"Captain" by "The Laddie" on Flickr

Trying out Kubernetes (K8S) with MicroK8S in Vagrant

I’m going on a bit of a containers kick at the moment, and just recently I wanted to give Kubernetes (sometimes abbreviated to “K8S”) a try.

Kubernetes is an orchestration engine for Containers, like Docker. It’s designed to take the images that Docker (and other similar tools) produce, and run them across multiple nodes. You need to have a handle on how Docker works before giving K8S a try, but once you do, it’s well worth a shot to understand K8S.

Unlike Docker, K8S is a bit more in-depth on it’s requirements, and often people are pointed at Minikube as their introduction to K8S, however, my colleague and friend Nick suggested I might be better off with MicroK8S.

MicroK8S is an application released by Canonical as a Snap. A Snap is a Linux packaging format, similar to FlatPak and AppImage. It’s mostly used on Ubuntu based operating systems, but can also work on other Linux distributions.

I had an initial, failed, punt with the recommended advice for using MicroK8S on Windows (short story, Hyper-V did not work for me, and the VirtualBox back-end doesn’t expose any network ports, or at least, if it does, I couldn’t see how to make it work), and as I’m reasonably confident in using Vagrant work in Windows, I built a Vagrantfile to deliver MicroK8S.

To use this, you need Vagrant and VirtualBox, and then get the Vagrantfile from repo… then run vagrant up (it will ask you what interface you want to “bridge” to – this will be how you access the Kubernetes pods and Docker containers). Once the machine has finished building, you can run vagrant ssh to connect into it. From here, you can run your kubectl commands, as well as docker commands.

If you want to experiment with a multi-node environment, then I also built a Vagrantfile to deliver two virtual machines, both running MicroK8S, and used the shared storage element of Vagrant to transfer the “join” instruction from the first node to the second.

Of course, now I just need to work out how the hell I do Kubernetes 🤣

Featured image is “Captain” by “The Laddie” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-ND license.

apt update && apt full-upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y && apt autoclean -y

Apt Updates with Ansible

I’ve got a small Ansible script that I bundle up on Ubuntu boxes to do apt updates. This was originally a one-statement job, but I’ve added a few lines to it, so I thought I’d explain what I’m doing (more for myself, for later!)

Initally, I just had a task to do apt: upgrade=full update_cache=yes autoremove=yes autoclean-yes but if you’re running the script over and over again, well, this gets slow… So I added a tweak!

Here it is folks, in all it’s glory!

- hosts: all
  - name: Get stat of last run apt
      path: /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin
    register: apt_run

  - name: "Apt update, Full-upgrade, autoremove, autoclean check"
      msg: "Skipping apt-update, etc. actions as apt update was run today"
    when: "'%Y-%m-%d' | strftime(apt_run.stat.mtime) in ansible_date_time.date"

  - name: "Apt update, Full-upgrade, autoremove, autoclean"
      upgrade: full
      update_cache: yes
      autoremove: yes
      autoclean: yes
    when: "'%Y-%m-%d' | strftime(apt_run.stat.mtime) not in ansible_date_time.date"

What does this do? Well, according to this AskUbuntu post, the best file to check if an update has been performed is /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin, so we check the status of that file. Most file systems available to Linux distributions provide the mtime – or “last modified time”. This is returned in the number of seconds since UTC 00:00:00 on the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01), so we need to convert that to a date., which we return as YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. today is 2020-01-06) and then compare that to what the system thinks today is. If the dates don’t equate (so one string doesn’t match the other – in other words, apt update wasn’t run today), it runs the update. If the dates do match up, we get a statement saying that apt update was already run.

Fun times!

"Shipping Containers" by "asgw" on Flickr

Creating my first Docker containerized LEMP (Linux, nginx, MariaDB, PHP) application

Want to see what I built without reading the why’s and wherefore’s? The git repository with all the docker-compose goodness is here!

Late edit 2020-01-16: The fantastic Jerry Steel, my co-host on The Admin Admin podcast looked at what I wrote, and made a few suggestions. I’ve updated the code in the git repo, and I’ll try to annotate below when I’ve changed something. If I miss it, it’s right in the Git repo!

One of the challenges I set myself this Christmas was to learn enough about Docker to put an arbitrary PHP application, that I would previously have misused Vagrant to contain.

Just before I started down this rabbit hole, I spoke to my Aunt about some family tree research my father had left behind after he died, and how I wished I could easily share the old tree with her (I organised getting her a Chromebook a couple of years ago, after fighting with doing remote support for years on Linux and Windows laptops). In the end, I found a web application for genealogical research called HuMo-gen, that is a perfect match for both projects I wanted to look at.

HuMo-gen was first created in 1999, with a PHP version being released in 2005. It used MySQL or MariaDB as the Database engine. I was reasonably confident that I could have created a Vagrantfile to deliver this on my home server, but I wanted to try something new. I wanted to use the “standard” building blocks of Docker and Docker-Compose, and some common containers to make my way around learning Docker.

I started by looking for some resources on how to build a Docker container. Much of the guidance I’d found was to use Docker-Compose, as this allows you to stand several components up at the same time!

In contrast to how Vagrant works (which is basically a CLI wrapper to many virtual machine services), Docker isolates resources for a single process that runs on a machine. Where in Vagrant, you might run several processes on one machine (perhaps, in this instance, nginx, PHP-FPM and MariaDB), with Docker, you’re encouraged to run each “service” as their own containers, and link them together with an overlay network. It’s possible to also do the same with Vagrant, but you’ll end up with an awful lot of VM overhead to separate out each piece.

So, I first needed to select my services. My initial line-up was:

  • MariaDB
  • Apache’s httpd2 (replaced by nginx)

I was able to find official Docker images for PHP, MariaDB and httpd, but after extensive tweaking, I couldn’t make the httpd image talk the way I wanted it to with the PHP image. Bowing to what now seems to be conventional wisdom, I swapped out the httpd service for nginx.

One of the stumbling blocks for me, particularly early on, was how to build several different Dockerfiles (these are basically the instructions for the container you’re constructing). Here is the basic outline of how to do this:

version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: relative/path/to/Dockerfile

In this docker-compose.yml file, I tell it that to create the yourservice service, it needs to build the docker container, using the file in ./relative/path/to/Dockerfile. This file in turn contains an instruction to import an image.

Each service stacks on top of each other in that docker-compose.yml file, like this:

version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: service1/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/service1
      context: .
      dockerfile: service2/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/service2

Late edit 2020-01-16: This previously listed Dockerfile/service1, however, much of the documentation suggested that Docker gets quite opinionated about the file being called Dockerfile. While docker-compose can work around this, it’s better to stick to tradition :) The docker-compose.yml files below have also been adjusted accordingly. I’ve also added an image: somehost:1234/image_name line to help with tagging the images for later use. It’s not critical to what’s going on here, but I found it useful with some later projects.

To allow containers to see ports between themselves, you add the expose: command in your docker-compose.yml, and to allow that port to be visible from the “outside” (i.e. to the host and upwards), use the ports: command listing the “host” port (the one on the host OS), then a colon and then the “target” port (the one in the container), like these:

version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: service1/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/service1
    - 12345
      context: .
      dockerfile: service2/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/service2
    - 8000:80

Now, let’s take a quick look into the Dockerfiles. Each “statement” in a Dockerfile adds a new “layer” to the image. For local operations, this probably isn’t a problem, but when you’re storing these images on a hosted provider, you want to keep these images as small as possible.

I built a Database Dockerfile, which is about as small as you can make it!

FROM mariadb:10.4.10

Yep, one line. How cool is that? In the docker-compose.yml file, I invoke this, like this:

version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: mariadb/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/db
    restart: always
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: a_root_pw
      MYSQL_USER: a_user
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: a_password
      MYSQL_DATABASE: a_db
      - 3306

OK, so this one is a bit more complex! I wanted it to build my Dockerfile, which is “mariadb/Dockerfile“. I wanted it to restart the container whenever it failed (which hopefully isn’t that often!), and I wanted to inject some specific environment variables into the file – the root and user passwords, a user account and a database name. Initially I was having some issues where it wasn’t building the database with these credentials, but I think that’s because I wasn’t “building” the new database, I was just using it. I also expose the MariaDB (MySQL) port, 3306 to the other containers in the docker-compose.yml file.

Let’s take a look at the next part! PHP-FPM. Here’s the Dockerfile:

FROM php:7.4-fpm
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql
ADD --chown=www-data:www-data public /var/www/html

There’s a bit more to this, but not loads. We build our image from a named version of PHP, and install two extensions to PHP, pdo and pdo_mysql. Lastly, we copy the content of the “public” directory into the /var/www/html path, and make sure it “belongs” to the right user (www-data).

I’d previously tried to do a lot more complicated things with this Dockerfile, but it wasn’t working, so instead I slimmed it right down to just this, and the docker-compose.yml is a lot simpler too.

      context: .
      dockerfile: phpfpm/Dockerfile
    image: localhost:32000/phpfpm

See! Loads simpler! Now we need the complicated bit! :) This is the Dockerfile for nginx.

FROM nginx:1.17.7
COPY nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

COPY public /var/www/html

Weirdly, even though I’ve added version numbers for MariaDB and PHP, I’ve not done the same for nginx, perhaps I should! Late edit 2020-01-16: I’ve put a version number on there now, previously where it said nginx:1.17.7 it actually said nginx:latest.

I’ve created the configuration block for nginx in a single “RUN” line. Late edit 2020-01-16: This Dockerfile now doesn’t have a giant echo 'stuff' > file block either, following Jerry’s advice, and I’m using COPY instead of ADD on his advice too. I’ll show that config file below. There’s a couple of high points for me here!

server {
  index index.php index.html;
  server_name _;
  error_log /proc/self/fd/2;
  access_log /proc/self/fd/1;
  root /var/www/html;
  location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    fastcgi_pass phpfpm:9000;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
  • server_name _; means “use this block for all unnamed requests”.
  • access_log /proc/self/fd/1; and error_log /proc/self/fd/2;These are links to the “stdout” and “stderr” file descriptors (or pointers to other parts of the filesystem), and basically means that when you do docker-compose logs, you’ll see the HTTP logs for the server! These two files are guaranteed to be there, while /dev/stderr isn’t!

Because nginx is “just” caching the web content, and I know the content doesn’t need to be written to from nginx, I knew I didn’t need to do the chown action, like I did with the PHP-FPM block.

Lastly, I need to configure the docker-compose.yml file for nginx:

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile/nginx
    image: localhost:32000/nginx

I’ve gone for a slightly unusual ports configuration when I deployed this to my web server… you see, I already have the HTTP port (TCP/80) configured for use on my home server – for running the rest of my web services. During development, on my home machine, the ports line instead showed “1980:80” because I was running this on Instead, I’m running this application bound to “localhost” ( on a different port number (1980 selected because it could, conceivably, be a birthday of someone on this system), and then in my local web server configuration, I’m proxying connections to this service, with HTTPS encryption as well. That’s all outside the scope of this article (as I probably should be using something like Traefik, anyway) but it shows you how you could bind to a separate port too.

Anyway, that was my Docker journey over Christmas, and I look forward to using it more, going forward!

Featured image is “Shipping Containers” by “asgw” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Mesh Facade" by "Pedro Ângelo" on Flickr

Looking at the Nebula Overlay Meshed VPN Network from Slack

Around 2-3 years ago, Slack– the company who produces Slack the IM client, started working on a meshed overlay network product, called Nebula, to manage their environment. After two years of running their production network on the back of it, they decided to open source it. I found out about Nebula via a Medium Post that was mentioned in the HangOps Slack Group. I got interested in it, asked a few questions about Nebula in the Slack, and then in the Github Issues for it, and then recently raised a Pull Request to add more complete documentation than their single (heavily) commented config file.

So, let’s go into some details on why this is interesting to me.

1. Nebula uses a flat IPv4 network to identify all hosts in the network, no matter where in the network those hosts reside.

This means that I can address any host in my (self allocated) network, and I don’t need to worry about routing tables, production/DR sites, network tromboneing and so on… it’s just… Flat.

[Note: Yes, that IP address “looks” like a public subnet – but it’s actually a testing network, allocated by IANA for network testing!]

2. Nebula has host-based firewalling built into the configuration file.

This means that once I know how my network should operate (yes, I know that’s a big ask), I can restrict my servers from being able to reach my laptops, or I can stop my web server from being able to talk to my database server, except for on the database ports. Lateral movement becomes a LOT harder.

This firewalling also looks a lot like (Network) Security Groups (for the AWS and Azure familiar), so you have a default “Deny” rule, and then layer “Allow” rules on top. You also have Inbound and Outbound rules, so if you want to stop your laptops from talking anything but DNS, SSH, HTTPS and ICMP over Nebula…. well, yep, you can do that :)

3. Nebula uses a PKI environment. Where you can have multiple Certificate Authorities.

This means that I have a central server running my certificate authority (CA), with a “backup” CA, stored offline – in case of dire disaster with my primary CA, and push both CA’s to all my nodes. If I suddenly need to replace all the certificates that my current CA signed, I can do that with minimal interruption to my nodes. Good stuff.

Nebula also created their own PKI attributes to identify the roles of each device in the Nebula environment. By signing that as part of the certificate on each node too, means your CA asserts that the role that certificate holds is valid for that node in the network.

Creating a node’s certificate is a simple command:

nebula-cert sign -name jon-laptop -ip -groups admin,laptop,support

This certificate has the IP address of the node baked in (it’s and the groups it’s part of (admin, laptop and support), as well as the host name (jon-laptop). I can use any of these three items in my firewall rules I mentioned above.

4. It creates a peer-to-peer, meshed VPN.

While it’s possible to create a peer-to-peer meshed VPN with commercial products, I’ve not seen any which are as light-weight to deploy as this. Each node finds all the other nodes in the network by using a collection of “Lighthouses” (similar to Torrent Seeds or Skype Super Nodes) which tells all the connecting nodes where all the other machines in the network are located. These then initiate UDP connections to the other nodes they want to talk to. If they are struggling (because of NAT or Double NAT), then there’s a NAT Punching process (called, humourously, “punchy”) which lets you signal via the Lighthouse that you’re trying to reach another node that can’t see your connection, and asks it to also connect out to you over UDP… thereby fixing the connection issue. All good.

5. Nebula has clients for Windows, Mac and Linux. Apparently there are clients for iOS in the works (meh, I’m not on Apple… but I know some are) and I’ve heard nothing about Android as yet, but as it’s on Linux, I’m sure some enterprising soul can take a look at it (the client is written in Go).

If you want to have a look at Nebula for your own testing, I’ve created a Terraform based environment on AWS and Azure to show how you’d manage it all using Ansible Tower, which builds:

2 VPCs (AWS) and 1 VNet (Azure)
6 subnets (3 public, 3 private)
1 public AWX (the upstream project from Ansible Tower) Server
1 private Nebula Certificate Authority
2 public Web Servers (one in AWS, one in Azure)
2 private Database Servers (one in AWS, one in Azure)
2 public Bastion Servers (one in AWS, one in Azure) – that lets AWX reach into the Private sections of the network, without exposing SSH from all the hosts.

If you don’t want to provision the Azure side, just remove load_web2_module.tf from the Terraform directory in that repo… Job’s a good’n!

I have plans to look at a couple of variables, like Nebula’s closest rival, ZeroTier, and to look at using SaltStack instead of Ansible, to reduce the need for the extra Bastion servers.

Featured image is “Mesh Facade” by “Pedro Ângelo” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

"Infinite Mirror" by "Luca Sartoni" on Flickr

My Blogging Workflow

Hello bold traveller! I recently got into a discussion with someone about how I put content into my blog and I realised that people don’t write this stuff down enough!

At the end of this post, I’d expect you to be able to use this information to be able to create your own, similar stack. If you don’t have the technical knowledge to be able to do so, you should at least have the pieces of information to ask someone else to help you build it. While I’d be flattered if you asked me for similar advice, I’m afraid I have limited time for new projects, even consultancy ones, and all I can do is point you back to this blog!

That said, consider this a bit of the “making the sausage” that most people don’t tend to share! 😀

Read More
“Swatch Water Store, Grand Central Station, NYC, 9/2016, pics by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Swatch #Watch” by “Mike Mozart” on Flickr

Time Based Security

I came across the concept of “Time Based Security” (TBS) in the Sysadministrivia podcast, S4E13.

I’m still digging into the details of it, but in essence, the “Armadillo” (Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside) protection model is broken (sometimes known as the “Fortress Model”). You assume that your impenetrable network boundary will prevent attackers from getting to your sensitive data. While this may stop them for a while, what you’re actually seeing here is one part of a complex protection system, however many organisations miss the fact that this is just one part.

The examples used in the only online content I’ve found about this refer to a burglary.

In this context, your “Protection” (P) is measured in time. Perhaps you have hardened glass that takes 20 seconds to break.

Next, we evaluate “Detection” (D) which is also, surprisingly enough, measured in time. As the glass is hit, it triggers an alarm to a security facility. That takes 20 seconds to respond and goes to a dispatch centre, another 20 seconds for that to be answered and a police officer dispatched.

The police officer being dispatched is the “Response” (R). The police take (optimistically) 2 minutes to arrive (it was written in the 90’s so the police forces weren’t decimated then).

So, in the TBS system, we say that Detection (D) of 40 seconds plus Response (R) of 120 seconds = 160 seconds. This is greater than Protection (P) of 20 seconds, so we have an Exposure (E) time of 140 seconds E = P – (D + R). The question that is posed is, how much damage can be done in E?

So, compare this to your average pre-automation SOC. Your firewall, SIEM (Security Incident Event Management system), IDS (Intrusion Detection System) or WAF (Web Application Firewall) triggers an alarm. Someone is trying to do something (e.g. Denial Of Service attack, password spraying or port scanning for vulnerable services) a system you’re responsible for. While D might be in the tiny fractions of a minute (perhaps let’s say 1 minute, for maths sake), R is likely to be minutes or even hours, depending on the refresh rate of the ticket management system or alarm system (again, for maths sake, let’s say 60 minutes). So, D+R is now 61 minutes. How long is P really going to hold? Could it be less than 30 minutes against a determined attacker? (Let’s assume P is 30 minutes for maths sake).

Let’s do the calculation for a pre-automation SOC (Security Operations Centre). P-(D+R)=E. E here is 31 minutes. How much damage can an attacker do in 31 minutes? Could they put a backdoor into your system? Can they download sensitive data to a remote system? Could they pivot to your monitoring system, and remove the logs that said they were in there?

If you consider how much smaller the D and R numbers become with an event driven SOAR (Security Orchestration and Automation Response) system – does that improve your P and E numbers? Consider that if you can get E to 0, this could be considered to be “A Secure Environment”.

Also, consider the fact that many of the tools we implement for security reduce D and R, but if you’re not monitoring the outputs of the Detection components, then your response time grows significantly. If your Detection component is misconfigured in that it’s producing too many False Positives (for example, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf“), so you don’t see the real incident, then your Response might only be when a security service notifies you that your data, your service or your money has been exposed and lost. And that wouldn’t be good now… Time to look into automation 😁

Featured image is “Swatch Water Store, Grand Central Station, NYC, 9/2016, pics by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Swatch #Watch” by “Mike Mozart” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

Building a simple CA for testing purposes

I recently needed to create a Certificate Authority with an Intermediate Certificate to test some TLS inspection stuff at work. This script (based on a document I found at jamielinux.com) builds a Certificate Authority and creates an Intermediate Certificate Authority using the root.

I’ve also done something similar with Ansible before, but I’ve not got that to hand :)

Late edit, 2019-08-21: Found it! Needs some tweaks to add the sub-CA or child certs, but so-far it would work :)

“code crunching” by “Ruben Molina” on Flickr

Getting Started with Terraform on AWS

I recently wrote a blog post about Getting Started with Terraform on Azure. You might have read it (I know I did!).

Having got a VM stood up in Azure, I wanted to build a VM in AWS, after all, it’s more-or-less the same steps. Note, this is a work-in-progress, and shouldn’t be considered “Final” – this is just something to use as *your* starting block.

What do you need?

You need an AWS account for this. If you’ve not got one, signing up for one is easy, but bear in mind that while there are free resource on AWS (only for the first year!), it’s also quite easy to suddenly enable a load of features that cost you money.

Best practice suggests (or rather, INSISTS) you shouldn’t use your “root” account for AWS. It’s literally just there to let you define the rest of your admin accounts. Turn on MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) on that account, give it an exceedingly complex password, write that on a sheet of paper, and lock it in a box. You should NEVER use it!

Create your admin account, log in to that account. Turn on MFA on *that* account too. Then, create an “Access Token” for your account. This is in IAM (Identity and Access Management). These are what we’ll use to let Terraform perform actions in AWS, without you needing to actually “log in”.

On my machine, I’ve put the credentials for this in /home/<MYUSER>/.aws/credentials and it looks like this:

aws_access_key_id = ABC123DEF456
aws_secret_access_key = AaBbCcDd1234EeFf56

This file should be chmod 600 and make sure it’s only your account that can access this file. With this token, Terraform can perform *ANY ACTION* as you, including anything that charges you money, or creating servers that can mine a “cryptocurrency” for someone malicious.

I’m using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). I’m using the Ubuntu 18.04 distribution obtained from the Store. This post won’t explain how to get *that*. Also, you might want to run Terraform on Mac, in Windows or on Linux natively… so, yehr.

Next, we need to actually install Terraform. Excuse the long, unwrapped code block, but it gets what you need quickly (assuming the terraform webpage doesn’t change any time soon!)

mkdir -p ~/bin
cd ~/bin
sudo apt update && sudo apt install unzip
curl -sLO $(curl https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html | grep "linux_amd64.zip" | cut -d\" -f 2) && unzip terraform*.zip && rm terraform*.zip && chmod 755 terraform

Starting coding your infrastructure

Before you can build your first virtual machine on AWS, you need to stand up the supporting infrastructure. These are:

  • An SSH Keypair (no password logins here!)
  • A VPC (“Virtual Private Cloud”, roughly the same as a VNet on Azure, or somewhat like a L3 switch in the Physical Realm).
  • An Internet Gateway (if your VPC isn’t classed as “the default one”)
  • A Subnet.
  • A Security Group.

Once we’ve got these, we can build our Virtual Machine on EC2 (“Elastic Cloud Compute”), and associate a “Public IP” to it.

To quote my previous post:

One quirk with Terraform, versus other tools like Ansible, is that when you run one of the terraform commands (like terraform init, terraform plan or terraform apply), it reads the entire content of any file suffixed “tf” in that directory, so if you don’t want a file to be loaded, you need to either move it out of the directory, comment it out, or rename it so it doesn’t end .tf. By convention, you normally have three “standard” files in a terraform directory – main.tf, variables.tf and output.tf, but logically speaking, you could have everything in a single file, or each instruction in it’s own file.

Getting Started with Terraform on Azure – Building the file structure

For the sake of editing and annotating the files for this post, these code blocks are all separated, but on my machine, they’re all currently one big file called “main.tf“.

In that file, I start by telling it that I’m working with the Terraform AWS provider, and that it should target my nearest region.

If you want to risk financial ruin, you can put things like your access tokens in here, but I really wouldn’t chance this!

Next, we create our network infrastructure – VPC, Internet Gateway and Subnet. We also change the routing table.

I suspect, if I’d created the VPC as “The Default” VPC, then I wouldn’t have needed to amend the routing table, nor added an Internet Gateway. To help us make the routing table change, there’s a “data” block in this section of code. A data block is an instruction to Terraform to go and ask a resource for *something*, in this case, we need AWS to tell Terraform what the routing table is that it created for the VPC. Once we have that we can ask for the routing table change.

AWS doesn’t actually give “proper” names to any of it’s assets. To provide something with a “real” name, you need to tag that thing with the “Name” tag. These can be practically anything, but I’ve given semi-sensible names to everything. You might want to name everything “main” (like I nearly did)!

We’re getting close to being able to create the VM now. First of all, we’ll create the Security Groups. I want to separate out my “Allow Egress Traffic” rule from my “Inbound SSH” rule. This means that I can clearly see what hosts allow inbound SSH access. Like with my Azure post, I’m using a “data provider” to get my public IP address, but in a normal “live” network, you’d specify a collection of valid source address ranges.

Last steps before we create the Virtual Machine. We need to upload our SSH key, and we need to find the “AMI” (AWS Machine ID) of the image we’ll be using. To create the key, in this directory, along side the .tf files, I’ve put my SSH public key (called id_rsa.pub), and we load that key when we create the “my_key” resource. To find the AMI, we need to make another data call, this time asking the AMI index to find the VM with the name containing ubuntu-bionic-18.04 and some other stuff. AMIs are region specific, so the image I’m using in eu-west-2 will not be the same AMI in eu-west-1 or us-east-1 and so on. This filtering means that, as long as the image exists in that region, we can use “the right one”. So let’s take a look at this file.

So, now we have everything we need to create our VM. Let’s do that!

In here, we specify a “user_data” file to upload, in this case, the contents of a file – CloudDev.sh, but you can load anything you want in here. My CloudDev.sh is shown below, so you can see what I’m doing with this file :)

So, having created all this lot, you need to execute the terraform workload. Initially you do terraform init. This downloads all the provisioners and puts them into the same tree as these .tf files are stored in. It also resets the state of the terraform discovered or created datastore.

Next, you do terraform plan -out tfout. Technically, the tfout part can be any filename, but having something like tfout marks it as clearly part of Terraform. This creates the tfout file with the current state, and whatever needs to change in the Terraform state file on it’s next run. Typically, if you don’t use a tfout file within about 20 minutes, it’s probably worth removing it.

Finally, once you’ve run your plan stage, now you need to apply it. In this case you execute terraform apply tfout. This tfout is the same filename you specified in terraform plan. If you don’t include -out tfout on your plan (or even run a plan!) and tfout in your apply, then you can skip the terraform plan stage entirely.

Once you’re done with your environment, use terraform destroy to shut it all down… and enjoy :)

Featured image is “code crunching” by “Ruben Molina” on Flickr and is released under a CC-ND license.

"Confused" by "CollegeDegrees360" on Flickr

Using AWSCLI on Ubuntu/Ubuntu-in-WSL

This is a brief note to myself (but might be useful to you)!

awscli (similar to the Azure az command) is packaged for Ubuntu, but the version which is in the Ubuntu 18.04 repositories is “out of date” and won’t work with AWS. You *actually* need to run the following:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip -y && sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade awscli

If you’ve unfortunately already installed awscli from apt, do the following:

sudo apt remove awscli -y

Then, logout (for some reason, binary path caching is a thing now?) and log back in, and then run the above pip install line.

Solution found via this logged issue on the awscli git repo.

Featured image is “Confused” by “CollegeDegrees360” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.