drafts folder since then. I’ve had a look through it, and I can’t see any glaring reasons why I didn’t publish it so… it’s published… Enjoy 😁

If you’ve ever built a private subnet in AWS, you know it can be a bit tricky to get updates from the Internet – you end up having a NAT gateway or a self-managed proxy, and you can never be 100% certain that the egress traffic isn’t going somewhere you don’t want it to.

In this case, I wanted to ensure that outbound HTTPS traffic was being blocked if the SNI didn’t explicitly show the DNS name I wanted to permit through, and also, I only wanted specific DNS names to resolve. To do this, I used AWS Network Firewall and Route 53 DNS Firewall.

I’ve written this blog post, and followed along with this, I’ve created a set of terraform files to represent the steps I’ve taken.

The Setup

Let’s start this story from a simple VPC with three private subnets for my compute resources, and three private subnets for the VPC Endpoints for Systems Manager (SSM).

Here’s our network diagram, with the three subnets containing the VPC Endpoints at the top, and the three instances at the bottom.

I’ve created a tag in my Github repo at this “pre-changes” state, called step 1.

At this point, none of those instances can reach anything outside the network, with the exception of the SSM environment. So, we can’t install any packages, we can’t get data from outside the network or anything similar.

Getting Protected Internet Access

In order to get internet access, we need to add 4 things;

  1. An internet gateway
  2. A NAT gateway in each AZ
  3. Which needs three new subnets
  4. And three Elastic IP addresses
  5. Route tables in all the subnets

To clarify, a NAT gateway acts like a DSL router. It hides the source IP address of outbound traffic behind a single, public IP address (using an Elastic IP from AWS), and routes any return traffic back to wherever that traffic came from. To reduce inter-AZ data transfer rates, I’m putting one in each AZ, but if there’s not a lot of outbound traffic or the outbound traffic isn’t critical enough to require resiliency, this could all be centralised to a single NAT gateway. To put a NAT gateway in each AZ, you need a subnet in each AZ, and to get out to the internet (by whatever means you have), you need an internet gateway and route tables for how to reach the NAT and internet gateways.

We also should probably add, at this point, four additional things.

  1. The Network Firewall
  2. Subnets for the Firewall interfaces
  3. Stateless Policy
  4. Stateful Policy

The Network Firewall acts like a single appliance, and uses a Gateway Load Balancer to present an interface into each of the availability zones. It has a stateless policy (which is very fast, but needs to address both inbound and outbound traffic flows) to do IP and Port based filtering (referred to as “Layer 3” filtering) and then specific traffic can be passed into a stateful policy (which is slower) to do packet and flow inspection.

In this case, I only want outbound HTTPS traffic to be passed, so my stateless rule group is quite simple;

  • VPC range on any port → Internet on TCP/443; pass to Stateful rule groups
  • Internet on TCP/443 → VPC range on any port; pass to Stateful rule groups

I have two stateful rule groups, one is defined to just allow access out to example.com and any relevant subdomains, using the “Domain List” stateful policy item. The other allows access to example.org and any relevant subdomains, using a Suricata stateful policy item, to show the more flexible alternative route. (Suricata has lots more filters than just the SNI value, you can check for specific SSH versions, Kerberos CNAMEs, SNMP versions, etc. You can also add per-rule logging this way, which you can’t with the Domain List route).

These are added to the firewall policy, which also defines that if a rule doesn’t match a stateless rule group, or an established flow doesn’t match a stateful rule group, then it should be dropped.

New network diagram with more subnets and objects, but essentially, as described in the paragraphs above. Traffic flows from the instances either down towards the internet, or up towards the VPCe.

I’ve created a tag in my Github repo at this state, with the firewall, NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway, called step 2.

So far, so good… but why let our users even try to resolve the DNS name of a host they’re not permitted to reach. Let’s turn on DNS Firewalling too.

Turning on Route 53 DNS Firewall

You’ll notice that in the AWS Network Firewall, I didn’t let DNS out of the network. This is because, by default, AWS enables Route 53 as it’s local resolver. This lives on the “.2” address of the VPC, so in my example environment, this would be Because it’s a local resolver, it won’t cross the Firewall exiting to the internet. You can also make Route 53 use your own DNS servers for specific DNS resolution (for example, if you’re running an Active Directory service inside your network).

Any Network Security Response team members you have working with you would appreciate it if you’d turn on DNS Logging at this point, so I’ll do it too!

In March 2021, AWS announced “Route 53 DNS Firewall”, which allow this DNS resolver to rewrite responses, or even to completely deny the existence of a DNS record. With this in mind, I’m going to add some custom DNS rules.

The first thing I want to do is to only permit traffic to my specific list of DNS names – example.org, example.com and their subdomains. DNS quite likes to terminate DNS names with a dot, signifying it shouldn’t try to resolve any higher up the chain, so I’m going to make a “permitted domains” DNS list;


Nice and simple! Except, this also stops me from being able to access the instances over SSM, so I’ll create a separate “VPCe” DNS list:


Next I create a “default deny” DNS list:


And then build a DNS Firewall Policy which allows access to the “permitted domains”, “VPCe” lists, but blocks resolution of any “default deny” entries.

I’ve created a tag in my Github repo at this state, with the Route 53 DNS Firewall configured, called step 3.

In conclusion…

So there we have it. While the network is not “secure” (there’s still a few gaps here) it’s certainly MUCH more secure than it was, and it certainly would take a lot more work for anyone with malicious intent to get your content out.

Feel free to have a poke around, and leave comments below if this has helped or is of interest!

"Fishing fleet" by "Nomad Tales" on Flickr

Using Terraform to select multiple Instance Types for an Autoscaling Group in AWS

Tale as old as time, the compute instance type you want to use in AWS is highly contested (or worse yet, not as available in every availability zone in your region)! You plead with your TAM or AM “Please let us have more of that instance type” only to be told “well, we can put in a request, but… haven’t you thought about using a range of instance types”?

And yes, I’ve been on both sides of that conversation, sadly.

The commented terraform

# This is your legacy instance_type variable. Ideally we'd have
# a warning we could raise at this point, telling you not to use
# this variable, but... it's not ready yet.
variable "instance_type" {
  description = "The legacy single-instance size, e.g. t3.nano. Please migrate to instance_types ASAP. If you specify instance_types, this value will be ignored."
  type        = string
  default     = null

# This is your new instance_types value. If you don't already have
# some sort of legacy use of the instance_type variable, then don't
# bother with that variable or the locals block below!
variable "instance_types" {
  description = "A list of instance sizes, e.g. [t2.nano, t3.nano] and so on."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = null

# Use only this locals block (and the value further down) if you
# have some legacy autoscaling groups which might use individual
# instance_type sizes.
locals {
  # This means if var.instance_types is not defined, then use it,
  # otherwise create a new list with the single instance_type
  # value in it!
  instance_types = var.instance_types != null ? var.instance_types : [ var.instance_type ]

resource "aws_launch_template" "this" {
  # The prefix for the launch template name
  # default "my_autoscaling_group"
  name_prefix = var.name

  # The AMI to use. Calculated outside this process.
  image_id = data.aws_ami.this.id

  # This block ensures that any new instances are created
  # before deleting old ones.
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

  # This block defines the disk size of the root disk in GB
  block_device_mappings {
    device_name = data.aws_ami.centos.root_device_name
    ebs {
      volume_size = var.disksize # default "10"
      volume_type = var.disktype # default "gp2"

  # Security Groups to assign to the instance. Alternatively
  # create a network_interfaces{} block with your
  # security_groups = [ var.security_group ] in it.
  vpc_security_group_ids = [ var.security_group ]

  # Any on-boot customizations to make.
  user_data = var.userdata

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "this" {
  # The name of the Autoscaling Group in the Web UI
  # default "my_autoscaling_group"
  name = var.name

  # The list of subnets into which the ASG should be deployed.
  vpc_zone_identifier = var.private_subnets
  # The smallest and largest number of instances the ASG should scale between
  min_size            = var.min_rep
  max_size            = var.max_rep

  mixed_instances_policy {
    launch_template {
      # Use this template to launch all the instances
      launch_template_specification {
        launch_template_id = aws_launch_template.this.id
        version            = "$Latest"

      # This loop can either use the calculated value "local.instance_types"
      # or, if you have no legacy use of this module, remove the locals{}
      # and the variable "instance_type" {} block above, and replace the
      # for_each and instance_type values (defined as "local.instance_types")
      # with "var.instance_types".
      # Loop through the whole list of instance types and create a
      # set of "override" values (the values are defined in the content{}
      # block).
      dynamic "override" {
        for_each = local.instance_types
        content {
          instance_type = local.instance_types[override.key]

    instances_distribution {
      # If we "enable spot", then make it 100% spot.
      on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = var.enable_spot ? 0 : 100
      spot_allocation_strategy                 = var.spot_allocation_strategy
      spot_max_price                           = "" # Empty string is "on-demand price"

So what is all this then?

This is two Terraform resources; an aws_launch_template and an aws_autoscaling_group. These two resources define what should be launched by the autoscaling group, and then the settings for the autoscaling group.

You will need to work out what instance types you want to use (e.g. “must have 16 cores and 32 GB RAM, have an x86_64 architecture and allow up to 15 Gigabit/second throughput”)

When might you use this pattern?

If you have been seeing messages like “There is no Spot capacity available that matches your request.” or “We currently do not have sufficient <size> capacity in the Availability Zone you requested.” then you need to consider diversifying the fleet that you’re requesting for your autoscaling group. To do that, you need to specify more instance types. To achieve this, I’d use the above code to replace (something like) one of the code samples below.

If you previously have had something like this:

resource "aws_launch_configuration" "this" {
  iam_instance_profile        = var.instance_profile_name
  image_id                    = data.aws_ami.this.id
  instance_type               = var.instance_type
  name_prefix                 = var.name
  security_groups             = [ var.security_group ]
  user_data_base64            = var.userdata
  spot_price                  = var.spot_price

  root_block_device {
    volume_size = var.disksize

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "this" {
  capacity_rebalance   = false
  launch_configuration = aws_launch_configuration.this.id
  max_size             = var.max_rep
  min_size             = var.min_rep
  name                 = var.name
  vpc_zone_identifier  = var.private_subnets

Or this:

resource "aws_launch_template" "this" {
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

  block_device_mappings {
    device_name = data.aws_ami.this.root_device_name
    ebs {
      volume_size = var.disksize

  iam_instance_profile {
    name = var.instance_profile_name

  network_interfaces {
    associate_public_ip_address = true
    security_groups             = local.node_security_groups

  image_id      = data.aws_ami.this.id
  name_prefix   = var.name
  instance_type = var.instance_type
  user_data     = var.userdata

  instance_market_options {
    market_type = "spot"
    spot_options {
      spot_instance_type = "one-time"

  metadata_options {
    http_tokens                 = var.imds == 1 ? "optional" : "required"
    http_endpoint               = "enabled"
    http_put_response_hop_limit = 1

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "this" {
  name                = var.name
  vpc_zone_identifier = var.private_subnets
  min_size            = var.min_rep
  max_size            = var.max_rep

  launch_template {
    id      = aws_launch_template.this.id
    version = "$Latest"

Then this new method is a much better idea :) Even more so if you had two launch templates to support spot and non-spot instance types!

Hat-tip to former colleague Paul Moran who opened my eyes to defining your fleet of variable instance types, as well as to my former customer (deliberately unnamed) and my current employer who both stumbled into the same documentation issue. Without Paul’s advice with my prior customer’s issue I’d never have known what I was looking for this time around!

Featured image is “Fishing fleet” by “Nomad Tales” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

"Traffic" by "Make Lemons" on Flickr

A Quick Guide to setting up Traefik on a single Docker node inside your home network

I have a small server running Docker for services at home. There are several services which will want to use HTTP, but I can’t have them all sharing the same port without a reverse proxy to manage how to route the traffic to the containers!

This is my guide to how I got Traefik set up to serve HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

The existing setup for one service

Currently, I have phpIPAM which has the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'

    image: phpipam/phpipam-www:latest
      - "80:80"
      - NET_ADMIN
      - NET_RAW
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - IPAM_DATABASE_USER=someuser
      - IPAM_DATABASE_PASS=somepassword
    restart: unless-stopped
      - phpipam-logo:/phpipam/css/images/logo
      - phpipam-ca:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates:ro
      - db

    image: phpipam/phpipam-cron:latest
      - NET_ADMIN
      - NET_RAW
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - IPAM_DATABASE_USER=someuser
      - IPAM_DATABASE_PASS=somepassword
      - SCAN_INTERVAL=1h
    restart: unless-stopped
      - phpipam-ca:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates:ro
      - db

    image: mariadb:latest
      - MYSQL_USER=someuser
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=somepassword
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=phpipam
    restart: unless-stopped
      - phpipam-db-data:/var/lib/mysql


The moment I want to bind another service to TCP/80, I get an error because we’ve already used TCP/80 for phpIPAM. Enter Traefik. Let’s stop the docker container with docker compose down and build our Traefik setup.

Traefik Setup

I always store my docker compose files in /opt/docker/<servicename>, so let’s create a directory for traefik; sudo mkdir -p /opt/docker/traefik

The (“dynamic”) configuration file

Next we need to create a configuration file called traefik.yaml

# Ensure all logs are sent to stdout for `docker compose logs`
accessLog: {}
log: {}

# Enable docker provider but don't switch it on by default
    exposedByDefault: false
    # Select this as the docker network to connect from traefik to containers
    # This is defined in the docker-compose.yaml file
    network: web

# Enable the API and Dashboard on TCP/8080
  dashboard: true
  insecure: true
  debug: true

# Listen on both HTTP and HTTPS
    address: ":80"
    http: {}
    address: ":443"
      tls: {}

With the configuration file like this, we’ll serve HTTPS traffic with a self-signed TLS certificate on TCP/443 and plain HTTP on TCP/80. We have a dashboard on TCP/8080 served over HTTP, so make sure you don’t expose *that* to the public internet!

The Docker-Compose File

Next we need the docker-compose file for Traefik, so let’s create docker-compose.yaml

version: '3'

    name: web
    attachable: true

    image: traefik:latest
      - "8080:8080"
      - "443:443"
      - "80:80"
      - web
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - ./traefik.yaml:/etc/traefik/traefik.yaml
    restart: always

There are a few parts here which aren’t spelled out on the Traefik quickstart! Firstly, if you don’t define a network, it’ll create one using the docker-compose file path, so probably traefik_traefik or traefik_default, which is not what we want! So, we’ll create one called “web” (but you can call it whatever you want. On other deployments, I’ve used the name “traefik” but I found it tedious to remember how to spell that each time). This network needs to be “attachable” so that other containers can use it later.

You then attach that network to the traefik service, and expose the ports we need (80, 443 and 8080).

And then start the container with docker compose up -d

alpine-docker:/opt/docker/traefik# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network web                  Created   0.2s 
 ✔ Container traefik-traefik-1  Started   1.7s 

Adding Traefik to phpIPAM

Going back to phpIPAM, So that Traefik can reach the containers, and so that the container can reach it’s database, we need two network statements now; the first is the “external” network for the traefik connection which we called “web“. The second is the inter-container network so that the “web” service can reach the “db” service, and so that the “cron” service can reach the “db” service. So we need to add that to the start of /opt/docker/phpipam/docker-compose.yaml, like this;

    name: web
    external: true
    attachable: true
    name: ipam

We then need to add both networks that to the “web” container, like this:

    image: phpipam/phpipam-www:latest
      - ipam
      - web
# ...... and the rest of the config

Remove the “ports” block and replace it with an expose block like this:

# ...... The rest of the config for this service
    ## Don't bind to port 80 - we use traefik now
    # ports:
    #   - "80:80"
    ## Do expose port 80 for Traefik to use 
      - 80
# ...... and the rest of the config

And just the inter-container network to the “cron” and “db” containers, like this:

    image: phpipam/phpipam-cron:latest
      - ipam
# ...... and the rest of the config

    image: mariadb:latest
      - ipam
# ...... and the rest of the config

There’s one other set of changes we need to make in the “web” service, which are to enable Traefik to know that this is a container to look at, and to work out what traffic to send to it, and that’s to add labels, like this:

# ...... The rest of the config for this service
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.phpipam.rule=Host(`phpipam.homenet`)
# ...... and the rest of the config

Right, now we run docker compose up -d

alpine-docker:/opt/docker/phpipam# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 4/4
 ✔ Network ipam              Created   0.4s 
 ✔ Container phpipam-db-1    Started   1.4s 
 ✔ Container phpipam-cron-1  Started   2.1s 
 ✔ Container phpipam-web-1   Started   2.6s 

If you notice, this doesn’t show to the web network being created (because it was already created by Traefik) but does bring up the container.

Checking to make sure it’s working

A screenshot of the traefik dashboard showing the phpipam service added.

If we head to the Traefik dashboard (http://your-docker-server:8080) you’ll see the phpipam service identified there… yey!

Better TLS with Lets Encrypt

So, at home I actually have a DNS suffix that is a real DNS name. For the sake of the rest of this documentation, assume it’s homenet.sprig.gs (but it isn’t 😁).

This DNS space is hosted by Digital Ocean, so I can use a DNS Challenge with Lets Encrypt to provide hostnames which are not publically accessible. If you’re hosting with someone else, then that’s probably also available – check the Traefik documentation for your specific variables. The table on that page (as of 2023-12-30) shows the environment variables you need to pass to Traefik to get LetsEncrypt working.

A screen capture of the table on the Traefik website, showing the environment variables needed to use the Lets Encrypt DNS challenge with Digital Ocean

As you can see here, I just need to add the value DO_AUTH_TOKEN, which is an API key. I went to the Digital Ocean console, and navigated to the API panel, and added a new “Personal Access Token”, like this:

Screen capture of part of the Digital Ocean console showing the personal access token, showing I needed "read" and "write" capabilities.

Notice that the API key needed to provide both “Read” and “Write” capabilities, and has been given a name so I can clearly see it’s purpose.

Changing the traefik docker-compose.yaml file

In /opt/docker/traefik/docker-compose.yaml we need to add that new environment variable; DO_AUTH_TOKEN, like this:

# ...... The rest of the config for this service
      DO_AUTH_TOKEN: dop_v1_decafbad1234567890abcdef....1234567890
# ...... and the rest of the config

Changing the traefik.yaml file

In /opt/docker/traefik/traefik.yaml we need to tell it to use Let’s Encrypt. Add this block to the end of the file:

      email: yourname@example.org
      storage: acme.json
        provider: digitalocean
        delayBeforeCheck: 1 # Minutes
          - ""
          - ""

Obviously change the email address to a valid one for you! I hit a few issues with the value specified in the documentation for delayBeforeCheck, as their value of “0” wasn’t long enough for the DNS value to be propogated around the network – 1 minute is enough though!

I also had to add the resolvers, as my local network has a caching DNS server, so I’d never have seen the updates! You may be able to remove both those values from your files.

Now you’ve made all the changes to the Traefik service, restart it with docker compose down ; docker compose up -d

Changing the services to use Lets Encrypt

We need to add one final label to the /opt/docker/phpipam/docker-compose.yaml file, which is this one:

# ...... The rest of the config for this service
      - traefik.http.routers.phpipam.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt
# ...... and the rest of the config

Also, update your .rule=Host(`hostname`) to use the actual DNS name you want to be able to use, then restart the docker container.

phpIPAM doesn’t like trusting proxies, unless explicitly told to, so I also had add an environment variable IPAM_TRUST_X_FORWARDED=true to the /opt/docker/phpipam/docker-compose.yaml file too, because phpIPAM tried to write the HTTP scheme for any links which came up, based on what protocol it thought it was running – not what the proxy was telling it it was being accessed as!

Debugging any issues

If you have it all setup as per the above, and it isn’t working, go into /opt/docker/traefik/traefik.yaml and change the stanza which says log: {} to:

  level: DEBUG

Be aware though, this adds a LOT to your logs! (But you won’t see why your ACME requests have failed without it). Change it back to log: {} once you have it working again.

Adding your next service

I now want to add that second service to my home network – WordPress. Here’s /opt/docker/wordpress/docker-compose.yaml for that service;

version: '3.7'

    name: web 
    external: true
    attachable: true
    name: wordpress

    image: wordpress:latest
      - 80
      - WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mariadb
      - WORDPRESS_DB_USER=db_user
      - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress
      - wordpress:/var/www/html
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.wordpress.rule=Host(`wp.homenet.sprig.gs`)
      - traefik.http.routers.wordpress.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt
      - mariadb
      - wordpress
      - web 

    image: mariadb:10.3
      MYSQL_USER: db_user
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: db_pass
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
      - db:/var/lib/mysql
      - wordpress


And then we start it up;

alpine-docker:/opt/docker/wordpress# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Network wordpress              Created   0.2s 
 ✔ Container wordpress-mariadb-1  Started   3.0s 
 ✔ Container wordpress-php-1      Started   3.8s 


One final comment – I never did work out how to make connections forceably upgrade from HTTP to HTTPS, so instead, I shut down port 80 in Traefik, and instead run this container.

Featured image is “Traffic” by “Make Lemons” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

An open padlock with a key inserted into it, on a printed circuit board

Pulling container images from private registries (including Docker Hub) with a Kubernetes Kubelet Credential Provider

At work last week, I finally solved an issue by writing some code, and I wanted to explain why I wrote it.

At it’s core, Kubernetes is an orchestrator which runs “Container Images”, which are structured filesystem snapshots, taken after running individual commands against a base system. These container images are stored in a container registry, and the most well known of these is the Docker registry, known as Docker Hub.

A registry can be public, meaning you don’t need credentials to get any images from it, or private. Some also offer a mixed-mode where you can make a certain number of requests without requiring authentication, but if you need more than that amount of requests, you need to provide credentials.

During the build-out of a new cluster, I discovered that the ECR (Elastic Container Registry) from AWS requires a new type of authentication – the Kubelet Credential Provider, which required the following changes:

  1. In /etc/sysconfig/kubelet you provide these two switches;
    --image-credential-provider-bin-dir /usr/local/bin/image-credential-provider and --image-credential-provider-config /etc/kubernetes/image-credential-provider-config.json.
  2. In /etc/kubernetes/image-credential-provider-config.json you provide a list of registries and the credential provider to use, which looks like this:
  "apiVersion": "kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1",
  "kind": "CredentialProviderConfig",
  "providers": [
      "name": "binary-credential-provider-name",
      "matchImages": [
      "defaultCacheDuration": "12h",
      "apiVersion": "credentialprovider.kubelet.k8s.io/v1"
  1. Downloading and placing the credential provider binary into the /usr/local/bin/image-credential-provider path.

The ECR Credential Provider has it’s own Github repostitory, and it made me think – we’ve been using the “old” method of storing credentials using the containerd configuration file, which is now marked as deprecated – but this means that any changes to these credentials would require a restart of the containerd service (which apparently used to have a big impact on the platform), but this new ECR provider doesn’t.

I decided to write my own Credential Provider, following the documentation for the Kubelet Credential Provider API and I wrote it in Python – a language I’m trying to get better in! (Pull requests, feature requests, etc. are all welcome!)

I will confess I made heavy use of ChatGPT to get a steer on certain aspects of how to write the code, but all the code is generic and there’s nothing proprietary in this code.

Using the Generic Credential Provider

  1. Follow the steps above – change your Kubernetes environment to ensure you have the kubelet configuration changes and the JSON credential provider configuration put in the relevant parts of your tree. Set the “matchImages” values to include the registry in question – for dockerhub, I’d probably use ["docker.io", "*.docker.io"]
  2. Download the generic-credential-provider script from Github, put it in the right path in your worker node’s filesystem (if you followed my notes above it’ll be in /usr/local/bin/image-credential-provider/generic-credential-provider but this is *your* system we’re talking about, not mine! You know your build better than I do!)
  3. Create the /etc/kubernetes/registries directory – this can be changed by editing the script to use a new path, and for testing purposes there is a flag --credroot /some/new/path but that doesn’t work for the kubelet configuration file.
  4. Create a credential file, for example, /etc/kubernetes/registries/example.org.json which contains this string: {"username":"token_username","password":"token_password"}. [Yes, it’s a plaintext credential. Make sure it’s scoped for only image downloads. No, this still isn’t very good. But how else would you do this?! (Pull requests are welcomed!)] You can add a duration value into that JSON dictionary, to change the default timeout from 5 minutes. Technically, the default is actually set in /etc/kubernetes/image-credential-provider-config.json but I wanted to have my own per-credential, and as these values are coming from the filesystem, and therefore has very little performance liability, I didn’t want to have a large delay in the cache.
  5. Test your credential! This code is what I used:
echo '{
  "apiVersion": "credentialprovider.kubelet.k8s.io/v1",
  "kind": "CredentialProviderRequest",
  "image": "your.registry.example.org/org/image:version"
}' | /usr/local/bin/image-credential-provider/generic-credential-provider

which should return:

'{"kind": "CredentialProviderResponse", "apiVersion": "credentialprovider.kubelet.k8s.io/v1", "cacheKeyType": "Registry", "cacheDuration": "0h5m0s", "auth": {"your.registry.example.com": {"username": "token_username", "password": "token_password"}}}'

You should also see an entry in your syslog service showing a line that says “Credential request fulfilled for your.registry.example.com” and if you pass it a check that it fails, it should say “Failed to fulfill credential request for failure.example.org“.

If this helped you, please consider buying me a drink to say thanks!

Featured image is “Padlock on computer parts” by “Marco Verch Professional Photographer” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

A medieval helm in gold on a bench at a museum

Fixing 403 errors from ghcr.io with #helm pull

At work, I’m using skaffold to deploy a helm chart which references a ghcr.io repository. Here’s the stanza I’m looking at:

apiVersion: skaffold/v3
kind: Config
      - name: {package}
        remoteChart: oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}

This is the first time I’ve tried to deploy this chart, and I kept getting this message:

No tags generated
Starting test...
Starting deploy...
Helm release {package} not installed. Installing...
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3A{owner}%2F{package}%3Apull&scope=repository%3Auser%2Fimage%3Apull&service=ghcr.io: 403 Forbidden
deploying "{package}": install: exit status 1

I thought this might have been an issue with the skaffold file, so I tried running this directly with helm:

$ helm pull oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}
Error: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3A{owner}%2F{package}%3Apull&scope=repository%3Auser%2Fimage%3Apull&service=ghcr.io: 403 Forbidden

Huh, that looks a bit familiar. I spent a little while checking to see whether this was something at the Kubernetes cluster, or if it was just me, and ended up finding this nugget (thanks to a steer from this post)

$ gh auth token | helm registry login ghcr.io -u {my_github_user} --password-stdin
Login Succeeded

And now it works!

elm pull oci://ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}
Pulled: ghcr.io/{owner}/{package}:1.2.3
Digest: sha256:decafbad1234567890aabbccddeeffdeadbeefbadbadbadbad12345678901234

Featured image is “helm” by “23 dingen voor musea” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

A series of gold blocks, each crossed, and one of the lower blocks has engraved "Eduardo Nery 1995-1998 Aleluia - Secla"

Deploying the latest build of a template (machine) image with #Xen #Orchestrator

In my current role we are using Packer to build images on a Xen Orchestrator environment, use a CI/CD system to install that image into both a Xen Template and an AWS AMI, and then we use Terraform to use that image across our estate. The images we build with Packer have this stanza in it:

locals {
  timestamp = regex_replace(timestamp(), "[- TZ:]", "")
variable "artifact_name" {
  default = "SomeLinux-version.iso"
source "xenserver-iso" "this" {
  vm_name = "${var.artifact_name}-${local.timestamp}"
  # more config below

As a result, the built images include a timestamp.

When we use the AMI in Terraform, we can locate it with this code:

variable "ami_name" {
  default = "SomeLinux-version.iso-"

data "aws_ami" "this" {
  most_recent = true

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = [var.ami_name]

  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]

  owners = [var.owner]

But, because Xen doesn’t track when a template is created, instead I needed to do something different. Enter get_xoa_template.sh.

fail() {
[ -n "$1" ] && echo "$1" >&2
[ "$2" -gt 0 ] && exit $2
cleanup() {
[ "$UNREGISTER" -eq 1 ] && [ "$STATE" == "signed_in" ] && xo-cli –unregister 2>&1
[ -n "$exit_message" ] && fail "$exit_message" $set_exit
log_debug() {
[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "$1" >> "$DEBUG"
parse_params() {
while :; do
case "${1-}" in
-h | –help)
echo "usage: get_xoa_template.sh –template SomeTemplatePrefix" >&2
echo "" >&2
echo "Options:" >&2
echo " -t | –template MyTemplatePrefix = The template to look for (required)" >&2
echo " -s | –server ws:// = Sign into Xen Orchestrator on" >&2
echo " [Default to using XOA_URL environment variable]" >&2
echo " -u | –user username@example.org = Sign into Xen Orchestrator using this username" >&2
echo " [Default to using XOA_USER environment variable]" >&2
echo " -p | –password hunter2 = Sign into Xen Orchestrator using this password" >&2
echo " [Default to using XOA_PASSWORD environment variable]" >&2
echo " -l | –pool MyXenPool1 = Use this pool when looking for the template." >&2
echo " [Omit to ignore]" >&2
echo " -x | –no-unregister = Don't log out from the XOA server once connected." >&2
echo " -d | –debug = Log output to /tmp/xocli_output" >&2
echo " -d | –debug /path/to/debug = Log output to the specified path" >&2
echo " –debug=/path/to/debug = Log output to the specified path" >&2
exit 255
-s | –server)
-u | –user)
-p | –password)
-l | –pool)
-t | –template)
-x | –no-unregister)
-d | –debug)
[ -n "${2-}" ] && [ "$(echo "${2-}" | cut -c1)" != "-" ] && DEBUG="${2-}" && shift
DEBUG="$(echo $1 | sed -E -e 's/^[^=]+=//')"
sign_in() {
[ -z "$XOA_URL" ] || [ -z "$XOA_USER" ] || [ -z "$XOA_PASSWORD" ] && fail "Missing sign-in details" 1
log_debug "Logging in"
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]
xo-cli –register –au "$XOA_URL" "$XOA_USER" "$XOA_PASSWORD" 2>&1 | tee -a "$DEBUG" | grep -q 'Successfully' || fail "Login failed" 2
xo-cli –register –au "$XOA_URL" "$XOA_USER" "$XOA_PASSWORD" 2>&1 | grep -q 'Successfully' || fail "Login failed" 2
get_pool() {
[ -z "$XOA_POOL" ] && log_debug "No Pool" && return 0
log_debug "Getting Pool ID"
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]
POOL_ID="\$pool=$(xo-cli –list-objects type=pool | jq -c -r ".[] | select(.name_label | match(\"${XOA_POOL}\")) | .uuid" | sort | tail -n 1 | tee -a "$DEBUG")"
POOL_ID="\$pool=$(xo-cli –list-objects type=pool | jq -c -r ".[] | select(.name_label | match(\"${XOA_POOL}\")) | .uuid" | sort | tail -n 1)"
[ "$POOL_ID" == "\$pool=" ] && fail "Pool provided but no ID received" 3
get_template() {
log_debug "Getting template"
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]
TEMPLATE_IS="$(xo-cli –list-objects type=VM-template "${POOL_ID-}" | jq -c ".[] | select(.name_label | match(\"${TEMPLATE}\")) | .name_label" | sort | tail -n 1 | tee -a "$DEBUG")"
TEMPLATE_IS="$(xo-cli –list-objects type=VM-template "${POOL_ID-}" | jq -c ".[] | select(.name_label | match(\"${TEMPLATE}\")) | .name_label" | sort | tail -n 1)"
[ -z "$TEMPLATE_IS" ] && fail "Could not match this template" 4
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]
echo "{\"is\": ${TEMPLATE_IS}}" | tee -a "$DEBUG"
echo "{\"is\": ${TEMPLATE_IS}}"
[ -n "$(command -v xo-cli)" ] || fail "xo-cli is missing, and is a required dependency for this script. Please install it; \`sudo npm -g install xo-cli\`" 5
parse_params "$@"
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]
rm -f "$DEBUG"
log_debug "Invoked: $(date)"
log_debug "Template: $TEMPLATE"
log_debug "Pool: $XOA_POOL"

This script is invoked from your terraform like this:

variable "template_name" {
  default     = "SomeLinux-version.iso-"
  description = "A regex, partial or full string to match in the template name"

variable "poolname" {
  default = "MyPool"

data "external" "get_xoa_template" {
  program = [
    "/bin/bash", "${path.module}/get_xoa_template.sh",
    "--template", var.template_name,
    "--pool", var.poolname

data "xenorchestra_pool" "pool" {
  name_label = var.poolname

data "xenorchestra_template" "template" {
  name_label = data.external.get_xoa_template.result.is
  pool_id    = data.xenorchestra_pool.pool.id

And that’s how you do it. Oh, and if you need to pin to a specific version? Change the template_name value from the partial or regex version to the full version, like this:

variable "template_name" {
  # This assumes your image was minted at midnight on 1970-01-01
  default     = "SomeLinux-version.iso-19700101000000"

Featured image is “Barcelos and Braga-18” by “Graeme Churchard” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Tickets" by "Becky Snyder" on Flickr

IP Address Management using PHPIPAM integrated with Keycloak for SAML2 Authentication

I’ve recently been working with a network estate that was a bit hard to get a handle on. It had grown organically, and was a bit tricky to allocate new network segments in. To fix this, I deployed PHPIPAM, which was super easy to setup and configure (I used the docker-compose file on the project’s docker hub page, and put it behind an NGINX server which was pre-configured with a LetsEncrypt TLS/HTTPS certificate).

PHPIPAM is a IP Address Management tool which is self-hostable. I started by setting up the “Sections” (which was the hosting environments the estate is using), and then setup the supernets and subnets in the “Subnets” section.

Already, it was much easier to understand the network topology, but now I needed to get others in to take a look at the outcome. The team I’m working with uses a slightly dated version of Keycloak to provide Single Sign-On. PHPIPAM will use SAML for authentication, which is one of the protocols that Keycloak offers. The documentation failed me a bit at this point, but fortunately a well placed ticket helped me move it along.

Setting up Keycloak

Here’s my walk through

  1. Go to “Realm Settings” in the sidebar and find the “SAML Identity Provider Metadata” (on my system it’s on the “General” tab but it might have changed position on your system). This will be an XML file, and (probably) the largest block of continuous text will be in a section marked “ds:X509Certificate” – copy this text, and you’ll need to use this as the “IDP X.509 public cert” in PHPIPAM.
  2. Go to “Clients” in the sidebar and click “Create”. If you want Keycloak to offer access to PHPIPAM as a link, the client ID needs to start “urn:” If you just want to use the PHPIPAM login option, give the client ID whatever you want it to be (I’ve seen some people putting in the URL of the server at this point). Either way, this needs to be unique. The client protocol is “saml” and the client SAML endpoint is the URL that you will be signing into on PHPIPAM – in my case https://phpipam.example.org/saml2/. It should look like this:

    Click Save to take you to the settings for this client.
  3. If you want Keycloak to offer a sign-in button, set the name of the button and description.

    Further down the page is “Root URL” set that to the SAML Endpoint (the one ending /saml2/ from before). Also set the “Valid Redirect URIs” to that too.

    Where it says “IDP Initiated SSO URL Name” put a string that will identify the client – I put phpipam, but it can be anything you want. This will populate a URL like this: https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/yourrealm/protocol/saml/clients/phpipam, which you’ll need as the “IDP Issuer”, “IDP Login URL” and “IDP Logout URL”. Put everything after the /auth/ in the box marked “Base URL”. It should look like this:

    Hit Save.
  4. Go to the “SAML Keys” tab. Copy the private key and certificate, these are needed as the “Authn X.509 signing” cert and cert key in PHPIPAM.
  5. Go to the “Mappers” tab. Create each of the following mappers;
    • A Role List mapper, with the name of “role list”, Role Attribute Name of “Role”, no friendly name, the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic” and Single Role Attribute set to on.
    • A User Attribute mapper, with the name, User Attribute, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “email”, the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic” and Aggregate Attribute Values set to “off”.
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “display_name” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”. The Script should be set to this single line: user.getFirstName() + ' ' + user.getLastName().
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “is_admin” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”.

      The script should be as follows:
is_admin = false;
var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for each (var group in GroupSet) {
    use_group = ""
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "phpipamadmins":
            is_admin = true;
  • Create one more mapper item:
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “groups” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”.

      The script should be as follows:
everyone_who_can_access_gets_read_only_access = false;
send_groups = "";
var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for each (var group in GroupSet) {
    use_group = ""
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "LDAP_GROUP_1":
            use_group = "IPAM_GROUP_1";
        case "LDAP_GROUP_2":
            use_group = "IPAM_GROUP_2";
    if (use_group !== "") {
        if (send_groups !== "") {
          send_groups = send_groups + ","
        send_groups = send_groups + use_group;
if (send_groups === "" && everyone_who_can_access_gets_read_only_access) {
} else {

For context, the groups listed there, LDAP_GROUP_1 might be “Customer 1 Support Staff” or “ITSupport” or “Networks”, and the IPAM_GROUP_1 might be “Customer 1” or “WAN Links” or “DC Patching” – depending on the roles and functions of the teams. In my case they relate to other roles assigned to the staff member and the name of the role those people will perform in PHP IPAM. Likewise in the is_admin mapper, I’ve mentioned a group called “phpipamadmins” but this could be any relevant role that might grant someone admin access to PHPIPAM.

Late Update (2023-06-07): I’ve figured out how to enable modules now too. Create a Javascript mapper as per above, but named “modules” and have this script in it:

// Current modules as at 2023-06-07
// Some default values are set here.
noaccess       =  0;
readonly       =  1;
readwrite      =  2;
readwriteadmin =  3;
unsetperm      = -1;

var modules = {
    "*":       readonly,  "vlan":      unsetperm, "l2dom":    unsetperm,
    "devices": unsetperm, "racks":     unsetperm, "circuits": unsetperm,
    "nat":     unsetperm, "locations":  noaccess, "routing":  unsetperm,
    "pdns":    unsetperm, "customers": unsetperm

function updateModules(modules, new_value, list_of_modules) {
    for (var module in list_of_modules) {
        modules[module] = new_value;
    return modules;

var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for (var group in GroupSet) {
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "LDAP_ROLE_3":
            modules = updateModules(modules, readwriteadmin, [
                'racks', 'devices', 'nat', 'routing'

var moduleList = '';

for (var key in modules) {
    if (modules.hasOwnProperty(key) && modules[key] !==-1) {
        if (moduleList !== '') {
            moduleList += ',';
        moduleList += key + ':' + modules[key];


OK, that’s Keycloak sorted. Let’s move on to PHPIPAM.

Setting up PHPIPAM

In the administration menu, select “Authentication Methods” and then “Create New” and select “Create new SAML2 authentication”.

In the description field, give it a relevant name, I chose SSO, but you could call it any SSO system name. Set “Enable JIT” to “on”, leave “Use advanced settings” as “off”. In Client ID put the Client ID you defined in Keycloak, probably starting urn: or https://. Leave “Strict mode” off. Next is the IDP Issuer, IDP Login URL and IDP Logout URL, which should all be set to the same URL – the “IDP Initiated SSO URL Name” from step 4 of the Keycloak side (that was set to something like https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/yourrealm/protocol/saml/clients/phpipam).

After that is the certificate section – first the IDP X.509 public cert that we got in step 1, then the “Sign Authn requests” should be set to “On” and the Authn X.509 signing cert and cert key are the private key and certificate we retrieved in step 5 above. Leave “SAML username attribute” and “SAML mapped user” blank and “Debugging” set to “Off”. It should look like this:

Hit save.

Next, any groups you specified in the groups mapper need to be defined. This is in Administration -> Groups. Create the group name and set a description.

Lastly, you need to configure the sections to define whigh groups have access. Each defined group gets given four radio buttons; “na” (no access), “ro” (read only), “rw” (read write) and “rwa” (read, write and administrate).

Try logging in. It should just work!


If it doesn’t, and checking all of the above doesn’t help, I’ve tried adding some code into the PHP file in app/saml2/index.php, currently on line 149, above where it says:

if (empty($auth->getAttribute("display_name")[0])) {                                                                                    
    $Result->show("danger", _("Mandatory SAML JIT attribute missing")." : display_name (string)", true);

This code is:

$outfile = fopen("/tmp/log.out", "w");                                                           
fwrite($outfile, var_export($auth, true));                                                                     


In here is an array called _attributes which will show you what has been returned from the Keycloak server when someone tries to log in. In my case, I got this:

   '_attributes' =>
  array (
    'groups' => 
    array (
      0 => 'PHPIPAM_GROUP_1',
    'is_admin' => 
    array (
      0 => 'false',
    'display_name' => 
    array (
      0 => 'Jon Spriggs',
    'email' => 
    array (
      0 => 'spriggsj@example.org',

If you get something back here that isn’t what you expected, now at least you have a fighting chance of finding where that issue was! Good luck!!

Featured image is “Tickets” by “Becky Snyder” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

Quick tip: How to stop package installations from auto-starting server services with Debian based distributions (like Ubuntu)

I’m working on another toy project to understand a piece of software a little better, and to make it work, I needed to install dnsmasq inside an Ubuntu-based virtual machine. The problem with this is that Ubuntu already runs systemd-resolved to perform DNS lookups, and Debian likes to start server services as soon as it’s installed them. So how do we work around this? Well, actually, it’s pretty simple.

Thanks to this blog post from 2013, I found out that if you create an executable script called /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d with the content:

exit 101

This will stop all services in the dpkg/apt process from running on install, so I was able to do this:

echo 'exit 101' >> /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
apt update
apt install dnsmasq -y
systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved
# Futz with dnsmasq config
systemctl enable --now dnsmasq
dig example.com


Picture of a comms rack with a patch panel, a unifi USW-Pro-24 switch, two Dell Optiplex 3040M computers, two external hard drives and a Raspberry Pi.

Building a Highly Available (HA) two-node Home Lab on Proxmox

Warning, this is a long and dense document!

That said, If you’re thinking of getting started with Proxmox though it’s well worth a read. If you’ve *used* Proxmox, and think I’m doing something wrong here, let me know in the comments!


In the various podcasts I listen to, I’ve been hearing over and over again about Proxmox, and how it’s a great system for building and running virtual machines. In a former life, I’d use a combination of VMWare ESXi servers or desktop machines running Vagrant and Virtualbox to build out small labs and build environments, and at home I’d previously used a i3 ex-demo machine that was resold to staff at a reduced price. Unfortunately, the power supply went pop one evening on that, and all my home-lab experiments died.

When I changed to my most recent job, I had a small cash windfall at the same time, and decided to rebuild my home lab. I bought two Dell Optiplex 3040M i5 with 16GB RAM and two 3TB external USB3 hard drives to provide storage. These were selected because of the small size which meant they would fit in the small comms rack I had fitted when I got my house wired with CAT6 networking cables last year. These were patched into the UniFi USW-Pro-24 which was fitted as part of the networking build.

Picture of a comms rack with a patch panel, a unifi USW-Pro-24 switch, two Dell Optiplex 3040M computers, two external hard drives and a Raspberry Pi.

(Yes, it’s a bit of a mess, but it’s also not been in there very long, so needs a bit of a clean-up!)

The Install

I allocated two static IP addresses for these hosts, and performed a standard installation of Proxmox using a USB stick with the multi-image-installer Ventoy on it.

Some screenshots follow:

Proxmox installation screen showing the EULA
Proxmox installation screen showing the installation target
Proxmox installation screen showing the location and timezone settings
Proxmox installation screen showing the prompt for credentials and contact email address
Proxmox installation screen showing the IP address and hostname selection screen

Note that these screenshots were built on one pass, and have been rebuilt with new IPs that are used later.

Proxmox installation screen showing the summary of all the options selected
Proxmox installation screen showing the actual installation details and an advert for why you should use it.
Proxmox installation screen showing the success screen

As I don’t have an enterprise subscription, I ran these commands to use tteck’s Post PVE Install script to change the repositories.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/misc/post-pve-install.sh
# Run the following to confirm the download looks OK and non-corrupted
less post-pve-install.sh
bash post-pve-install.sh

This results in the following (time-lapse) output, which is a series of options asking you to approve making changes to the system.

A time-lapse video of what happens during the post-pve-install script.

[Most of the following are derived from this YouTube video: “1/2 Create a 2-node Proxmox VE Cluster. Gluster as shared storage. With High Availability! First ep”]


After signing into both Proxmox nodes, I went to my first node (proxmox01), selected “Datacenter” and then “Cluster”.

An image of the Proxmox server selecting the cluster screen

I clicked on “Create Cluster”, and created a cluster, called (unimaginatively) proxmox-cluster.

The create cluster dialogue box
The task completion details for the create cluster action

I clicked “Join Information”.

A screenshot showing the "Join information" button
The join information dialogue box

Next, on proxmox02 on the same screen, I clicked on “Join Cluster” and then pasted that information into the dialogue box. I entered the root password, and clicked “Join ‘proxmox-cluster'”.

A screenshot of the proxmox cluster, showing where the "join cluster" button is.
The Cluster Join screen, showing the pasted in text from the other cluster and that the password has been entered.

When this finished running, if either screen has hung, check whether one of the screens is showing an error like permission denied - invalid PVE ticket (401), like this (hidden just behind the “Task Viewer: Join Cluster” dialogue box):

A screen shot showing the error message "permission denied - invalid PVE ticket"

Or /etc/pve/nodes/NODENAME/pve-ssl.pem' does not exist! (500):

A screen shot of the error message "pve-ssl.pem does not exist"

Refresh your browsers, and you’ll probably find that the joining node will present a new TLS certificate:

A screen shot of Firefox's "unknown certificate" screen

Accept the certificate to resume the process.

To ensure I had HA quorum, which requires three nodes, I added an unused Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspberry Pi OS.

With that, I enabled root SSH access:

echo "PermitRootLogin yes" | tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/root_login.conf >/dev/null && systemctl restart ssh.service

Next, I setup a password for the root account:

sudo passwd

And I installed the package “corosync-qnetd” on it:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y corosync-qnetd

Back on both of the Proxmox nodes, I installed the package “corosync-qdevice”:

apt update && apt install -y corosync-qdevice
A screen shot of the installation of the corosync-qdevice package having completed

On proxmox01 I then ran pvecm qdevice setup is the IP address of the Raspberry Pi device).

A screen shot of the first half of of the setup of the command pvecm qdevice setup
A screen shot of the second half of of the setup of the command pvecm qdevice setup

This gave me my quorum of 3 nodes. To confirm this, I ran pvecm statuswhich resulted in this output:

root@proxmox01:~# pvecm status
Cluster information
Name:             proxmox-cluster
Config Version:   3
Transport:        knet
Secure auth:      on

Quorum information
Date:             Tue May 16 20:38:15 2023
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            2
Node ID:          0x00000001
Ring ID:          1.9
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   3
Highest expected: 3
Total votes:      3
Quorum:           2  
Flags:            Quorate Qdevice 

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes    Qdevice Name
0x00000001          1    A,V,NMW (local)
0x00000002          1    A,V,NMW
0x00000000          1            Qdevice
A screen shot of the output from the pvecm status command.



Once the machines were built, I went into the Disks screen on each node, found the 3TB drive and selected “Wipe Disk”.

A screenshot of the disks page, showing the location of the "wipe disk" button.
A confirmation screen shot asking if I want to format the disk.
The completion screen shot for the wipe disk action

Next I clicked “Initialize Disk with GPT”.

The disk screen showing the location of the "Initialize Disk with GPT" button
The completion screenshot for initializing the disk

Next I went into the ZFS page in the node and created a ZFS Single Disk pool.

The ZFS screen shot, showing the location of the "Create: ZFS" button.

This pool was named “zfs-proxmox##” where “##” was replaced by the node number (so zfs-proxmox01 and zfs-proxmox02).

A screen shot of the options for creating the ZFS pool.

This mounts the pool as the pool name in the root (so /zfs-proxmox01 and /zfs-proxmox02).

A screen shot confirming that the disks have been mounted


I added the Gluster debian repository by downloading the key from https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/10/rsa.pub and placing it in /etc/apt/keyrings/gluster.asc.

mkdir /etc/apt/keyrings
cd /etc/apt/keyrings
wget https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/10/rsa.pub
mv rsa.pub gluster.asc
A screen shot showing that the gluster key has been added to the system

Next I created a new repository entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.listwhich contained the line:

deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/gluster.asc] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/10/LATEST/Debian/bullseye/amd64/apt bullseye main
A screenshot showing the apt repository being added to the system

I next ran apt update && apt install -y glusterfs-serverwhich installed the Gluster service.

A screen shot showing the installation of glusterfs-server in progress
A screenshot showing the completion of the glusterfs-server package and it's dependencies having been installed.

Following the YouTube link above, I created an entry for gluster01 and gluster02 in /etc/hosts which pointed to the IP address of proxmox01 and proxmox02 respectively.

A screen shot of editing the hosts file

Next, I edited /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.volso it contained this content:

volume management
    type mgmt/glusterd
    option working-directory /var/lib/glusterd
    option transport-type socket
    option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10
    option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2
    option transport.socket.read-fail-log off
    option transport.socket.listen-port 24007
    option transport.rdma.bind-address gluster01
    option transport.socket.bind-address gluster01
    option transport.tcp.bind-address gluster01
    option ping-timeout 0
    option event-threads 1
#   option lock-timer 180
#   option transport.address-family inet6
#   option base-port 49152
    option max-port  60999
A screen shot of editing the glusterd.vol file.

Note that this content above is for proxmox01. For proxmox02 I replaced “gluster01” with “gluster02”. I then ran systemctl enable --now glusterdwhich started the Gluster service.

Once this is done, you must run gluster probe gluster02from proxmox01 (or vice versa), otherwise, when you run the next command, you get this message:

volume create: gluster-volume: failed: Host gluster02 is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
A screen shot of the error message issued when you've not run gluster probe before creating the volume

(This takes some backing out… ugh)

On proxmox01, I created the volume using this command:

gluster volume create gluster-volume replica 2 gluster01:/zfs-proxmox01/gluster-volume gluster02:/zfs-proxmox02/gluster-volume
A screen shot of creating the gluster volume.

As you can see in the above screenshot, this warned about split brain situations. However, as this is for my home lab, I accepted the risk here. Following the YouTube video again, I ran these commands to “avoid [a] split-brain situation”:

gluster volume start gluster-volume
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.heal-timeout 5
gluster volume heal gluster-volume enable
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.quorum-reads false
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.quorum-count 1
gluster volume set gluster-volume network.ping-timeout 2
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.favorite-child-policy mtime
gluster volume heal gluster-volume granular-entry-heal enable
gluster volume set gluster-volume cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm full
A screenshot of the output of all the commands issued to prevent a gluster split brain scenario

I created /gluster-volume on both proxmox01 and proxmox02, and then added this line to /etc/fstab(yes, I know it should really have been a systemd mount unit) on proxmox01:

gluster01:gluster-volume /gluster-volume glusterfs defaults,_netdev,x-systemd.automount,backupvolfile-server=gluster02 0 0
A screen shot of the command issued to add the gluster volume to fstab

And on proxmox02:

gluster02:gluster-volume /gluster-volume glusterfs defaults,_netdev,x-systemd.automount,backupvolfile-server=gluster01 0 0

On both systems, I ensured that /gluster-volume was created, and then ran mount -a.

The result of adding the line to staband then mounting the volume.

In the Proxmox UI, I went to the “Datacenter” and selected “Storage”, then “Add” and selected “Directory”.

A screen shot of adding a directory to the proxmox server

I set the ID to “gluster-volume”, the directory to “/gluster-volume”, ticked the “Shared” box and selected all the content types (it looks like a list box, but it’s actually a multi-select box).

The Add Directory dialogue screen shot

(I forgot to click “Shared” before I selected all the items under “Content” here.)

I clicked Add and it was available on both systems then.

A screen shot proving that the gluster volume has been added.


This one saved me from having to rebuild my Home Assistant system last week! Go into “Datacenter” and select the “Backup” option.

A screen shot of the backup screen in Proxmox, showing the location of the "add" button.

Click the “Add” button, select the storage you’ve just configured (gluster-volume) and a schedule (I picked daily at 04:00) and choose “Selection Mode” of “All”.

A screenshot of the dialogue box for creating the backup job

On the retention tab, I entered the number 3 for “Keep Daily”, “Keep Weekly”, “Keep Monthly” and “Keep Yearly”. Your retention needs are likely to be different to mine!

A screenshot of the dialogue box for creating the retention in the backup job
Proof that the backup job has been created.

If you end up needing to restore one of these backups, you need a different tool depending on whether it’s a LXC container or a QEMU virtual machine. For a container, you’d run:

pct restore $vmid /path/to/backup-file

For a virtual machine, you’d run:

qmrestore /path/to/backup-file $vmid

…and yes, you can replace the vmid=199 \n $vmidwith just the number for the VMID like this:

pct restore 123 /backup/vzdump-lxc-100-1970_01_01-04_00_00.tar.zst

If you need to point the storage at a different device (perhaps Gluster broke, or your external drive) you’d add --storage storage-label(e.g. --storage local-lvm)


The biggest benefit for me of a home lab is being able to build things on their own VLAN. A VLAN allows a single network interface to carry traffic for multiple logical networks, in such a way that other ports on the switch which aren’t configured to carry that logical network can’t access that traffic.

For example, I’ve configured my switch to have a new VLAN on it, VLAN 30. This VLAN is exposed to the two Proxmox servers (which can access all the VLANs) and also the port to my laptop. This means that I can run virtual machines on VLAN 30 which can’t be accessed by any other machine on my network.

There are two ways to do this, the “easy way” and the “explicit way”. Both ways produce the same end state, it’s just down to which makes more logical sense in your head.

In both routes, you must create the VLANs on your switch first – I’m just addressing the way of configuring Proxmox to pass this traffic to your network switch.

Note that these VLAN tagged interfaces also don’t have a DHCP server or Internet gateway (unless you create one), so any addresses will need to be manually configured in any installation screens.

The easy way

Go into the individual nodes and select the Network option in the sidebar (nested under “System”). You’ll need to perform these actions on both nodes.

Click on the “Linux Bridge” line which is aligned to your “trunked” network interface. For me, as I have a single network interface (enp2s0) I have a single Linux Bridge (vmbr0). Click “Edit” and tick the “VLAN aware” box and click “OK”.

A screen shot showing how to add VLAN awareness to the linux bridge configuration.
A screen shot showing the changes to /etc/network/interfaces

When you now create your virtual machines, on the hardware option in the sidebar, find the network interface and enter the VLAN tag you want to assign.

A screen shot showing how to configure the VLAN tag when creating a new virtual machine in Proxmox

(This screenshot shows no VLAN tag added, but it’s fairly clear where you’d put that tag in there)

The explicit way

Go into the individual nodes and select the Network option in the sidebar. You’ll need to perform all the steps in the section on both nodes!

Create a new “Linux VLAN” object.

A screen shot showing where to add the van on the proxmox node.

Call it by the name of the interface (e.g. enp2s0) followed by a dot and then the VLAN tag, like this enp2s0.30. Click Create.

A screenshot of the dialogue box for creating a VLAN tagged interface

Next create a new “Linux Bridge”.

A screen shot showing where to find the Bridge interface button

Call it vmbr and then the VLAN tag, like this vmbr30. Set the ports to the VLAN you just created (enp2s0.30)

A screen shot of the creation of the  bridge interface, with the addition of the bridge port previously created.
A screen shot of the changes to the /etc/network/interfaces screen.

(I should note that I added the comment between writing this guide and taking these screen shots)

When you create your virtual machines select this bridge for accessing that VLAN.

A screen shot of the selection of the VLAN tagged bridge.

Making machines run in “HA”

If you haven’t already done the part with the QDevice under clustering, go back there and run those steps! You need quorum to do this right!

YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME NETWORK AND STORAGE CONFIGURATION FOR HIGH AVAILABILITY AND MIGRATIONS. This means every VM which you want to migrate from proxmox01 to proxmox02 must use the same network interface and storage device, no matter which host it’s connected to.

  • If you’re connecting enp2s0 to VLAN 55 by using a VLAN Bridge called vmbr55, then both nodes need this VLAN Bridge available. Alternatively, if you’re using a VLAN tag on vmbr0, that’s fine, but both nodes need to have vmbr0 set to be “VLAN aware”.
  • If you’re using a disk on gluster-volume, this must be shared across the cluster

Go to “Datacenter” and select “Groups” which is nested under “HA” in the sidebar.

A screen shot of where to find the HA Group Creation button.

Create a new group (again, unimaginatively, I went with “proxmox”). Select both nodes and press Create.

A screen shot of the HA Group Creation dialogue box.

Now go to the “HA” option in the sidebar and verify you have quorum, although it doesn’t matter which is the master.

A screen shot showing how to verify the HA quorum status

Under resources on that page, click “Add”.

A screen shot showing where the add button is to enable HA of a virtual machine.

In the VM box, select the ID for the container or virtual machine you want to be highly available and click Add.

A screen shot of the dialogue box when setting up high availability of a virtual machine.

This will restart that machine or container in HA mode.

A screen shot showing the HA status of that virtual machine.

The wrap up!

So, after all of this, there’s still no virtual machines running (well, that Ubuntu Desktop is created but not running yet!) and I’ve not even started playing around with Terraform yet… but I’m feeling really positive about Proxmox. It’s close enough to the proprietary solutions I’ve used at work in the past that I’m reasonably comfortable with it, but it’s open enough to mess around under the surface. I’m looking forward to doing more experiments!

The featured image is of the comms rack in my garage showing how bad my wiring is when I can’t get to the back of a rack!! It’s released under a CC-0 license.