I recently was in the situation where I had two github profiles (one work, one personal) that I needed to incorporate in projects.
My work account on this device is my “default”, I use it to push, pull and so on, but the occasional personal activities (like terminate-notice) all should be attributed to my personal account.
To make this happen, I used direnv which reads a .envrc
file in the parents of the directory you’re currently in. I created a directory for my personal projects – ~/Code/Personal
and placed a .envrc file which contains:
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=jon@sprig.gs
export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=jon@sprig.gs
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/personal.id_ed25519"
This means that I have a specific SSH key just for my personal activities (~/.ssh/personal.id_ed25519
) and I’ve got my email address defined as two environment variables – AUTHOR (who wrote the code) and COMMITTER (who added it to the tree) – both are required when you’re changing them like this!
Because I don’t ever want it to try to use my SSH Agent, I’ve added the fact that SSH_AUTH_SOCK should be empty.
As an aside, work also require Commit Signing, but I don’t want to use that for my personal projects right now, so I also discovered a new feature as-of 2020 – the environment variables GIT_CONFIG_KEY_x, GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_x and GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=x
By using these, you can override any system, global and repo-level configuration values, like this:
export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0=commit.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=false
export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1=push.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1=false
export GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2=tag.gpgSign
export GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2=false
This ensures that I *will not* GPG Sign commits, tags or pushes.
If I accidentally cloned a repo into an unusual location, or on purpose need to make a directory or submodule a personal repo, I just copy the .envrc file into that part of the tree, run direnv allow
and hey-presto! I’ve turned that area into a personal repo, without having to remember the .gitconfig
string to mark a new part of my tree as a personal one.
The direnv and SSH part was largely inspired by : Handle multiple github accounts while the GIT_CONFIG_* bit was found via this StackOverflow answer.
Featured image is “Mirrored Lotus” by “Faye Mozingo” on Flickr and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.