"Tickets" by "Becky Snyder" on Flickr

IP Address Management using PHPIPAM integrated with Keycloak for SAML2 Authentication

I’ve recently been working with a network estate that was a bit hard to get a handle on. It had grown organically, and was a bit tricky to allocate new network segments in. To fix this, I deployed PHPIPAM, which was super easy to setup and configure (I used the docker-compose file on the project’s docker hub page, and put it behind an NGINX server which was pre-configured with a LetsEncrypt TLS/HTTPS certificate).

PHPIPAM is a IP Address Management tool which is self-hostable. I started by setting up the “Sections” (which was the hosting environments the estate is using), and then setup the supernets and subnets in the “Subnets” section.

Already, it was much easier to understand the network topology, but now I needed to get others in to take a look at the outcome. The team I’m working with uses a slightly dated version of Keycloak to provide Single Sign-On. PHPIPAM will use SAML for authentication, which is one of the protocols that Keycloak offers. The documentation failed me a bit at this point, but fortunately a well placed ticket helped me move it along.

Setting up Keycloak

Here’s my walk through

  1. Go to “Realm Settings” in the sidebar and find the “SAML Identity Provider Metadata” (on my system it’s on the “General” tab but it might have changed position on your system). This will be an XML file, and (probably) the largest block of continuous text will be in a section marked “ds:X509Certificate” – copy this text, and you’ll need to use this as the “IDP X.509 public cert” in PHPIPAM.
  2. Go to “Clients” in the sidebar and click “Create”. If you want Keycloak to offer access to PHPIPAM as a link, the client ID needs to start “urn:” If you just want to use the PHPIPAM login option, give the client ID whatever you want it to be (I’ve seen some people putting in the URL of the server at this point). Either way, this needs to be unique. The client protocol is “saml” and the client SAML endpoint is the URL that you will be signing into on PHPIPAM – in my case https://phpipam.example.org/saml2/. It should look like this:

    Click Save to take you to the settings for this client.
  3. If you want Keycloak to offer a sign-in button, set the name of the button and description.

    Further down the page is “Root URL” set that to the SAML Endpoint (the one ending /saml2/ from before). Also set the “Valid Redirect URIs” to that too.

    Where it says “IDP Initiated SSO URL Name” put a string that will identify the client – I put phpipam, but it can be anything you want. This will populate a URL like this: https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/yourrealm/protocol/saml/clients/phpipam, which you’ll need as the “IDP Issuer”, “IDP Login URL” and “IDP Logout URL”. Put everything after the /auth/ in the box marked “Base URL”. It should look like this:

    Hit Save.
  4. Go to the “SAML Keys” tab. Copy the private key and certificate, these are needed as the “Authn X.509 signing” cert and cert key in PHPIPAM.
  5. Go to the “Mappers” tab. Create each of the following mappers;
    • A Role List mapper, with the name of “role list”, Role Attribute Name of “Role”, no friendly name, the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic” and Single Role Attribute set to on.
    • A User Attribute mapper, with the name, User Attribute, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “email”, the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic” and Aggregate Attribute Values set to “off”.
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “display_name” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”. The Script should be set to this single line: user.getFirstName() + ' ' + user.getLastName().
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “is_admin” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”.

      The script should be as follows:
is_admin = false;
var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for each (var group in GroupSet) {
    use_group = ""
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "phpipamadmins":
            is_admin = true;
  • Create one more mapper item:
    • A Javascript Mapper, with the name, Friendly Name and SAML Attribute Name set to “groups” and the SAML Attribute NameFormat set to “Basic”.

      The script should be as follows:
everyone_who_can_access_gets_read_only_access = false;
send_groups = "";
var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for each (var group in GroupSet) {
    use_group = ""
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "LDAP_GROUP_1":
            use_group = "IPAM_GROUP_1";
        case "LDAP_GROUP_2":
            use_group = "IPAM_GROUP_2";
    if (use_group !== "") {
        if (send_groups !== "") {
          send_groups = send_groups + ","
        send_groups = send_groups + use_group;
if (send_groups === "" && everyone_who_can_access_gets_read_only_access) {
} else {

For context, the groups listed there, LDAP_GROUP_1 might be “Customer 1 Support Staff” or “ITSupport” or “Networks”, and the IPAM_GROUP_1 might be “Customer 1” or “WAN Links” or “DC Patching” – depending on the roles and functions of the teams. In my case they relate to other roles assigned to the staff member and the name of the role those people will perform in PHP IPAM. Likewise in the is_admin mapper, I’ve mentioned a group called “phpipamadmins” but this could be any relevant role that might grant someone admin access to PHPIPAM.

Late Update (2023-06-07): I’ve figured out how to enable modules now too. Create a Javascript mapper as per above, but named “modules” and have this script in it:

// Current modules as at 2023-06-07
// Some default values are set here.
noaccess       =  0;
readonly       =  1;
readwrite      =  2;
readwriteadmin =  3;
unsetperm      = -1;

var modules = {
    "*":       readonly,  "vlan":      unsetperm, "l2dom":    unsetperm,
    "devices": unsetperm, "racks":     unsetperm, "circuits": unsetperm,
    "nat":     unsetperm, "locations":  noaccess, "routing":  unsetperm,
    "pdns":    unsetperm, "customers": unsetperm

function updateModules(modules, new_value, list_of_modules) {
    for (var module in list_of_modules) {
        modules[module] = new_value;
    return modules;

var GroupSet = user.getGroups();
for (var group in GroupSet) {
    switch (group.getName()) {
        case "LDAP_ROLE_3":
            modules = updateModules(modules, readwriteadmin, [
                'racks', 'devices', 'nat', 'routing'

var moduleList = '';

for (var key in modules) {
    if (modules.hasOwnProperty(key) && modules[key] !==-1) {
        if (moduleList !== '') {
            moduleList += ',';
        moduleList += key + ':' + modules[key];


OK, that’s Keycloak sorted. Let’s move on to PHPIPAM.

Setting up PHPIPAM

In the administration menu, select “Authentication Methods” and then “Create New” and select “Create new SAML2 authentication”.

In the description field, give it a relevant name, I chose SSO, but you could call it any SSO system name. Set “Enable JIT” to “on”, leave “Use advanced settings” as “off”. In Client ID put the Client ID you defined in Keycloak, probably starting urn: or https://. Leave “Strict mode” off. Next is the IDP Issuer, IDP Login URL and IDP Logout URL, which should all be set to the same URL – the “IDP Initiated SSO URL Name” from step 4 of the Keycloak side (that was set to something like https://keycloak.example.org/auth/realms/yourrealm/protocol/saml/clients/phpipam).

After that is the certificate section – first the IDP X.509 public cert that we got in step 1, then the “Sign Authn requests” should be set to “On” and the Authn X.509 signing cert and cert key are the private key and certificate we retrieved in step 5 above. Leave “SAML username attribute” and “SAML mapped user” blank and “Debugging” set to “Off”. It should look like this:

Hit save.

Next, any groups you specified in the groups mapper need to be defined. This is in Administration -> Groups. Create the group name and set a description.

Lastly, you need to configure the sections to define whigh groups have access. Each defined group gets given four radio buttons; “na” (no access), “ro” (read only), “rw” (read write) and “rwa” (read, write and administrate).

Try logging in. It should just work!


If it doesn’t, and checking all of the above doesn’t help, I’ve tried adding some code into the PHP file in app/saml2/index.php, currently on line 149, above where it says:

if (empty($auth->getAttribute("display_name")[0])) {                                                                                    
    $Result->show("danger", _("Mandatory SAML JIT attribute missing")." : display_name (string)", true);

This code is:

$outfile = fopen("/tmp/log.out", "w");                                                           
fwrite($outfile, var_export($auth, true));                                                                     


In here is an array called _attributes which will show you what has been returned from the Keycloak server when someone tries to log in. In my case, I got this:

   '_attributes' =>
  array (
    'groups' => 
    array (
      0 => 'PHPIPAM_GROUP_1',
    'is_admin' => 
    array (
      0 => 'false',
    'display_name' => 
    array (
      0 => 'Jon Spriggs',
    'email' => 
    array (
      0 => 'spriggsj@example.org',

If you get something back here that isn’t what you expected, now at least you have a fighting chance of finding where that issue was! Good luck!!

Featured image is “Tickets” by “Becky Snyder” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

Using multiple GitHub accounts from the Command Line with Environment Variables (using `direnv`) and per-account SSH keys

I recently was in the situation where I had two github profiles (one work, one personal) that I needed to incorporate in projects.

My work account on this device is my “default”, I use it to push, pull and so on, but the occasional personal activities (like terminate-notice) all should be attributed to my personal account.

To make this happen, I used direnv which reads a .envrcfile in the parents of the directory you’re currently in. I created a directory for my personal projects – ~/Code/Personaland placed a .envrc file which contains:

export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=jon@sprig.gs
export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=jon@sprig.gs
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/personal.id_ed25519"

This means that I have a specific SSH key just for my personal activities (~/.ssh/personal.id_ed25519) and I’ve got my email address defined as two environment variables – AUTHOR (who wrote the code) and COMMITTER (who added it to the tree) – both are required when you’re changing them like this!

Because I don’t ever want it to try to use my SSH Agent, I’ve added the fact that SSH_AUTH_SOCK should be empty.

As an aside, work also require Commit Signing, but I don’t want to use that for my personal projects right now, so I also discovered a new feature as-of 2020 – the environment variables GIT_CONFIG_KEY_x, GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_x and GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=x

By using these, you can override any system, global and repo-level configuration values, like this:

export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0=commit.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=false
export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1=push.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1=false
export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2=tag.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2=false

This ensures that I *will not* GPG Sign commits, tags or pushes.

If I accidentally cloned a repo into an unusual location, or on purpose need to make a directory or submodule a personal repo, I just copy the .envrc file into that part of the tree, run direnv allowand hey-presto! I’ve turned that area into a personal repo, without having to remember the .gitconfigstring to mark a new part of my tree as a personal one.

The direnv and SSH part was largely inspired by : Handle multiple github accounts while the GIT_CONFIG_* bit was found via this StackOverflow answer.

Featured image is “Mirrored Lotus” by “Faye Mozingo” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

Using Github Actions to create Debian (DEB) and RedHat (RPM) Packages and Repositories

Last week I created a post talking about the new project I’ve started on Github called “Terminate-Notice” (which in hindsight isn’t very accurate – at best it’s ‘spot-instance-responses’ and at worst it’s ‘instance-rebalance-and-actions-responder’ but neither work well)… Anyway, I mentioned how I was creating RPM and DEB packages for my bash scripts and that I hadn’t put it into a repo yet.

Well, now I have, so let’s wander through how I made this work.


Please don’t hesitate to use the .github directory I’m using for terminate-notice, which is available in the -skeleton repo and then to make it into a repo, you can reuse the .github directory in the terminate-notice.github.io repo to start your adventure.

Start with your source tree

I have a the following files in my shell script, which are:

  • /usr/sbin/terminate-notice (the actual script which will run)
  • /usr/lib/systemd/system/terminate-notice.service (the SystemD Unit file to start and stop the script)
  • /usr/share/doc/terminate-notice/LICENSE (the license under which the code is released)
  • /etc/terminate-notice.conf.d/service.conf (the file which tells the script how to run)

These live in the root directory of my repository.

I also have the .github directory (where the things that make this script work will live), a LICENSE file (so Github knows what license it’s released under) and a README.md file (so people visiting the repo can find out about it).

A bit about Github Actions

Github Actions is a CI/CD pipeline built into Github. It responds to triggers – in our case, pushes (or uploads, in old fashioned terms) to the repository, and then runs commands or actions. The actions which will run are stored in a simple YAML formatted file, referred to as a workflow which contains some setup fields and then the “jobs” (collections of actions) themselves. The structure is as follows:

# The pretty name rendered by Actions to refer to this workflow
name: Workflow Name

# Only run this workflow when the push is an annotated tag starting v
      - 'v*'

# The workflow contains a collection of jobs, each of which has
# some actions (or "steps") to run
  # This is used to identify the output in other jobs
    # This is the pretty name rendered in the Github UI for this job
    name: Job Name
    # This is the OS that the job will run on - typically
    # one of: ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest
    runs-on: runner-os
    # The actual actions to perform
      # This is a YAML list, so note where the hyphens (-) are
        # The pretty name of this step
      - name: Checkout Code
        # The name of the public collection of actions to perform
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
        # Any variables to pass into this action module
          path: "REPO"

      # This action will run a shell command
      - name: Run a command
        run: echo "Hello World"

Build a DEB package

At the simplest point, creating a DEB package is;

  1. Create the directory structure (as above) that will unpack from your package file and put the files in the right places.
  2. Create a DEBIAN/control file which provides enough details for your package manager to handle it.
  3. Run dpkg-deb --build ${PATH_TO_SOURCE} ${OUTPUT_FILENAME}

The DEBIAN/control file looks like this:

Section: misc
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Maintainer: YOUR_NAME <your_email@example.org>
Description: SOME_TEXT

Section, Priority and Architecture have specifically defined dictionaries you can choose from.

Assuming the DEBIAN/control file was static and also lived in the repo, and I were just releasing the DEB file, then I could make the above work with the following steps:

name: Create the DEB

  contents: write

      - 'v*'

    name: Create Package
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          path: "REPO"

      - name: Copy script files around to stop .github from being added to the package then build the package
        run: |
          mkdir PKG_SOURCE
          cp -Rf REPO/usr REPO/etc REPO/DEBIAN PKG_SOURCE
          dpkg-deb --build PKG_SOURCE package.deb

      - name: Release the Package
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          files: package.deb

But no, I had to get complicated and ALSO build an RPM file… and put some dynamic stuff in there.

Build an RPM file

RPMs are a little more complex, but not by much. RPM takes a spec file, which starts off looking like the DEBIAN/control file, and adds some “install” instructions. Let’s take a look at that spec file:

Release: 1
Summary: SOME_TEXT
BuildArch: noarch
Source0: %{name}




install -D -m 600 -o root -g root %{SOURCE0}etc/config/file ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/config/file
install -D -m 755 -o root -g root %{SOURCE0}usr/sbin/script ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sbindir}/script


The “Name”, “Version”, “Release” and “BuildArch” values in the top of that file define what the resulting filename is (NAME_VERSION-RELEASE.BUILDARCH.rpm).

Notice that there are some “macros” which replace /etc with %{_sysconfdir}, /usr/sbin with %{_sbindir} and so on, which means that, theoretically, this RPM could be installed in an esoteric tree… but most people won’t bother.

The one quirk with this is that %{name} bit there – RPM files need to have all these sources in a directory named after the package name, which in turn is stored in a directory called SOURCES (so SOURCES/my-package for example), and then it copies the files to wherever they need to go. I’ve listed etc/config/file and usr/sbin/script but these could just have easily been file and script for all that the spec file cares.

Once you have the spec file, you run sudo rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)" -bb file.spec to build the RPM.

So, again, how would that work from a workflow YAML file perspective, assuming a static spec and source tree as described above?

name: Create the DEB

  contents: write

      - 'v*'

    name: Create Package
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          path: "REPO"

      - name: Copy script files around to stop .github from being added to the package then build the package
        run: |
          mkdir -p SOURCES/my-package-name
          cp -Rf REPO/usr REPO/etc SOURCES/my-package-name
          sudo rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)" -bb my-package-name.spec

      - name: Release the Package
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          files: RPMS/my-package-name_0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm

But again, I want to be fancy (and I want to make resulting packages as simple to repeat as possible)!

So, this is my release.yml as of today:

name: Run the Release

  contents: write

      - 'v*'

    name: Create Packages
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          path: "REPO"

      - name: Calculate some variables
        run: |
            echo "GITHUB_REPO_NAME=$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d/ -f2)"
            echo "VERSION=$(echo "${GITHUB_REF_NAME}" | sed -e 's/^v//')"
            echo "DESCRIPTION=A script which polls the AWS Metadata Service looking for an 'instance action', and triggers scripts in response to the termination notice."
            echo "DEB_ARCHITECTURE=${ARCHITECTURE:-all}"
            echo "RPM_ARCHITECTURE=${ARCHITECTURE:-noarch}"
            echo "RELEASE=1"
            cd REPO
            echo "FIRST_YEAR=$(git log $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD) --date="format:%Y" --format="format:%ad")"
            echo "THIS_COMMIT_YEAR=$(git log HEAD -n1 --date="format:%Y" --format="format:%ad")"
            echo "THIS_COMMIT_DATE=$(git log HEAD -n1 --format="format:%as")"
            if [ "$FIRST_YEAR" = "$THIS_COMMIT_YEAR" ]
              echo "YEAR_RANGE=$FIRST_YEAR"
              echo "YEAR_RANGE=${FIRST_YEAR}-${THIS_COMMIT_YEAR}"
            cd ..
          ) >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Make Directory Structure
        run: mkdir -p "SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}" SPECS release

      - name: Copy script files into SOURCES
        run: |
          cp -Rf REPO/[a-z]* "SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}"
          if grep -lr '#TAG#' SOURCES
            sed -i -e "s/#TAG#/${VERSION}/" $(grep -lr '#TAG#' SOURCES)
          if grep -lr '#TAG_DATE#' SOURCES
            sed -i -e "s/#TAG_DATE#/${THIS_COMMIT_YEAR}/" $(grep -lr '#TAG_DATE#' SOURCES)
          if grep -lr '#DATE_RANGE#' SOURCES
            sed -i -e "s/#DATE_RANGE#/${YEAR_RANGE}/" $(grep -lr '#DATE_RANGE#' SOURCES)
          if grep -lr '#MAINTAINER#' SOURCES
            sed -i -e "s/#MAINTAINER#/${MAINTAINER:-Jon Spriggs <jon@sprig.gs>}/" $(grep -lr '#MAINTAINER#' SOURCES)

      - name: Create Control File
        # Fields from https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#binary-package-control-files-debian-control
        run: |
            echo "Package:      ${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}"
            echo "Version:      ${VERSION}"
            echo "Section:      ${SECTION:-misc}"
            echo "Priority:     ${PRIORITY:-optional}"
            echo "Architecture: ${DEB_ARCHITECTURE}"
            if [ -n "${DEPENDS}" ]
              echo "Depends: ${DEPENDS}"
            echo "Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER:-Jon Spriggs <jon@sprig.gs>}"
            echo "Description: ${DESCRIPTION}"
            if [ -n "${HOMEPAGE}" ]
              echo "Homepage: ${HOMEPAGE}"
          ) | tee SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/DEBIAN/control
            echo "Files:"
            echo " *"
            echo "Copyright: ${YEAR_RANGE} ${MAINTAINER:-Jon Spriggs <jon@sprig.gs>}"
            echo "License: MIT"
            echo ""
            echo "License: MIT"
            sed 's/^/ /' "SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/usr/share/doc/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/LICENSE"
          ) | tee SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/DEBIAN/copyright

      - name: Create Spec File
        run: PATH="REPO/.github/scripts:${PATH}" create_spec_file.sh

      - name: Build DEB Package
        run: dpkg-deb --build SOURCES/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME} "${{ env.GITHUB_REPO_NAME }}_${{ env.VERSION }}_${{ env.DEB_ARCHITECTURE }}.deb"

      - name: Build RPM Package
        run: sudo rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)" -bb SPECS/${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}.spec

      - name: Confirm builds complete
        run: sudo install -m 644 -o runner -g runner $(find . -type f -name *.deb && find . -type f -name *.rpm) release/

      - name: Release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          files: release/*

So this means I can, within reason, drop this workflow (plus a couple of other scripts to generate the slightly more complex RPM file – see the other files in that directory structure) into another package to release it.

OH WAIT, I DID! (for the terminate-notice-slack repo, for example!) All I actually needed to do there was to change the description line, and off it went!

So, this is all well and good, but how can I distribute these? Enter Repositories.

Making a Repository

Honestly, I took most of the work here from two fantastic blog posts for creating an RPM repo and a DEB repo.

First you need to create a GPG key.

To do this, I created the following pgp-key.batch file outside my repositories tree

%echo Generating an example PGP key
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Name-Email: your_org_name@users.noreply.github.com
Expire-Date: 0

To make the key, I used this set of commands:

export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d /tmp/pgpkeys-XXXXXX)"
gpg --no-tty --batch --gen-key pgp-key.batch
gpg --armor --export YOUR_ORG_NAME > public.asc
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys YOUR_ORG_NAME > private.asc

Store the public.asc file to one side (you’ll need it later) and keep the private.asc safe because we need to put that into Github.

Creating Github Pages

Create a new Git repository in your organisation called your-org.github.io. This marks the repository as being a Github Pages repository. Just to make that more explicit, in the settings for the repository, go to the pages section. (Note that yes, the text around this may differ, but are accurate as of 2023-03-28 in EN-GB localisation.)

Under “Source” select “GitHub Actions”.

Clone this repository to your local machine, and copy public.asc into the root of the tree with a sensible name, ending .asc.

In the Github settings, find “Secrets and variables” under “Security” and pick “Actions”.

Select “New repository secret” and call it “PRIVATE_KEY”.

Now you can use this to sign things (and you will sign *SO MUCH* stuff)

Building the HTML front to your repo (I’m using Jekyll)

I’ve elected to use Jekyll because I know it, and it’s quite easy, but you should pick what works for you. My workflow for deploying these repos into the website rely on Jekyll because Github built that integration, but you’ll likely find other tools for things like Eleventy or Hugo.

Put a file called _config.yml into the root directory, and fill it with relevant content:

title: your-org
email: email_address@example.org
description: >- 
  This project does stuff.
baseurl: ""
url: "https://your-org.github.io"
github_username: your-org

# Build settings
theme: minima
  - jekyll-feed
  - tools/
  - doc/

Naturally, make “your-org” “email_address@example.org” and the descriptions more relevant to your environment.

Next, create an index.md file with whatever is relevant for your org, but it must start with something like:

layout: home
title: YOUR-ORG Website
Here is the content for the front page.

Building the repo behind your static content

We’re back to working with Github Actions workflow files, so let’s pop that open.


name: Deploy Debian and RPM Repo plus Jekyll homepage

    branches: ["main"]
  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

  contents: read
  pages: write
  id-token: write

  group: "pages"
  cancel-in-progress: false

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: [REPO] Install required packages
        run: |
          until sudo apt update
            sleep 1
          sudo apt install -y jq createrepo-c coreutils gnupg2 dpkg-dev

      - name: [REPO] Insert environment variables
        run: |
          echo GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d /tmp/pgpkeys-XXXXXX)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo REPO_OWNER="$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d/ -f1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo REPO_NAME="$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d/ -f2)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: [REPO] Import GPG key
        id: import_gpg
        uses: crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@v5
          gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}

      - name: [JEKYLL] Setup Pages
        uses: actions/configure-pages@v3

      - name: [JEKYLL] Build with Jekyll
        uses: actions/jekyll-build-pages@v1
          source: ./
          destination: ./_site

      - name: [REPO] Set permissions on the _site directory
        run: sudo chown -R runner:docker _site

      - name: [REPO] Build DEB and RPM Repos
        run: |
          export GPG_FINGERPRINT="${{ steps.import_gpg.outputs.fingerprint }}"
          export ORIGIN="${{ steps.import_gpg.outputs.name }}"

      - name: [JEKYLL] Upload artifact
        uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1

      name: github-pages
      url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      - name: [JEKYLL] Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id: deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1

I’ve basically changed the “stock” Jekyll static site Github Actions file and added every step that starts [REPO] to make the repository stuff fit in around the steps that start [JEKYLL] which build and deploy the Jekyll based site.

The key part to all this though is the step Build DEB and RPM repos which calls a script that downloads all the RPM and DEB files from the various other repository build stages and does some actions to them. Now yes, I could have put all of this into the workflow.yml file, but I think it would have made it all a bit more confusing! So, let’s work through those steps!

Making an RPM Repo

To build a RPM repo you get and sign each of the RPM packages you want to offer. You do this with this command:

rpm --define "%_signature gpg" --define "%_gpg_name ${FINGERPRINT}" --addsign FILENAME.rpm

Then, once you have all your RPM files signed, you then run a command called createrepo_c (available in Debian archives – Github Actions doesn’t have a RedHat based distro available at this time, so I didn’t look for the RPM equivalent). This creates the repository metadata, and finally you sign that file, like this:

gpg --detach-sign --armor repodata/repomd.xml

Making a DEB Repo

To build a DEB repo you get each of the DEB packages you want to offer in a directory called pool/main (you can also call “main” something else – for example “contrib”, “extras” and so on).

Once you have all your files, you create another directory called dists/stable/main/binary-all into which we’ll run a command dpkg-scanpackages to create the list of the available packages. Yes, “main” could also be called “contrib”, “extras” and “stable” could be called “testing” or “preprod” or the name of your software release (like “jaunty”, “focal” or “warty”). The “all” after the word “binary” is the architecture in question.

dpkg-scanpackages creates an index of the packages in that directory including the version number, maintainer and the cryptographic hashes of the DEB files.

We zip (using gzip and bzip2) the Packages file it creates to improve the download speeds of these files, and then make a Release file. This in turn has the cryptographic hashes of each of the Packages and zipped Packages files, which in turn is then signed with GPG.

Ugh, that was MESSY

Making the repository available to your distributions

RPM repos have it quite easy here – there’s a simple file, that looks like this:

name=org-name Repository

The distribution user simply downloads this file, puts it into /etc/yum.sources.d/org-name.repo and now all the packages are available for download. Woohoo!

DEB repos are a little harder.

First, download the public key – https://org-name.github.io/public.asc and put it in /etc/apt/keyrings/org-name.asc. Next, create file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/org-name.list with this line in:

deb [arch=all signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/org-name.asc] https://org-name.github.io/deb stable main

And now they can install whatever packages they want too!

Doing this the simple way

Of course, this is all well-and-good, but if you’ve got a simple script you want to package, please don’t hesitate to use the .github directory I’m using for terminate-notice, which is available in the -skeleton repo and then to make it into a repo, you can reuse the .github directory in the terminate-notice.github.io repo to start your adventure.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

Featured image is “Some Math” by “Behdad Esfahbod” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

Responding to AWS Spot Instance “Instance Actions” (like terminate and stop)

During some debugging of an issue with our AWS Spot Instances at work, a colleague noticed that we weren’t responding to the Instance Actions that AWS sends when it’s due to shut down a spot instance.

We had a bit of a poke around, and found that no-one seems to have a service solution to respond to these events, to shut things down cleanly… so I wrote a set of shell scripts and a SystemD service to react to them.

On the journey, I discovered that there is a metadata mocking service that AWS provides, I learned how to create both RPM and DEB packages with Github actions (still not got them into a repo yet though!) and found that my new employer is really nice because they let me write this and release it as open source 😀

So, if this seems like something that might help you, or perhaps you’ve found a better way of doing this, let me know!

A screen shot of the github organisation for the terminate-notice script (link)

Project logo: Target icons created by Freepik – Flaticon

"Apoptosis Network (alternate)" by "Simon Cockell" on Flickr

Multipass on Ubuntu with Bridged Network Interfaces

I’m working on a new project, and I am using Multipass on an Ubuntu machine to provision some virtual machines on my local machine using cloudinit files. All good so far!

I wanted to expose one of the services I’ve created to the bridged network (so I can run avahi-daemon), and did this by running multipass launch -n vm01 --network enp3s0 when, what should I see but: launch failed: The bridging feature is not implemented on this backend. OH NO!

By chance, I found a random Stack Overflow answer, which said:

Currently only the LXD driver supports the networks command on Linux.

So, let’s make multipass on Ubuntu use LXD! (Be prepared for entering your password a few times!)

Firstly, we need to install LXD. Dead simple:

snap install lxd

Next, we need to tell snap that it’s allowed to connect LXD to multipass:

snap connect multipass:lxd lxd

And lastly, we tell multipass to use lxd:

multipass set local.driver=lxd


user@host:~$ multipass networks
Name             Type      Description
enp3s0           ethernet  Ethernet device
mpbr0            bridge    Network bridge for Multipass

And when I brought my machine up with avahi-daemon installed and configured to broadcast it’s hostname?

user@host:~$ ip -4 addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
37: br-enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute br-enp3s0
       valid_lft 6455sec preferred_lft 6455sec
user@host:~$ multipass list
Name         State       IPv4             Image
vm01         Running     Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
user@host:~$ ping vm01.local
PING vm01.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.


Featured image is “Apoptosis Network (alternate)” by “Simon Cockell” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Milestone, Otley" by "Tim Green" on Flickr

Changing the default routing metric with Netplan, NetworkManager and ifupdown

In the past few months I’ve been working on a project, and I’ve been doing the bulk of that work using Vagrant.

By default and convention, all Vagrant machines, set up using Virtualbox have a “NAT” interface defined as the first network interface, but I like to configure a second interface as a “Bridged” interface which gives the host a “Real” IP address on the network as this means that any security appliances I have on my network can see what device is causing what traffic, and I can quickly identify which hosts are misbehaving.

By default, Virtualbox uses the network for the NAT interface, and runs a DHCP server for that interface. In the past, I’ve removed the default route which uses (the IP address of the NAT interface on the host device), but with Ubuntu 20.04, this route keeps being re-injected, so I had to come up with a solution.

Fixing Netplan

Ubuntu, in at least 20.04, but (according to Wikipedia) probably since 17.10, has used Netplan to define network interfaces, superseding the earlier ifupdown package (which uses /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interface.d/* files to define the network). Netplan is a kind of meta-script which, instructs systemd or NetworkManager to reconfigure the network interfaces, and so making the configuration changes here seemed most sensible.

Vagrant configures the file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yml with a network configuration to support this DHCP interface, and then applies it. To fix it, we need to rewrite this file completely.


# Find details about the interface
ifname="$(grep -A1 ethernets "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | tail -n1 | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d: -f1)"
match="$(grep macaddress "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d\  -f2)"

# Configure the netplan file
  echo "network:"
  echo "  ethernets:"
  echo "    ${ifname}:"
  echo "      dhcp4: true"
  echo "      dhcp4-overrides:"
  echo "        route-metric: 250"
  echo "      match:"
  echo "        macaddress: ${match}"
  echo "      set-name: ${ifname}"
  echo "  version: 2"
} >/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

# Apply the config
netplan apply

When I then came to a box running Fedora, I had a similar issue, except now I don’t have NetPlan to work with? How do I resolve this one?!

Actually, this is a four line script!


# Get the name of the interface which has the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"

# Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "${netname}" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
# Set the network to have a metric of 250
nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 250
# And then re-apply the network config
nmcli connection up "$nm"

The last major interface management tool I’ve experienced on standard server Linux is “ifupdown” – /etc/network/interfaces. This is mostly used on Debian. How do we fix that one? Well, that’s a bit more tricky!


# Get the name of the interface with the IP address
netname="$(ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//')"

# Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces

# Create the loopback interface file
  echo "auto lo"
  echo "iface lo inet loopback"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown lo ; ifup lo

# Create the first "real" interface file
  echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
  echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
  echo "  metric 1000"
} > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
# Bounce the interface
ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"

# Loop through the rest of the interfaces
ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
  # Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
    echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
    echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"

Looking for one consistent script which does this all?

# This script ensures that the metric of the first "NAT" interface is set to 1000,
# while resetting the rest of the interfaces to "whatever" the DHCP server offers.

function netname() {
  ip route | grep | head -n 1 | sed -Ee 's/^(.*dev )(.*)$/\2/;s/proto [A-Za-z0-9]+//;s/metric [0-9]+//;s/[ \t]+$//'

if command -v netplan

  # Find details about the interface
  ifname="$(grep -A1 ethernets "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | tail -n1 | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d: -f1)"
  match="$(grep macaddress "/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" | sed -Ee 's/[ ]*//' | cut -d\  -f2)"

  # Configure the netplan file
    echo "network:"
    echo "  ethernets:"
    echo "    ${ifname}:"
    echo "      dhcp4: true"
    echo "      dhcp4-overrides:"
    echo "        route-metric: 1000"
    echo "      match:"
    echo "        macaddress: ${match}"
    echo "      set-name: ${ifname}"
    echo "  version: 2"
  } >/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

  # Apply the config
  netplan apply
elif command -v nmcli

  # Ask NetworkManager for a list of all the active connections, look for the string "eth0" and then just get the connection name.
  nm="$(nmcli connection show --active | grep "$(netname)" | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)([ \t][-0-9a-f]{36})(.*)$/\1/;s/[\t ]+$//g')"
  # Set the network to have a metric of 250
  nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv4.route-metric 1000
  nmcli connection modify "$nm" ipv6.route-metric 1000
  # And then re-apply the network config
  nmcli connection up "$nm"
elif command -v ifup

  # Get the name of the interface with the IP address
  # Create a new /etc/network/interfaces file which just looks in "interfaces.d"
  echo "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" > /etc/network/interfaces
  # Create the loopback interface file
    echo "auto lo"
    echo "iface lo inet loopback"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown lo ; ifup lo
  # Create the first "real" interface file
    echo "allow-hotplug ${netname}"
    echo "iface ${netname} inet dhcp"
    echo "  metric 1000"
  } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${netname}"
  # Bounce the interface
  ifdown "${netname}" ; ifup "${netname}"
  # Loop through the rest of the interfaces
  ip link | grep UP | grep -v lo | grep -v "${netname}" | cut -d: -f2 | sed -Ee 's/[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9.]+)[ \t]*/\1/' | while IFS= read -r int
    # Create the interface file for this interface, assuming DHCP
      echo "allow-hotplug ${int}"
      echo "iface ${int} inet dhcp"
    } > "/etc/network/interfaces.d/${int}"
    # Bounce the interface
    ifdown "${int}" ; ifup "${int}"

Featured image is “Milestone, Otley” by “Tim Green” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Exam" by "Alberto G." on Flickr

My no-spoilers thoughts on the GitLab Certified Associate certification course and exam

On Wednesday, 21st April, I saw a link to a blog post in a chat group for the Linux Lads podcast. This blog post included a discount code to make the GitLab Certified Associate course and exam free. I signed up, and then shared the post to colleagues.

Free GitLab certification course and exam – until 30th April 2021.

GitLab has created a “Certified Associate” certification course which normally costs $650, but is available for free until 30th April using the discount code listed on this blog post and is available for one year after purchase (or free purchase).

I’ve signed up for the course today, and will be taking the 6 hour course, which covers:

Section 1: Self-Study – Introduction to GitLab

* GitLab Overview
* GitLab Comparison
* GitLab Components and Navigation
* Demos and Hands On Exercises

Section 2: Self-Study – Using Git and GitLab

* Git Basics
* Basic Code Creation in GitLab
* GitLab’s CI/CD Functions
* GitLab’s Package and Release Functions
* GitLab Security Scanning

Section 3: Certification Assessments

* GitLab Certified Associate Exam Instructions
* GitLab Certified Associate Knowledge Exam
* GitLab Certified Associate Hands On Exam
* Final Steps

You don’t need your own GitLab environment – you get one provided to you as part of the course.

Another benefit to this course is that you’ll learn about Git as part of the course, so if you’re looking to do any code development, infrastructure as code, documentation as code, or just learning how to store any content in a version control system – this will teach you how 😀

Good luck to everyone participating in the course!

After sharing this post, the GitLab team amended the post to remove the discount code as they were significantly oversubscribed! I’ve heard rumours that it’s possible to find the code, either on Gitlab’s own source code repository, or perhaps using Archive.org’s wayback machine, but I’ve not tried!

On Friday I started the course and completed it yesterday. The rest of this post will be my thoughts on the course itself, and the exam.

Signing up for the course and getting started

Signing up was pretty straightforward. It wasn’t clear that you had a year between when you enrolled for the course and until you first opened the content, but that once you’d opened the link to use the Gitlab demo environment, you had 21 days to use it. You’re encouraged to sign up for the demo environment on the first stage, thereby limiting you to the 21 days from that point. I suspect that if you re-visit that link on a second or third time, you’d get fresh credentials, so no real disaster there, but it does make you feel a bit under pressure to use the environment.

First impressions

The training environment is pretty standard, as far as corporate training goes. You have a side-bar showing the modules you need to complete before the end of the course, and as you scroll down through each module, you get various different media-types arriving, including youtube videos, fade-in text, flashcards which require clicking on and side-scrolling presentation cards. (Honestly, I do wonder whether this is particularly accessible to those with visual or motor impairments… I hope so, but I don’t know how I’d check!)

As you progress through each module, in the sidebar to the left, a circle outline is slowly turned from grey to purple, and when you finish a module the outline is replaced by a filled circle with a white tick in it. At the bottom of each module is a link to the next module.

The content

You have a series of 3 sections:

  • “Introduction to Gitlab” (aka, “Corporate Propaganda” 😉) which includes the history of the GitLab project and product, how many contributors it has, what it’s primary objective is, and so on. There’s even an “Infotainment” QVC-like advert about how amazing GitLab is in this section, which is quite cute. At the end of this first section, you get a “Hands On” section, where you’re encouraged to use GitLab to create a new Project. I’ll come back to the Hands on sections after this.
  • “Using Git and Gitlab”, which you’d expect to be more hands-on but is largely more flashcards and presentation cards, each with a hands on section at the end.
  • “Certification Assessments” has two modules to explain what needs to happen (one before, one after) and then two parts to the “assessment” – a multiple-choice section which has to be answered 100% correctly to proceed, and a “hands on” exam, which is basically a collection of “perform this task” questions, which you are expected to perform in the demo environment.

Hands-on sections focus on a specific task – “create a project”, “commit code”, “create an issue”, “create a merge request” and so-on. There are no tasks which will stretch even the freshest Git user, and seeing the sorts of things that the “Auto DevOps” function can enable might interest someone who wants to use GitLab. I was somewhat disappointed that there was barely any focus on the fact that GitLab can be self-hosted, and what it takes to set something like that up.

We also get to witness the entire power (apparently) of upgrading to the “Premium” and “Ultimate” packages of GitLab’s proprietary add-ons… Epics. I jest of course, I’ve looked and there’s loads more to that upgrade!

The final exams (No Spoilers)

This is in two parts, a multiple-choice selection on a fixed set of 14 questions, with 100% accuracy required to move on to the next stage that can be retaken indefinitely, and a hands-on set of… from memory… 14ish tasks which must be completed on a project you create.

The exam is generally things about GitLab which you’ve covered in the course, but included two questions about using Git that were not covered in any of the modules. For this reason, I’d suggest when you get to those questions, open a git environment, and try each of the commands offered given the specific scenario.

Once you’ve finished the hands-on section, using the credentials you were given, you’re asked to complete a Google Forms page which includes the URL of the GitLab Project you’ve performed your work in, and the username for your GitLab Demo Environment. You submit this form, and in 7 days (apparently, although, given the take-up of the course, I’m not convinced this is an accurate number) you’ll get your result. If you fail, apparently, you’ll be invited to re-try your hands-on exam again.

At least some of the hands-on section tasks are a bit ambiguous, suggesting you should make this change on the first question, and then “merge that change into this branch” (again, from memory) in the next task.

My final thoughts

So, was it worth $650 to take this course? No, absolutely not. I realise that people have put time and effort into the content and there will be people within GitLab Inc checking the results at the end… but at most it’s worth maybe $200, and even that is probably a stretch.

If this course was listed at any price (other than free) would I have taken it? …. Probably not. It’s useful to show you can drive a GitLab environment, but if I were going for a job that needed to use Git, I’d probably point them at a project I’ve created on GitHub or GitLab, as the basics of Git are more likely to be what I’d need to show capabilities in.

Does this course teach you anything new about Git or GitLab that just using the products wouldn’t have done? Tentatively, yes. I didn’t know anything about the “Auto DevOps” feature of GitLab, I’d never used the “Quick Actions” in either issues or merge requests, and there were a couple of git command lines that were new to me… but on the whole, the course is about using a web based version control system, which I’ve been doing for >10 years.

Would this course have taught you anything about Git and GitLab if you were new to both? Yes! But I wouldn’t have considered paying $650… or even $65 for this, when YouTube has this sort of content for free!

What changes would you make to this course? For me, I’d probably introduce more content about the CI/CD elements of GitLab, I might introduce a couple of questions or a module about self-hosting and differences about the tiers (to explain why it would be worth paying $99/user/month for the additional features in the software). I’d probably also split the course up into several pieces, where each of those pieces goes towards a larger target… so perhaps there might be a “basic user” track, which is just “GitLab inc history”, “using git” and “using Gitlab for issues and changes”, then an advanced user, covering “GitLab tiers”, “GitLab CI/CD”, “Auto DevOps”, running “Git Runners”, and perhaps a Self Hosting course which adds running the service yourself, integrating GitLab with other services, and so on. You might also (as GitLab are a very open company) have a “marketing GitLab” course (for TAMs, Pre-Sales and Sales) which could also be consumed externally.

Have you passed? Yep

Read More
"Prickily Hooks" by "Derek Gavey" on Flickr

When starting WSL2, you get “The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced.”

Hello, welcome to my personal knowledgebase article 😁

I think you only get this if you have some tool or service which hooks WinSock to perform content inspection, but if you do, you need to tell WinSock to reject attempts to hook WSL2.

According to this post on the Github WSL Issues list, you need to add a key into your registry, in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2\Parameters\AppId_Catalog and they mention that the vendor of “proxifier” have released a tool which creates this key. The screen shot in the very next post shows this registry key having been created.

A screenshot of a screenshot of the registry path needed to prevent WinSock from being hooked.

I don’t know if the hex ID of the “AppId_Catalog” path created is relevant, but it was what was in the screenshot, so I copied it, and created this registry export file. Feel free to create your own version of this file, and run it to fix your own issue.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


As soon as I’d included this registry entry, I was able to access WSL OK again.

Featured image is “Prickily Hooks” by “Derek Gavey” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"Blueprints" by "Cameron Degelia" on Flickr

Using Architectural Decision Records (ADR) with adr-tools

Introducing Architectural Decision Records

Over the last week, I discovered a new tool for my arsenal called Architectural Decision Records (ADR). They were first written about in 2011, in a post called “Documenting Architecture Decisions“, where the author, Michael Nygard, advocates for short documents explaining each decision that influences the architecture of an environment.

I found this via a Github repository, created by the team at gov.uk, which includes their ADR library, and references the tool they use to manage these documents – adr-tools.

Late edit 2021-01-25: I also found a post which suggests that Spotify uses ADR.

Late edit 2021-08-11: I wrote a post about using other tooling.

Late edit 2021-12-14: I released (v0.0.1) my own rust-based application for making Decision Records. Yes, Decision Records – not Architecture Decision Records… because I think you should be able to apply the same logic to all decisions, not just architectural ones.

Installing adr-tools on Linux

Currently adr-tools are easier to install under OSX rather than Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) (I’m working on this – bear with me! 😃 ).

The current installation notes suggest for Linux (which would also work on WSL) is to download the latest release tar.gz or zip file and unpack it into your path somewhere. This isn’t exactly the best way to deploy anything on Linux, but… I guess it works right now?

For me, I downloaded the file, and unpacked the whole tar.gz file (as root) into /usr/local/bin/, giving me a directory of /usr/local/bin/adr-tools-3.0.0/. There’s a subdirectory in here, called src which contains a large number of files – mostly starting _adr or adr- and two additional files, init.md and template.md.

Rather than putting all of these files into /usr/local/bin directly, instead I leave them in the adr-tools-3.0.0 directory, and create a symbolic link (symlink) to the /usr/local/bin directory with this command:

cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s adr-tools-3.0.0/src/* .

This gives me all those files in one place, so I can refer to them later.

An aside – why link everything in that src directory? (Feel free to skip this block!)

Now, why, you might ask, do all of these unrelated files need to be in the same place? Well…. the author of the script has put this in at the top of almost all the files:

set -e
eval "$($(dirname $0)/adr-config)"

And then in that script, it says:

basedir=$(cd -L $(dirname $0) > /dev/null 2>&1 && pwd -L)
echo "adr_bin_dir=$basedir"
echo "adr_template_dir=$basedir"

There are, technically, good reasons for this! This is designed to be run in, what in the Windows world, you might call as a “Portable Script”. So, you bung adr-tools into some directory somewhere, and then just call adr somecommand and it knows that all the files are where they need to be. The (somewhat) down side to this is that if you just want to call adr somecommand rather than path/to/my/adr somecommand then all those files need to be there

I’m currently looking to see if I can improve this somewhat, so that it’s not quite so complex to install, but for now, that’s what you need.


Using adr-tools to document your decisions

I’ll start documenting a fictional hosted web service project, and note down some of the decisions which have been made.

Initializing your ADR directory

Start by running adr init. You may want to specify a directory where you want to put these records, so instead use: adr init path/to/adr, like this:

Initializing the ADR in “documentation/architecture-decisions” with adr init documentation/architecture-decisions

You’ll notice that when I run this command, it creates a new entry, called 0001-record-architecture-decisions.md. Let’s open this up, and see what’s in here.

The VSCode record for the choice to use ADR. It is a markdown file, with the standard types of data recorded.

In here we have the record ID (1.), the title of the record Record architecture decisions, the date the choice was made Date: 2021-01-19, a status of Accepted, the context on why we made this choice, the decision, and the consequences of making this decision. Make changes, if needed, and save it. Let’s move on.

Creating our first own record

This all is quite straightforward thus far. Let’s create our next record.

Issuing the command adr new <sometitle> you create the next ADR record.

Let’s open up that record.

The template for the ADR record for “Use AWS”.

Like the first record, we have a title, a status, a context, decision and consequences. Let’s define these.

A “finished” brief ADR record.

This document shouldn’t be very long! It just describes why a choice was made and what that entails.

Changing decisions – completely replacing (superseding) a decision

Of course, over time, decisions will be replaced due to various decisions elsewhere.

You can ask adr to supersede a previous record, using the “-s” flag, and the record number.

Let’s look at how that works on the second ADR record.

After the command adr new -s 2 Use Azure, the ADR record number 2 has a new status, “Superceded by” and the superseded linked document. Yes, “Superceded” is a typo. There is an open PR for it

So, under the “Status”, where is previously said “Approved”, it now says “Superceded by [3. Use Azure](0003-use-azure.md)“. This is a markdown statement which indicates where the superseded document is located. As I mentioned in the comment below the above image, there is an open Pull Request to fix this on the adr-tools, so hopefully that typo won’t last long!

We’ve got our new ADR too – let’s take a look at that one?

Our new ADR shows that it “supercedes” the previous record. Which is good! Typo aside :)

Other references

Of course, you don’t always completely overrule a decision. Sometimes your decision is influenced by, or has a dependency on something else, like this one.

We know which provider we’re using at long last, now let’s pick a region. Use the -l flag to “link” between the referenced and new ADR. The context for the -l flag is “<number>:<text for link to number>:<text for link in targetted document>”.

The command here is:

adr new -l '3:Dependency:Influences' Use Region UK South and UK West

I’m just going to crop from the “Status” block on both the referenced ADR (3) and the ADR which references it (4):

Status block in ADR 0003 which is referenced by ADR 0004
Status block in the new ADR 0004 which references ADR 0003

And of course, you can also use the same switch to mark documents as partially obsoleted, like this:

adr new -l '4:Partially obsoletes:Partially obsoleted by' Use West Europe region instead of UK West region
Status block in ADR 0004 indicating it’s partially obsoleted. Probably worth updating the status properly to show it’s not just “Accepted”.

If you forget to add the referencing in, you can also use the adr link command, like this:

adr link 3 Influences 5 Dependency

To be clear, that command adds a (complete) line to ADR 0003 saying “Influences [5. ADR Title](link)” and a separate (complete) line to ADR 0005 saying “Dependency [3. ADR Title](link)“.

What else can we do?

There are four other “things” that it’s worth doing at this point.

  1. Note that you can change the template per-ADR directory.

Create a directory called “templates” in the ADR directory, and put a file in there called “template.md“. Tweak this as you need. Ensure you have AT LEAST the line ## Status and # NUMBER. TITLE as these are required by the script.

A much abbreviated template file, containing just “Number”, “Title”, “Date”, “Status”, and a new dummy heading called “Stuff”.
And the result of running adr new Some Text once you’ve created that template.

As you can see, it’s possible to add all sorts of content in this template as a result. Bear in mind, before your template turns into something like this, that it’s supposed to be a short document explaining why each decision was made, not a funding proposal, or a complex epic of your user stories!

Be careful not to let your template run away with you!
  1. Note that you can automatically open an editor, by setting the EDITOR (where the process is expected to finish before returning control, like using nano, emacs or vim, for example) or VISUAL (where the process is expected to “fork”, like for example, gedit or vscode) environment variable, and then running adr new A Title, like this:
  1. We can create “Table of Contents” files, using the adr generate toc command, like this:
Generating the table of contents, for injecting into other files.

This can be included into your various other markdown files. There are switches, so you can set the link path, but your best bet is to find that using adr help generate toc.

  1. We can also generate graphviz files of the link maps between elements of the various ADRs, like this: adr generate graph | dot -Tjpg > graph.jpg

If you omit the “| dot -Tjpg > graph.jpg” part, then you’ll see the graphviz output, which looks like this: (I’ve removed the documents 6 and 7).

digraph {
  node [shape=plaintext];
  subgraph {
    _1 [label="1. Record architecture decisions"; URL="0001-record-architecture-decisions.html"];
    _2 [label="2. Use AWS"; URL="0002-use-aws.html"];
    _1 -> _2 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _3 [label="3. Use Azure"; URL="0003-use-azure.html"];
    _2 -> _3 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _4 [label="4. Use Region UK South and UK West"; URL="0004-use-region-uk-south-and-uk-west.html"];
    _3 -> _4 [style="dotted", weight=1];
    _5 [label="5. Use West Europe region instead of UK West region"; URL="0005-use-west-europe-region-instead-of-uk-west-region.html"];
    _4 -> _5 [style="dotted", weight=1];
  _3 -> _2 [label="Supercedes", weight=0]
  _3 -> _5 [label="Influences", weight=0]
  _4 -> _3 [label="Dependency", weight=0]
  _5 -> _4 [label="Partially obsoletes", weight=0]
  _5 -> _3 [label="Dependency", weight=0]

To make the graphviz part work, you’ll need to install graphviz, which is just an apt get away.

Any caveats?

adr-tools is not actively maintained. I’ve contacted the author, about seeing if I can help out with the maintenance, but… we’ll see, and given some fairly high profile malware takeovers of projects like this sort of thing on Github, Docker, NPM, and more… I can see why there might be some reluctance to consider it! Also, I’m an unknown entity, I’ve just dropped in on the project and offered to help, with no previous exposure to the lead dev or the project… so, we’ll see. Worst case, I’ll fork it!

Working with this also requires an understanding of markdown files, and why these might be a useful document format for records like this. There was a PR submitted to support multiple file formats (like asciidoc and rst) but these were not approved by the author.

There is no current intention to support languages other than English. The tool is hard-coded to look for strings like “status” and “superceded” which is hard. Part of the reason I raised the PRs I did was to let me fix some of these sorts of issues. Again, we’ll see what happens.

Lastly, it can be overwhelming to see a lot of documents in one place, particularly if they’re as granular as the documents I produced in this demo. If the project supported categories, or could be broken down into components (like doc/adr/networking and doc/adr/server_builds and doc/adr/applications) then this might help, but it’s not on the roadmap right now!

Late edit 2021-01-25: If you don’t think these templates have enough context or content, there are lots of others listed on Joel Parker Henderson’s repo of examples and templates. If you want a python based viewer of ADR records, take a look at adr-viewer.

Featured image is “Blueprints” by “Cameron Degelia” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY license.

"map" by "Jason Grote" on Flickr

Documenting my Career Path

For something internal at work, I decided to sketch out how I got to doing the job I do today. And, because there’s nothing hugely secretive in that document (or, at least, nothing you wouldn’t already find out on something like Linked In), I figured I’d also put this on my blog… and I think it might be interesting if you’ve written something similar, if you’d share your document too.

I intend to make that a “Living Document” (like I do with my “What am I doing now” and my “What do I use” pages) that I update every time I think about it, and think they need a tweak. So, as a result, I’ve put them over on my “Career Path” page, which is not a traditional “blog post” and is in my sidebar.

Featured image is “map” by “Jason Grote” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.